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Posts posted by kipper

  1. 12 hours ago, redrum said:

    Marvin as bad as ever. I see the old Lone Pine location.

    YES!  Shot near Lone Pine California in the "Alabama Hills".  If you are ever that way you have to check out the film museum in Lone Pine. Strider has been there several times too, great little museum. 

    Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, Owens River (Hot Creek)  are all iconic filming locations which made a western seem so much more dramatic with the interesting views and backgrounds.  A favorite of mine filmed in the Owens Valley was "Nevada Smith" with the king of cool Steve McQueen.





  2. 12 hours ago, redrum said:

    My old Nikon FTN. I loved that camera. I have a later model still.

    NIKON FTN.jpg

    I have one of my Dad's old cameras.  A German made Kodak Retina IIIC that he bought in Europe in the late '50s like this one.




  3. 12 hours ago, redrum said:

    Great pics, Kip. Here are some more from the old neighborhood in SF. 27th by Church St. 1972. Both bikes under construction. Sal and Vetto were the bike builders. Both bikes were Knuckleheads. Not sure what year or how many cubes. The pit bull was also named 'Knuckle.' He was a good dog and not vicious. Here is a stock Knucklehead. All my pics were taken with Tr--X black & white film. Me and two friends had a tiny darkroom then, but it worked.

    1947 Harley-Davidson Knucklehead | Bike-urious

    SAL & VETTO'S BIKES-1.jpg

    SAL & VETTO'S BIKES-2.jpg

    SAL'S BIKE-1.jpg

    SAL'S BIKE-2.jpg


    You have some great pics Red!  Those two choppers look like real kidney bruisers LOL!

    Wish I had followed in my father's footsteps and taken more 35mm film photos in my youth. Most of my photo albums are full of crappy Kodak Instamatic 126 or 110 junk.  When I look through all of the old Kodachrome slide photos my father, uncles, and grandfather took back in the '50s and '60s, now I wish I had done the same.  And nothing beats B&W with a 35mm camera with a 50mm lens.  My dad used to say, "zoom with your feet". Today everyone feels they need 10 lenses. They miss more street shots just dicking around with their rigs.

  4. 14 hours ago, redrum said:

    That's the model Mercedes I have. 1966 'Fintail' diesel. Mine is pretty beat up, but it runs.

    Love all the surfer girls. 😎




    Nice car Red.... but does  your come with a blonde hood ornament like that one?

  5. 5 hours ago, redrum said:

    Gail Russell

    But she of course had a sad and tragic early death---- basically drank herself to death.

    Fucking alcohol.

    First film I saw Gail Russell in was "Seven Men from Now" (1956) with Randolph Scott and Lee Marvin (produced by John Wayne).  At the time I thought--- wow what an attractive 40ish woman they got to play the role meant for a younger woman.  Not saying Gail Russell looked old, but there was certainly some "age" in her face. Turned out she was only in her early 30s.  Clearly alcohol was taking its toll on her then. She was dead at age 36 just five years later. Such a shame.



  6. 6 minutes ago, redrum said:

    A black chick walked out of the local McDonald's today mumbling about racism and no one said a word to that bitch. There were 3 of us waiting for our orders. This McDonald's employs all races. Typical BLM tactic to start trouble. I know for a fact that this town will not tolerate any of their bullshit.

    Saw a bumper sticker the other day that said "silence is violence".  All I could think was that person has never been in a violent situation.  In my book silence is GOLDEN. I love silence and peacefulness.

    So my pet peeve, the thing that rubs me the wrong way, are stooopid bumper stickers.


  7. 19 hours ago, redrum said:

    Dang! Sorry about that. :(


    Speaking of "haunting eyes", besides Clara Bow my favorite "eyes" were Gail Russell's eyes. But she of course had a sad and tragic early death---- basically drank herself to death.

    She had the BEST kind of hair too. Thick, dark, and full hair....and then those piercing  blue eyes.  What a knock out!




  8. On 9/8/2020 at 1:10 PM, Strider said:

    That one is next up in my queue…along with "The Wicked Dreams of Paula Schultz".


    I think you'll like the film  just for the locations and the mid century modern styles.

    Last year Once Upon a Time in Hollywood got me thinking back to how SoCal used to be back in the day. I'm glad Tarrantino was able to capture at least one last homage to what used to be here. But there are so many films shot in Hollywood and Los Angeles saved on celluloid to go back and look at again---with so much of the architecture and style we once took for granted until everything got turned into one giant fucking strip mall selling some type of consumerist made in China crap or fast food.  I remember when a McDonalds or a Taco Bell wasn't every mile down the blvd. You might actually have to drive a few cities over to find a McDonalds.  And Starbuck WHAT THE FUCK!   Do we need a fucking Starbucks every 100 fucking yards?

    One of my favorite period films shot in Los Angeles and set in the '50s is "L.A. Confidential". Great film noir story, great location shots.  Got to watch it again tonight.







  9. 6 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

    Hey essay.

