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Posts posted by kipper

  1. On 8/21/2020 at 4:52 PM, redrum said:

    Driving today I was behind a car and we were waiting to make a left  turn. Light turns green and see an old guy crossing right where we were turning and the idiot in front of me didn't even see him and he literally had to run to avoid being hit. The driver never missed a beat. I pull up to the driver to give them an earful and wouldn't you know it, it was about a 90 year old woman. Motherfucker.

    Scary stuff.

    My problem with modern cars are the extra wide posts that hold the airbags, and the confounded placement of the rear view mirror. There are so many more fucking blind spots right out the front window and in the peripheral view today. I was making a left turn and didn't even see the person in the crosswalk to my left because the fucking car window pillar had them completely blocked from my view.  The person looked at me like I was crazy, which for a moment I thought I was too. Wasn't distracted,  totally blocked.

    And the rear view mirrors are right in front of my face. I'm pretty tall, but I assume the rear view mirrors in Japanese cars are placed so that people under 5 foot 2 can see under them.

  2. I'll take California wild fires and earthquakes any day over hurricanes and tornadoes.

    Worst thing that happens in California is when it rains people have to look all over for where they last put their umbrella.


  3. I hate it when a commercial comes on the TV and it is in Spanish.  I think like WTF???????   The show I was watching is in English, I only speak English. there aren't any Spanish speaking people in my living room.  But suddenly, between the 2nd act and the finally of the TV show like I give a damn about some product being advertised in Spanish.

    Who makes a decision like that to broadcast that shit?  If anyone was watching the TV show in English, then clearly the fucking commercial selling dish soap, or lady part napkins could be in English too.

  4. On 8/5/2020 at 12:40 AM, redrum said:

    Been to the Cow Palace many times, including motorcycle swap meets. Saw AC/DC there. (For Those About To Rock) A rodeo and roller derby too. I remember seeing on the news when Evel Knievel was there and busted a few Hells Angels heads.


    My high school was right across the street from Kezar. Went there as a kid to a couple 49er games in the 50's. We would scramble after the game to return the seat cushions and get 5 cents for each one we turned in. You were lucky to get 2. I took ROTC in high school over gym class as they made you run around Kezar 3 times in gym class. Fuck that. I loved marching with the M-1  Garand, doing the manual of arms and learning my general orders. That was in 1965. 3 years later I took my draft physical and they didn't want me. It was the drugs, ya know. Wish I'd never touched that rotten shit. Yeah, the Dirty Harry scene at Kezar was just so classic, especially the pull away shot with the helicopter where you could see the fog rolling in. Fort Point was a fave hangout as I liked to fish there. It was an oasis from the city. I never went up to the Mt. Davidson cross. I'm surprised they haven't toppled it too. Haight St. was very cool for a couple years until speed took over and crime went up. I really didn't know much about the L.A. scene, but met some people who came up from Lynnwood?? and they were definitely different. I always rode the bus to the concerts. One more place that became a venue was the Straight Theater, formerly The Haight. Went there many times as a kid to see horror movies. The company I worked for demolished it.

    Straight Theater demolished - FoundSF

    Every time I hear the song 'Celebration Day' I think of hippie hill. Not that I was ever there then.... just the photos.

    I remember reading a story about Ft Point (the actual Fort) being a place were satanists used to go to do rituals. Not sure if true, but you know SF.... anything goes.

    Wish they still made films like Dirty Harry (the first one).  Some great films were done in SF in that era. Dirty Harry, Bullet, Point Blank, Once a Thief. Not sure if you could do a film there like those again with all the homeless and poop everywhere.

    I remember seeing an interview with one of the Manson girls (not one who was ever charged with murder), and according to her Charlie wanted to leave SF because it was too messed up with too many problems.  Imagine the irony in that?

    Did you hear about the Haight-Ashbury free clininic closing after 50+ years?  That was where Charles Manson's parole officer worked out of. Someone recently wrote a book saying that the government was doing experiments with LSD and mind control and using the clinic (back in the  '60s) as a place to find subjects to experiment on. Some big CIA thing about trying to see if LSD could be used to alter people's memories, especially soldiers, and use them as operatives. The U.S. Russia, and China were big into that during the Korean war and after.  So some guy writes a book about the CIA Mason connection and suddenly they close that clinic.  Coincidence?  Who knows?






  5. 18 hours ago, redrum said:

    Been to the Cow Palace many times, including motorcycle swap meets. Saw AC/DC there. (For Those About To Rock) A rodeo and roller derby too. I remember seeing on the news when Evel Knievel was there and busted a few Hells Angels heads.


    My high school was right across the street from Kezar. Went there as a kid to a couple 49er games in the 50's. We would scramble after the game to return the seat cushions and get 5 cents for each one we turned in. You were lucky to get 2. I took ROTC in high school over gym class as they made you run around Kezar 3 times in gym class. Fuck that. I loved marching with the M-1  Garand, doing the manual of arms and learning my general orders. That was in 1965. 3 years later I took my draft physical and they didn't want me. It was the drugs, ya know. Wish I'd never touched that rotten shit. Yeah, the Dirty Harry scene at Kezar was just so classic, especially the pull away shot with the helicopter where you could see the fog rolling in. Fort Point was a fave hangout as I liked to fish there. It was an oasis from the city. I never went up to the Mt. Davidson cross. I'm surprised they haven't toppled it too. Haight St. was very cool for a couple years until speed took over and crime went up. I really didn't know much about the L.A. scene, but met some people who came up from Lynnwood?? and they were definitely different. I always rode the bus to the concerts. One more place that became a venue was the Straight Theater, formerly The Haight. Went there many times as a kid to see horror movies. The company I worked for demolished it.

    Straight Theater demolished - FoundSF

    Very cool info Red!  

    1965 puts you there before the so called "summer of love"... or about the time old Charlie Manson was paroled and came to SF.  LOL!  Why couldn't you guys keep him up there, he caused a lot of problem down here in my area.

    The Mount Davidson cross (originally I believe to memorialize soldiers killed in WW1) was transferred from public property to an Armenian group who changed it to a comemartion of the Armenian genocide in Turkey.  I know plenty of Armenians, and last thing some "peaceful protestors" would want to do is assault their property and get into a fight with some angry Armenians ... especially the grandmothers.

    Last time I was on Haight Street the biggest attraction was a Ben & Jerry's---- so a far cry from what the place used to be I suppose.  Lots of head shops and tie dyed t shirt stores with French and German tourists taking a lot of photos.   I guess everything changes.

  6. 1 hour ago, hummingbird69 said:

    Not the israelis.



     Interior Minister Mohammed Fahmi told a local TV station that it appeared the blast was caused by the detonation of more than 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate that had been stored in a warehouse at the dock ever since it was confiscated from a cargo ship in 2014. Witnesses reported seeing an orange cloud like that which appears when toxic nitrogen dioxide gas is released after an explosion involving nitrates.

    Videos showed what appeared to be a fire erupting nearby just before, and local TV stations reported that a fireworks warehouse was involved. The fire appeared to spread to a nearby building, triggering the more massive explosion, sending up a mushroom cloud and generating a shock wave.

    Wow, that is a lot of ammonium nitrate... basically fertilizer but can be used to make explosives.  Kind of what was used by the Oklahoma City bomber.

    Either somebody screwed up... or maybe something else?

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