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Posts posted by kipper

  1. On 3/10/2021 at 7:47 AM, BobDobbs said:

    Hey bud, no one talks shit about my little Nibbler. My doggie Nibbler is my friend, she makes me a happy panda 🙂 

    Seriously, I love my Nibbles but I do not take her into stores or restaurants even though she is trained because doing so is batshit crazy! I saw some joker the other day, had a three legged Chihuahua looking dog with this big ass "SERVICE ANIMAL" jacket on it that was obviously made for a much larger dog. I asked the guy with the dog how a three legged dog could be a service animal and the guy became all defensive and mumbled how I was anti-dog and not respectful of his emotional state. Jesus Christ man, when your service dog needs a service dog just give it a rest, your busted.


    Norm MacDonald does a bit about some homeless guy he saw and the street with a dog. And Norm was saying that the dog is probably thinking: "what the hell do I need this guy for, I could pretty much do this homeless thing on my own!"

  2. On 3/16/2021 at 9:56 AM, paul carruthers said:


    Okay, this one is a good one!  That's two in the last month you have contributed Paul (Elizabeth Montgomery and now this one).

    Who is this pretty lady? Does she have a name I would recognize?

  3. On 3/16/2021 at 4:18 AM, RainbowElf said:

    Are Texaco gas stations still around? I haven't seen one in ages where I'm from, and there use to be a few.

    Yeah, they are still around. Generally good gas, but I NEVER go one.

    When I turned 18 and was attempting to establish some credit I applied to four gas companies and 3 of them turned me down, only Union 76 sent me a card. So, I contacted the 3 that refused me (Mobil, Texaco, and Chevron) and asked them to reconsider, and if they would just give me a limited $100 max credit line, I would appreciate it. I was working full time and could show the ability to pay.  Mobil reconsidered and sent me a card... thank you!  But Texaco and Chevron both still said NO way, so I vowed to NEVER spend a nickle ever at one of their stations for the rest of my life.


  4. On 3/19/2021 at 9:27 AM, BobDobbs said:

    Both my wife and mother have enthusiastically received the "mark of the beast" on Wednesday. First mark for the wife, second mark for me mum.

    I have nothing against anyone who doesn't get the shot. I don't believe anyone should be forced to, even as I understand the need for vaccines to help get to herd immunity. My take is that I am old enough to remember when people (older than me) who got polio and ended up crippled, or pregnant women would come down rubella and their children be born deaf or blind. So, I'm for anything which will keep me out of a ICU right now on a breathing machine. I already have some lung issues.

    And then on the other hand I do agree with SAJ about how governments will use this pretext to put further controls on people. In the state of New York they are talking about a "digital ID" put on smart phones to ensure people entering events have been vaccinated. This is dumb and unnecessary. If people are afraid of catching covid themselves, then just get the shot, and don't worry about what other people elect to do or not do--- including wearing a mask or not. 

    Sadly these things devolve into just another 'exercise in SUBMISSION'.

    I've had the first shot, and this week will get the 2nd shot. And then two weeks after that I am NOT going to wear a mask anywhere just to make other people "feel good", and anyone asking me to prove I had the shot I will tell them to fuck off. Besides, I don't even own a smart phone; I have a flip phone, and I rarely even turn it on.



  5. On 3/12/2021 at 9:50 AM, BobDobbs said:

    It's always the scammers and jackasses who ruin it for legitimate people who need these animals. All they need is a law that says all service animals, including emotional support animals must be professionally trained and certified as such with a current license or whatever. If your psychologist / psychiatrist writes a scrip for such an animal, just like a doctor can do, then your insurance minus deductible should burden the cost.

    Most on planes just claim emotional support to avoid paying the fees imposed on transporting pets.

    But a trained service animal--- like for the blind, can cost $50K plus.  And for good reason, they NEVER react badly under pressure, don't bark or bite, and have the exact temperament, or they wash out of the training program.