    You forgot to add "vato".  And BTW it's "ese".

    "Check out this ese vato in the chopped chort ranfla homes!"

    White boy translation:  "Check out this dude driving the chopped and lowered lowrider, bro!"

    Or they might say, "Orale ese vato!"  Translated: "right on man!"  Or "Orale carnal"  meaning "right on brother!"





  10. 5 hours ago, RainbowElf said:

    @kipper they were more natural and beautiful. Like your avatar, Star Trek!


    Yes!  Trelane, one of the greatest Star Trek villains ever.

    One thing is for sure, young people were much more physically fit and thinner than today.  Not that there weren't some heavy kids then too, but they were by far the exception. Way more physical activity back then, people outside more, and here in Southern California meant out in the sun getting a tan.  We are all "golden gods and goddesses" here.














  11. 8 hours ago, redrum said:

    Old Winterland in SF. Post & Steiner Sts. Pretty rough neighborhood and not far from the Fillmore. Demolished in mid 80's.


    Two Los Angeles early punk rock venues.  Hong Kong Cafe and Madame Wong's.




  12. On 8/3/2020 at 9:07 PM, PeaceFrogYum said:

    One of my favorite movies [The Blues Brothers] King. Start to finish, the movie is golden.

    Great film with an interesting history. 

    After the huge success of "Animal House" with John Belushi, Dan Akroyd wanted to make a film about two brothers who were blues players. Akroyd was always a fan of Chicago electric blues so he sets out to do a film but really doesn't have any idea how to write a screenplay.  Meanwhile Universal Pictures and Paramount Pictures get into a bidding war to get rights to the film Akroyd is pitching; Universal wins, and they expect the film can be make for maybe 10-12 million dollars.... LOL. John Landis (the director) was able to come in and take Akroyd's notes and character descriptions (not really a traditional screenplay) and render it down to a very well structured screenplay, with lots of comedy around the string of great musical performances.

    Film ends up costing nearly 30 million to make, not just due to all the cars being destroyed, but they really went after and got the best musical talent they could find to do this film. The film ended up grossing about 100 million in sales, a larger amount internationally than most Hollywood films in fact.

    Interesting fact:  The owner of the large Mann's theater chain passed on having the film play in many White neighborhoods--- especially in Los Angeles. He claimed that no White  audiences would ever be interested in seeing older Black musicians and singers in a film.  How wrong can some of these asshole business people be???? LOL.  Blues Brothers captured on film some of the GREATEST Black Blues and Soul artists still living at the time. The film was single handy responsible for turning on an entire new generation to Chicago Electric Blues.


  13. On 9/7/2020 at 1:04 AM, redrum said:

    Carlin would have a ball with this bit of culture. joeybtoonz is the new Carlin.


    Sick fucks.

    Who the hell is going to see a butthole tattoo other than a proctologist? Are butthole tattoos some new prison thing, bunch of cons in the can showing off their "prison purses" to each other?

  14. On 9/7/2020 at 6:08 AM, JTM said:

    I've heard it all now, California is on fire again, this time caused by a firework from a  "Baby Gender Reveal" party, unfunkinbelievable, I know the world is mad but this. Seven thousand acres destroyed and three thousand people evacuated, Whoever lit the fuse should be made to pay for the damage/inconvenience.

    Yep, really stupid.

    The area that is burning there in the Foothills of San Bernardino County is already very dry from drought. The state and county has numerous "red flag" warnings in California telling people the obvious stuff like no campfires, open flames, fireworks of any kind.  

    So, this family group of mental defectives goes to a county park to have their "gender reveal party". For one thing the temperatures were already well over 100 degrees that day, and gong to be like a110-112 by noon.  But these retards go early to beat the heat to have their party, and like most retards they don't give a damn about all of the posted warning about the fire dangers and blast off their "gender reveal" cannon/pyrotechnics right near a bunch of dry grass and it immediately starts a raging fire.

    MILLIONS of dollars in fire crew response efforts. Thousands of acres burned (and still burning). Thousands of people having to evacuate their homes, their animals (lots of horses in this rural area) .... and all because some asshole just had to go ahead with their pre planned party.

    Who GIVES A FUCK what someone's damn kid's gender is going to be anyway?  When did this shit become a thing to have a gender reveal?  Sounds just like another excuse to pander for gifts. Like all the fucking baby showers and other shit isn't already enough?

    Assholes!  We have too many of them in California.


  15. 10 hours ago, Strider said:

    Phyllis Diller is still the best thing about these two movies.


    Sweden sure looked an awful lot like California in this movie...particularly Lake Arrowhead, hehe.



    Have you ever watched "Bachelor in Paradise" with Bob Hope, Lana Turner, Paula Prentiss, and Tim Hutton?  I watched it last night on TCM (had it on my DVR).  Greatest thing about this film are the location shots in the San Fernando Valley back in 1961. Woodland Hills, Panorama City, and other brand spanking new suburbs back in the day.  A real throwback in time.







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