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Posts posted by kipper

  1. Replaced the fill valve seal (Fluidmaster brand) in the toilet because it was squealing like redhead groupie at Led Zep after party.

    Changed the thermostat on the freezer ice maker because the ice cubes were not freezing solid before cycling... and everyone knows an ice-maker is the greatest invention since  fire.

    And still need see what the hell that funny noise is coming from the refrigeration... probably the condenser fan is going out. Maybe it just needs to be cleaned, but sound like bearings are shot.

    I like to keep my old appliances and will take the time to repair them, because all the new shit made in China is fucking crap.  And yes, I look for NOS (new old stock) replacement parts in the innerwebs that were made anywhere but fucking China. Fuck China!  Fuck them to fucking hell---those fuckers!

  2. Anyone remember these?

    I used to carry them with me to use in retaliation against annoying cigarette smokers who wouldn't mind their smoke at restaurants back when people could still smoke inside restaurants. If I asked someone to "please mind where their cigarette smoking was going" and if they were assholes about it, then I would light one of these awful things up and return the favor. 

    These things smelled like a wet dog and a dead cat rolled up into a cigar.


  3. 8 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    "Immigrant Song" was actually used TWICE in that movie - a short version played at the beginning when Thor was fighting the demon that wanted to start Ragnarok.  A version of "Immigrant Song" was actually also in "Shrek 3" believe it or not!  Jimmy must have decided those royalties are worth it cuz I've heard Zep songs in a LOT of movies sine "Fast Times"!  

    I believe at about the time they decided to put a Zep song in a Cadillac commercial, they were no longer as concerned about the song legacies as much as good old $$$.

  4. 8 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:


    Found it...pretty funny!


    Never saw this before, pretty funny. I like the way it starts out paying homage to some lame Disney film, and then make fun of the Disney film.


  5. 9 hours ago, Stryder1978 said:

    I hate all the comic book movies, but I watched this scene FOUR TIMES over the weekend on TBS:


    Pretty cool!  Was Immigrant Song (the Zeppelin track) actually in the film?  I remember when they wouldn't allow their songs in films; I think Fast Times At Ridgemont High was one of the first---- but they liked Cameron Crowe and his wife.

    You know I was recently told that "The Immigrant Song" was "insensitive/not PC". Never heard that before. I always just thought it a great song about 'my people'.... 😁

  6. 17 hours ago, redrum said:

    Winterland was the biggest and the Fillmore was only a couple blocks away. Actually, I liked the Avalon Ballroom (Family Dog) the best. The Carousel was OK on Market St. and the Family Dog later opened the old skating rink in SF right at the beach. I saw Eric Burdon & War there. It was pretty small.

    Jerry's Brokendown Palaces: Family Dog On The Great Highway, 660 ...

    I had only been to the Cow Palace once, and that was for some stupid dog show my sister was competing in. I  also visited Kezar stadium once, but I went to Kezar just searching out filming locations from the Dirty Harry movie. I also went to the City Hall, Mt Davidson Cross, the bluff overlooking Fort Point, and then to the train trellis Clint Eastwood jumped off onto the bus.   I'm a big fan of that movie obviously.

    Isn't amazing how California is like two separate states. Talking SoCal vs NoCal.  SF is so different than Los Angeles, and people in this state could basically live their whole lives not experiencing one or the other.  I would say the rock music scene was probably more limited in SF as compared to LA / Hollywood, but just my perspective. I think the reason LA was bigger was because more of the music studios and record labels where down here.  What do you think Red?  Was the scene on Haight street bigger than the scene in Laurel Canyon?  Ironically many of the same people were at times at both places.

  7. 2 hours ago, redrum said:

    Saw them once at Winterland.


    Which did you like better, The Winterland, the Cow Palace,  or the Fillmore?

    Here in SoCal a lot of great venues are now gone. Some of my favorites which are now gone were:

    Perkin's Palace in Pasadena

    The Golden Bear in Huntington Beach

    The Universal Amphitheater (before they put the roof on it)

    The Los Angeles Sports Arena.


    The Forum is still here and made a comeback of sorts under ownership by MSG.  Waaaaay better than the Staples center.

    The Long Beach arena I still like.

    We still have plenty of smaller clubs like The Troubadour, The Whiskey, and The Roxy. And of course we still have The Hollywood Bowl and my outdoor favorite The Greek Theater.



  8. 6 hours ago, hummingbird69 said:

    Tik ToK is a phone app owned by china that allows you make your own video and post on the platform.  It's being banned around the world right now because china can access all your information without the user knowing it.

    Those pesky Chinese!  Darn them!  Everyday I get a phone call  with a recorded message in Chinese. I wonder what they want from me?

  9. Easy homemade picante (HOT)

    10 dry Chile de árbol pods

    2 garlic buds

    1/4 brown onion

    2 cans of diced tomatoes

    2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar

    1 tablespoon of salt

    1 tablespoon of sugar


    Roast dry chilies for a few minutes in skillet to get oils moving inside the dry pods and then add to a small saucepan of boiling water with onion and garlic buds.

    Let boil for 5 minutes until all are soft then put in blender with canned diced tomatoes and other ingredients and blend on high until the picante is smooth and thin.

    If you like hot picante sauce on tacos or eggs in the morning, this is really easy to make. Not quite as hot as habenero picante, but much hotter than jalapeno picante.



  10. 2 minutes ago, redrum said:

    Don't want to derail the thread, but this one also by Hoskyns looks interesting.

    Arthur Lee: Alone Again or - Hoskyns, Barney

    Arthur Lee and the band he fronted, Love, are widely acknowledged as one of the finest and most influential groups of the late 1960s, their psychedelic-folk masterpiece, Forever Changes, regularly appearing high in polls of the greatest albums of all time.


    Cool video


    They were an early 'punk" influence.



  11. 9 hours ago, JTM said:

    I love the Tommy album, played it yesterday and the day before (LP's) Today I might play the Blu-ray or the SACD for the surround mix (both different mixes), maybe I'll play both. TAAB could do with a listen too, it's been a few months....

    My wake up alarm device is programmed to play Sparks every morning.  LOVE that song!

    Our "generation" may not have been the greatest generation, but we had the best of all worlds of music.

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