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Posts posted by kipper

  1. 7 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    I think they're just attracted to the rebel aspects of all of that...rockabilly, Chola, drifting, etc. You just have to bear in mind they are the most passive aggressive monsters on the planet! The men, well they have more obsessions than I can count.  

    I guess I have always thought of Japanese women as quiet and subservient, owing to the ones I knew who were the wives of GIs and sailors here in the USA.

    I never thought of Cholas/Chicano gang culture as rebels. A different word than that usually applies.



  2. 11 minutes ago, luvlz2 said:

    About 3 years ago or something I was checking out at the self-checkout at my local grocery store and somebody had left $60 there. i turned it in of course.


    You did the right thing. But I always wonder if the store clerks don't just take the money after we leave. 

    I once found a couple hundred dollars in a small snap style leather purse with no ID, so I told the manger of the store I found some money but didn't say how much and didn't mention the type of purse, and if someone came back to give them my phone number. When a little old lady called me and described the purse and how much money, I was very glad I was able to make sure she got it back.


  3. 13 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    The firework merely started the fires, the cause is CA's draconian environmental laws. That's all I'll say here. Those interested in this aspect of the catastrophe can google it.

    100% correct Steve.  Decades of mismanagement by tree hugging politicians, and then another more recent decade of forcing power companies from maintaining their current infrastructure and transmission lines, and forcing them to move too quickly toward "renewables" which have proven unreliable at best while neglecting the other needed maintenance.

    5th largest economy in the world (California) should have the BEST power grid in the USA, and be able to figure out this stuff long before allowing half the state to go up in flames.

  4. 4 hours ago, redrum said:


    We have a local AM station here, KGRG that plays a lot of grunge. The problem is, there's only so many grunge bands out there and they constantly play Sound Garden. And then they'll throw in some U2????????

    Uhhhhhh....College music!------Butthead

    I hate U2 and always have.  I mean I really HATE that group of virtue signalling Hollywood  buttlicking assclown pusswallows.

    "The Edge" what the fuck kind of douchebag name is that?  And Bono---- who the fuck does he think he is Elvis with his one name name shit?

    I hear even a small bit of a U2 song I need to clear my head by putting in a Dropkick Murphys CD


  5. 57 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:


    It's just the aesthetic and the style without the negative aspects we're all too familiar with. Of course, there's always a few who do take it further.

    ...and now for something RETRO...


    Japanese women are HOT!!!!  

    I remember when I was a kid there were several ex Navy guys in my Dad's circle who got Japanese wives after WW2-- or during the Korean war when the sailors were stationed in Japan.  All very quiet submissive women and all very attractive--- no dogs in the bunch.  Then after that when these American men and their Japanese wives had kids--- oh lordy the daughters even hotter than the moms.  Taller lighter haired versions of the Japanese moms, but with slight Japanese features.  BABES all of them!

    Don't know why those Japanese gals  over in Japan want to get into the Chola culture thing? Japanese culture is FAR superior to that gang style crap. I get the rock-a-billy and '50s stuff. But playing hoodrat... nah, don't see the upside to that.  No Japanese gal I ever knew would marry a hoodrat in real life anyway.  Other than a few white guys from good families who are a raised well and who have manners, I never knew any Japanese parents who would let their daughters even date a hoodrat here in California. 

    So are Japanese men still obsessed with "half" Japanese women?


  6. 3 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

    Some crazy stuff there Kipper, I bet you no one asks the Angels where they’re from.

    I saw saw some Pagans pass through Newark too, that’s taking a risk as Pagans MC are rivals of the Angels.


    They closed the WOW! Thread by the way.

    Yeah, I saw that thread thing. Best we don't comment on it in this thread  so as not to get any squabbles here.

    Yeah, getting caught between rivals gangs or 1% M.C.s is not a good spot to be in. Out here the Angles and the Mongols have had some exchanges with their ongoing war that has had incidents from SF, Reno, and here in SoCal. When it gets to throwing shots on freeways---not good.  But I have to be honest, I know the Angels play for keeps, and I know that when they go after someone they are very brutal. But from my view if you don't mess with them they won't fuck with you.  Dumbest things I've seen people do---especially your weekend warrior motorcycle club types from the suburbs--- are when they start approaching 1%'rs and saying dumb stuff.  Like asking to pose for a photo with them next to their bikes and shit like that.  Want to compliment them on their ride--- sure be cool about it.  But if they are with their people, best to just acknowledge their presence respectfully without gawking at them and then keep your distance. I've experienced the same with the Mexican gangs--- especially the older "veteranos".  Play it cool and you won't have a problem.

