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Posts posted by kipper

  1. On 9/7/2020 at 1:13 AM, redrum said:

    I call them 'Clone Boys.' 😄

    We have lots of names for the subculture here.  In my father's day they were called "Pachukos" they wore Zoot suits but mostly stayed on the East side of the L.A. river in a area of Los Angeles called "Boyle Heights"--- (classic East L.A.).

    When I was in high school they were just called "cholos". They wore khaki slacks with perfect creases, Hush puppy loafers, Pendelton shirts with collars buttoned to the top, but the lower buttons open revealing their  "wife beater" style white t-shirts underneath.  None of them wore baseball caps like today, they wore either bandannas or hairnets, and all drove low riders (usually Chevy Impalas but Buick Rivieras if they had more money)--- all with those tiny "chain link" steering wheels and the 'organ pipe' speakers on the rear window deck.   Everything looked right out of Cheech and Chong movie. And they all had  gang names like Popeye, Casper, Joker, Rascal, Chato, Nacho. And with the girls there was always at least one named "Sad Girl" sporting a "mi vida loca' tattoo on her hand (three dots).  But to be a "veterano" (what someone today would call O.G./ original gangster) you had to be pretty mild mannered and in control. They didn't tolerate some of the antics you see today--- brought too much police attention. Most of the older Veteranos were actually pretty cool having been around the block enough times to not need to prove a damn thing.

    When I was in high school there were different areas where the surfers hung out, were the "socs"  / cheerleader types hung out;  the stoners (we called them "heshers" with their grungy long hair and always high). But the part of the school where the Cholos hung out was called "hard look hallway"; they all stood in a row in that classic Cholo stance throwing shade on everyone that walked by.




  2. 1 hour ago, Jimmy's Dragon Suit said:

    You can't get any better than Crapplebee's. It's always an experience you will never forget!

    You are joking, right?

    I can't eat at any of those corporate restaurant chains, they all taste like high school cafeteria food, and the workers all seem like parolees from a mental ward.

  3. On 9/7/2020 at 1:10 AM, redrum said:

    Early 70's. My friend Danny and girlfriend Margie on his Panhead in Golden gate Park, SF.

    DANNY & MARGIE.jpg

    Very Cool1

    My cousin had a chopper clone of "Captain America" back in the '70s, but eventually he traded it for a softail. He said the chopper was so uncomfortable on a long ride that his arms went numb and his kidneys weren't working right for a week.

    My father had a '66 Triumph Bonneville T-120 like this one in the '70s.  I never thought it was as cool as the choppers and bobbers which were so numerous here in Los Angeles back then, but now I realize it really was a great motorcycle if you could get past having the "English" reversed brake and shifter LOL.



  4. 7 hours ago, luvlz2 said:

    ^^Good stuff kipper!

    Thanks, very "retro" stuff those photos.  Most of those were taken by a guy who grew up on a street right next to  Van Nuys Blvd in the San Fernando Valley. He was a pretty good photographer.

    Not sure which photo I linked which said "stop stealing bandwith"?  People don't want their photos linked to on the internet shouldn't put them up.

  5. 17 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Well what do you know.  Governor Andy Cuomo, who I have praised  at times and shot down at others, will open the casino's and malls in NY on this Wednesday.  Limited capacity of course.  4 days before the NFL season starts.  So imagine the sportsbook there and how busy they will be.  I am going, not just for football, but for other sports too.  Even the premier league my British pals.  Mates it is, I forgot.  Wouldn't you think they would finally legalize the online sports betting?  No. They would rather have me drive 35 miles and make sure I grease the Indians.  Like I was there hundreds of years ago to shoot them.  I still hold them accountable for almost wiping out the Buffalo from this nation. Thank greater minds for bringing them back.  Those like Teddy Roosevelt. I might build a statue of him in my back yard.  And I am not in his party. But I love him.  So the malls and casinos open again finally. This time keep them open Cuomo.  I am going to blow up your Twitter account until you listen. All he does is tweet, tweet and tweet but listens not. I just hate politicians, especially the bastard that now resides at Pennsylvania avenue.  With that trophy wife of his.

    Miami is going to have fans in the stadiums. I do not know of other teams yet?  I know that after week 3 they are supposed to allow 25% capacity like Miami are starting with.  I am surprised Florida is taking the lead here.

    Glad to hear it when people can finally get back to their jobs.  I thought it odd that some businesses were closed, but liquor stores and "peaceful protests" with hoards of people were okay.

    I finally went out for the first time last weekend to eat at restaurant with an outdoor patio. It was nice to eat something other than home cooked. Mexican food place, not too expensive, but the bar tab was about $100 bucks.  Had a good time.

