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Posts posted by kipper

  1. 2 minutes ago, redrum said:

    I'm sure that Penn was a bit nervous dealing with them. I sure as hell would have been. I have a book by Eric Burdon and he talks about when Janis Joplin took him into the Fillmore auditorium he saw all this 'red paint' on the floor. Come to find it was some poor bastard beaten by the Angels and they dragged him bleeding across the floor. I never saw anything like that at the Fillmore, Avalon Ballroom. Winterland, etc. Only in the park when the free concerts were held. The Angels seemed to always beat someone eventually.

    I knew the Angels could be tough, I never had occasion to be around any. We saw them, gave them a wide berth and due respect, and no problem. Bunch of suburban white kids, biggest threat to us were the local cholo gangs.

    Had a friend in high school who's older brother was infatuated with the Hells Angels and was into motorcycles. At some point he was loosely connected with the local Angles club but only as a "hang around"--- basically running errands for beer and drugs, and probably never even a prospect consideration. Then this kid gets into a beef with some full patched guy in another M.C. (not sure which one) and my friend's brother claims to be an Angel's "prospect"--- so the other guy gave him a pass, but took his wallet and ID. Then he contacted someone he knew in the local Angel's club (because not all of these clubs are enemies anyway) and asked about him and told them he claimed to be a "prospect" of theirs and if the Angel's had any stake on him?

    Well.... that didn't go well. My friends older brother got beat down HARD by the Angels.... like worse than Rodney King hard. So bad he was in the hospital for a week and to this day he has a crooked eye.  Lessons learned I guess---- those Angel's "play for keeps" so best to steer clear of them.  They have rules, and claiming to something you are not, or wearing a patch or color you should not---- they will punish people for that.

  2. 1 minute ago, redrum said:

    I had a Tex-Mex girlfriend and I know there were times when she was embarassed to be with me, especially around other Mexicans.

    I've had at least two myself. Great cooks.  I think for me the problem was I'm not Catholic or their moms would have felt different.

    Had the same thing with a Jewish gal once. Her mom loved me, but was not marrying material. I guess I was just "wild oats" LOL


  3. 14 minutes ago, redrum said:

    Barger rode a Sporty and I never felt bad when others would call the Sportster a 'girls bike.' My '77 Shovel was AMF, so there ya' go.

    This is my brother's stepdaughter on my Sporty when I first got it. It needed a shitload of work, but turned into the best of the 3 bikes I've owned.

    GINA ON SPORTY.jpgha

    Nice one!

    So what was the deal with AMF --- or was it just negative hype?  My Dad loved his Triumph, but like all things English it would leak oil too.  I know some HDs leaked oil up top like crazy.


  4. 4 minutes ago, SteveAJones said:

    None of them are really my type, but I'd give the two on the left a shot at rubbing me the wrong (or right) way. 😄

    Got to get those Chola gals when they are young Steve. By age 23 they have already squirted out 2-3 puppies and are well on their way to be  5 feet tall by 5 feet wide in proportion.  I can tell you from experience they like White boys (wetos), but know better than to be caught with one.

    Happy hunting!




  5. 1 minute ago, redrum said:

    My brother used to make great potato salad. Never could figure out how he did it, I just ate it. My other brother made killer pancakes and corn bread.

    Potato salad is all about the correct textures and having everything in the right proportions. You never want big huge chunks or celery or onions, and the potatoes you don't want to overcook, not mushy, or not too firm. After all is mixed together you want all of the ingredients to come together very subtly.

    I like to use red rose potatoes cubed with the skins left on. After that hard chopped boiled eggs,  minced celery, fine chopped white onions, minced green onions (tops only), chopped black olives,  fine chopped Clausen dill pickles, Hellman's mayo, Coleman's dry mustard, fresh ground pepper, kosher salt, and Hungarian paprika (just dusted on top).

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