    Best way to act around gangs is just imagine you are in the prison yard with them and have a clue about "the rules".  You just don't roll up on someone in their turf without it clear what your intentions are. Accidentally bump into some gang member or his girlfriend...say "sorry, my bad".  Any perceived disrespect left unresolved can turn deadly---and fast.

    A reason why they call "vida loca" (crazy life)--- it can be crazy.

  7. 5 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

    The Hells Angels have a clubhouse here in Newark, in the worst part of Newark, I bet you none of the brothers mess with them, not even the Bloods, Crips or Latin Kings.

    I always find it fascinating how Bloods, Crips, and 18th Street --- all gangs from Southern California have been able to migrate to cities across the country.  But it doesn't seem to go the same way form the East. Not sure, but I have never heard of any Latin King sets here in SoCal, but I may be wrong.

    Back in my day Black gangs all across the Los Angeles basin were divided mainly into two gangs (Bloods and Crips)---and they were in many communities. But the Mexican gangs are many, and some go back 60 - 70 years.  18th Street, White Fence, Avenues, Frog Town, Toonerville, Lomas, Florencia, Clanton 14--- you had to know where their territories started and ended, you could never assume you were not in a gang territory--- or even worse find yourself at the wrong time of night in a disputed territory between two rival gangs. You got really good at knowing how to read "the signs" which are mostly the graffiti (tags) marking the various areas.


    Clanton 14 (Clanton Street) gang circa 1940s


    Knowing what the graffiti means is all about knowing where you are and WHO is watching you.  If you are white it isn't necessarily as big of a risk if you just appear to be passing through alone from point A to point B.  Have 3 or 4 other white guys with you in your car and someone may ask you what you are doing in a place. But for Mexican guys who may or may not be gang affiliated and they are somewhere that they aren't recognized, the standard challenge will be, "where are you from?"  So if they aren't gang affiliated they MUST say, "I'm from nowhere".  But if they are affiliated they are expected to own up and that may mean flashing a gang sign.  Often "where are you from?" is followed immediately by gunfire. The lesson there is people who look like they might be gang affiliated had better know where they are BEFORE they go there.

    Some gangs have been known to kill their own prospects when asked where they are from and they say from "nowhere" and then they are shot anyway.  For many getting out of a gang is very difficult. They and their entire family basically have to move to another area, but even that may not help them---- their tattoos may still give them away.




  8. 6 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Oh, I know! By age 25 their asses look like Ford El Caminos, coincidentally the car where many of their children are conceived. My barber nowadays is a 20 something Japanese gal who is a wanna be home girl. She wears Bow Down clothing with loose fitting denim overall and big black boots. She is sexy AF! 



    Japan is a crazy place--- WOW!   Seems like a very ordered culture, but then seemingly "for fun" the young people are into many various imported subcultures that appear to be just for fashion/style.  Big into rock-a-billy, 50's hot rod culture, 70s mods--- and now Chicano/Cholo---- what next?

    I've always thought Japanese girls to be cute... even the ones that are kind of homely are "cute". 

    So do they just wear the chola make up and clothes, or do they talk and act like Cholas too. Or as I might expect just don the style and still have that cute, polite, and submissive Japanese girl thing?

    Oh and BTW Steve, you have been in Japan so long that you forgot who made El Camino's LOL--  Chevrolet! Or as they say in East L.A. "Cheby".  But I'm sure plenty were conceived in Ford Rancheros too!   

  9. On 9/10/2020 at 3:48 PM, Walter said:

    Season starts tonight. I know there’s no pool, but we’re picking regardless. 


    Good idea Walter. I'm sure that with you, your wife, your son, and the cat---- one of you will have a good chance of winning this season.🤣

    Just kidding of course.  All in fun!


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