  6. 17 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Its very cool here now. Yes, I keep getting solar adds to add on to my existing electric bill here in upstate NY. I do not understand what comes with it so I do not want to roll the dice and have them jack my bill?  I am all for solar and wind energy  But I think Niagra Falls is going to generate more than those wind catchers.  Its really sad to  see these fires keep starting in California. I feel terrible for birds, Mountain Lions and all kinds of wildlife. I am for conservation and saving the land and wildlife.  I am against drilling in Alaska big time. Leave the damn forests and animals alone.

    I know a guy who is roofing contractor and according to him you don't want some fly by night company coming out and installing solar panels on your roof. They'll damage your roof, create leaks, and if you need to maintain your roof you have the damn solar panels in the way.

    He recommends only putting solar panels on outbuildings, patio covers, or garages that aren't attached to your house. If new construction then that is different. He says they engineer the area where the solar panels will go so as to not be a problem with future roof maintenance.   What is the point of saving a few bucks on electricity and spend thousands on water or ice damage due to shoddy solar panel installation.  Out here in California those solar panel companies all offer "lifetime guarantees" on their work.... then they go out of business in 6 months faster than a mattress store in a strip mall.

    Mountain lions are beautiful and NASTY creatures.  We have plenty around here, they love to eat people's dogs, but have attacked several hikers and mountain bikers too.

    I have no problem with drilling for oil. Here in SoCal 100 years ago the entire landscape was covered in oil wells. California was a major oil producer long before Texas or the middle east.  We had a gold rush here in 1849 that put us on the map and made us a state, but it was the oil boom that really made southern California and especially Los Angeles a boom town.  There are still some wells here in areas, and still some refineries that the state hasn't shut down. Lots of good jobs in that industry, a great part of our tax base.  And where there used to be old wells along the beach area, there are now 10 million dollar homes. Seem the planet isn't offended by oil production. The planet made oil--- it is one it's children.  Too me oil wells are beautiful. It is the windmills I hate. Those things kill more birds than oil wells kill other wildlife.


    take care

  7. 17 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    Of course he is.  Go get it.  I am not going to be a guinea pig for Donald Trump however. You know my daughter, the youngest who is 33, tested positive 3 weeks ago.  She works at the biggest hospital in Rochester as a nurse.  She got through it fine.  Only thing was no smell or taste.  I know it would not be such an easy ride for my ass.  I do not intend to find out.  I went to a restaurant yesterday with my wife's friends who are in town from Arizona.  Originally from here but will never return, as they have seen enough brutal winters of Rochester and Buffalo.  We went into an Applebees as the Distillery in the region we went to on the West side, which I hate, was closed.  Had to have them open a bottle of Guinness and mix with Blue Moon on tap.  I stick with Guinness as its the best one for diabetes.  I learned this from a Dr.  I might get the damn shot?  Never had one. Never believed in them.  Why do I want to inject myself with the damn flu?  Why?  I do not go anywhere other than yesterday.  Cant even go to a football or hockey game.  Or a baseball game.  But I might roll the dice this time against my own gut and listen to the so called experts.  Talk soon Joel.   😀

    I don't feel the seasonal flu shot is a "roll of the dice" but it really does no harm. If you are diabetic I worry that if you got a bad case of the flu, ended up in the hospital, and then exposed to covid----that would be none too good.

    Glad to hear your daughter pulled through okay. I know 4 people who have had the mild version (they were in good health going in), two people who passed away. But the two that died were older and fragile.

    You weren't at that restaurant in Rochester attacked by BLM were you?  Horrible thing it looked like.  So called "peaceful" whatever my ass.

    Be safe.

  8. On 8/30/2020 at 9:54 PM, redrum said:

    I've gotta get a copy of this oldie. 40 minutes of 'Fried Hockey Boogie.' Fito is a great drummer. Saw them a couple times at the Avalon in SF. Canned Heat - Boogie with Canned Heat - Amazon.com Music

    Too  young to have seen them live, but not too young to have had this stupid song on a 45 when I was 8 years old.



  9. On 8/31/2020 at 6:07 AM, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    NO NO NO.  You mis read the info.  I NEVER HAD PNUMONIA.    I had the vaccine fr it recently.  NEVER HAD IT PAL.   I wish I were pitching this weekend for my pathetic baseball team.  They might win one.   Or not.   I might get it. I still think its a bunch of hoo ha.  

    Get a flu shot. This fall no matter what you do not want to end up in the hospital with the covid thing. We aren't out of the woods on covid, and a good chance that as the weather cools off it will come back like an angry bitch. 

    Like I said, what does your doctor recommend? I'm sure for a guy your age he is telling you to get a flu shot.

  10. On 8/30/2020 at 6:25 PM, redrum said:

    Cholos. They still look like a bunch of cloned idiots, just like antifa. Anyway...............................................

    I always liked the Wayfarer's to ride my bike as the slant made them more aerodynamic. I never noticed the Steve McQueen shades. I wouldn't mind having a pair. Of course Clint would look cool in anything. 👍:bubble:

    Lot of Cholos here in SoCal.  I think they were invented here in the Los Angeles area.  Lot of everything here in SoCal.


  11. It was 113 F today, and supposed to be 115 tomorrow. FUCKING HOT here in SoCal---- crazy hot!

    Currently many areas without power as the demand for electricity in this stupid state had outpaces ability to deliver power when conditions are hot, windy, or other situations create over demand. Now they are considering "rolling black outs" where they shut off power in one area for an hour and then rotate to another area like they have to do in 3rd countries. And all of this because this stupid state thinks that solar and wind power is more reliable than fossil fuel powered or nuclear plants.  Hell, we are sunny most of the time here, and solar still can't cover our peak demand needs, we need MORE POWER... or less people and less development.

    Today in other parts of the state:

    Palm Springs 121

    San Bernardino 117

    Woodland Hills 116


    BTW, last month in Death Valley  (between California and Nevada) it was 130 degrees




  12. Random Woodstock thoughts:


    I always wondered why they cut out one of the best Woodstock performances in the original film?  Canned Heat's performance was not included in the Home Video version until the mid 90s.  Canned Heat's  Woodstock Boogie' along with Richie Havens' 'Motherless Child' and Santana's 'Soul Sacrafice' were my top 3 favorites.


  13. 10 hours ago, redrum said:

    I used to wear Wayfarers and the thick frames in themselves had blind spots. Can't afford the damned things anymore.

    California cops used to write tickets to drivers wearing sunglasses with extra wide arms that block peripheral vision. Cholos especially liked that style, and cops and CHP would pull them over all the time.



    Wayfarers never actually fit that category.

    I own 3 pairs of Ray Ban Wayfarers  that are vintage from the '70s (back when they were still made by Bausch & Lomb).  I never loved the way Wayfarers angle downward on my face and make contact with my cheeks.




    I prefer the RayBan Balorama (kind Dirty Harry wore).





    or my vintage Bausch & Lomb amber Outdoorsman like the ones in The Big Lewbowski--- which are now very sought after on ebay.




    Somewhere at my mothers house I have a box of sunglasses including a pair of Ray Ban Olympians like Peter Fonda wore in Easy Rider. I never wore them much so they are like new. They have the same light (20% tint) as Fonda's were. Most from the era had the dark 85% tint aka G-15 lenses).  Today tinted glasses are the rage again. Not dark, not mirrors.




    What I really wish I owned were a pair of vintage Persol 714s like Steve McQueen wore in The Thomas Crown Affair



  14. 8 hours ago, LedZeppfan1977 said:

    I have never gotten the flu shot.  .Have pretty much been afraid to. Why would I get a shot that is going to make me feel worse?  And do they really know what the hell they are doing?  I know its not 1800's medicine, but its far from perfect.  I had a doctor visit Friday using Zoom software.  I am sure  some of you have done this with Covid?  He has pretty much convinced me to get the blasted shot.  Like I said in another thread, that was shut down for reasons I do not know, that I did have the shingles vaccine.  And Pneumonia.  I got the shingles because my mother got the shingles and NO THANKS.  It sucks. Big time. So I may roll the dice and get the flue shot. Lets hope some doctor somewhere comes up with the solution to this nightmare known as Covid

    Would like to know how the rest of you feel about this. And do not make it political or you know what happens next.  Poof

    I get the flu shot every season. Doesn't mean you won't get influenza; not all of the vaccines developed each season end up specifically preventing whichever strain ends up going around. But they try to narrow down the strain they think will be spreading. MOST of the influenza strains originate in China/Asia. Influenza can have mild symptoms, but as people get older it can be devastating for especially older people or people with other health issues.

    So, I don't see why you would not get it?  What does your doctor recommend? I am certain that given your history of having pneumonia he would teling you to get the annual flu shots. Most insurance covers them for free. You don't even need to go to a doctors office, I get mine at the local grocery store that has a pharmacist on staff-- only takes a few minutes.

    Here it the thing:  LAST thing you want to happen to you this winter is end up with bad case of influenza which causes you to need to go to the hospital. At present they expect an uptick in covid infections come this winter cold and flu season, so why risk being in a hosptial waiting room for a possible case of the flu among people who may have covid infection.  And if this fall ends up like last spring and you do end up in a hospital FOR ANY REASON (broken leg, infection, car accident) your family WILL NOT be allowed to come and visit you--- or be there to assist in managing or advocating for your care. 

    On one hand the flu season may not be as bad this year with people all wearing masks, social distancing, working from home, and hand washing.  If you are holed up at home anyway, then maybe no reason to worry. But I have never had a problem from a flu shot in over 20 plus years.  Sore arm for a day is the worst thing, so if you plan on being the starting pitcher at your weekend baseball game... ask them to not to the shot in your pitching arm.

    In addition:  Have you had the pneumonia vaccine?  You said you had pneumonia once. Ask your doctor about it. I believe the pneumonia vaccine is  a series of 3 shots over a couple of years.  Like the shingles vaccine, well worth it in my opinion.


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