  6. On 3/15/2021 at 11:49 AM, Strider said:

    Watching any movie on AMC is an exercise in futility…they edit and chop the fuck out out of them. You might as well wax your balls with sandpaper. 

    I won't watch anything on AMC, Spike, Bravo, IFC, or any cable channel other than TCM or the Criterion Channel. They are the only ones that still show movies unedited and in the proper frame aspect. Otherwise, I use my DVDs, and my streaming services such as Netflix, Prime Video, CinemaHD, and ZuniTevi for watching movies at home.

    USA Network is the other one. Only channel that can somehow fit a 92 minute feature film into a 4 hour time slot, including the edits to remove stuff... so an 85 minute film packed into 240 minutes.  I'd rather watch the Home Shopping Club and look at some fat saleslady hawking ginsu knives and stare at her boobs.  Ev

    IFC used air unedited films. Not sure why they lamed out?   It really sucks when they play a film like Snatch, Casino, The Departed, and Superbad, and they hack the shit out of stuff.  Everyone today afraid of "cancel culture" and losing corporate sponsors. What in the FUCK is the FUCKING point of even bother to put a film like Snatch on and edit out language which while not PC, is part of the "culture" of the people you are depicting?  Like showing Boyz in the Hood and making them sound like white catholic school boys.


  7. On 3/8/2021 at 1:42 PM, Strider said:

    Started my weekend by paying respects to Ian Faith and his cricket-bat. Where is his knighthood?





    I'll  bet you couldn't help thinking about Metallica and "Some Kind of Monster" while you watched it.

    Spinal Tap is so good because the actors act so serious about everything. A brilliant film.


    I was watching a more recent interview with cast and with Rob Reiner, and it was hilarious how after 30 years they could all just get right back into character and ad lib all sorts of funny things off the cuff.  They actually studied for months to become those characters.  There is so much more to what they created in them than just ended up on screen. They creates a very detailed back story which could not even be contained in the screenplay So, when the camera was rolling, they could just come up with things and play off of each other.

  8. On 3/7/2021 at 1:44 AM, redrum said:

    Those dudes are fags. 😄

    Careful!  Cancel culture is watching and listening....

    I hate when they edit out that line when Fast Times plays on TV.  That is EXACTLY how teenagers talked, then AND now.

    Was watching Snatch the other day on AMC. And my favorite line in the film where Cousin Avi tells Doug the Head to "Shut up ad sit down you big bald fuck!"  They edited fuck out and replaced with "freak".

    So damn lame to do that, and why?  It isn't like the movie is airing ever on Saturday morning between Sesame street and the Billy Graham crusade.   Since when can't a gangster say "fuck"?



  9. On 3/10/2021 at 7:47 AM, BobDobbs said:

    Hey bud, no one talks shit about my little Nibbler. My doggie Nibbler is my friend, she makes me a happy panda 🙂 

    Seriously, I love my Nibbles but I do not take her into stores or restaurants even though she is trained because doing so is batshit crazy! I saw some joker the other day, had a three legged Chihuahua looking dog with this big ass "SERVICE ANIMAL" jacket on it that was obviously made for a much larger dog. I asked the guy with the dog how a three legged dog could be a service animal and the guy became all defensive and mumbled how I was anti-dog and not respectful of his emotional state. Jesus Christ man, when your service dog needs a service dog just give it a rest, your busted.

    I feel bad for the blind and disabled (physically) who rely on actual trained service dogs to help them. I have no problem with those animals, They are highly trained, EXPENSIVE, and of no problem whatsoever to anyone else around them. Not in a store, restaurant, or an airplane.

    But these "emotional support" animals are impossible to define or regulate. And owing to weak language in the ADA laws, subject to widespread abuse.

    I hate making more and more laws to try and get people to act civilized. But the emotional support animal thing need some fixing. If only to protect actual handicapped people who need a service dog.

    Consider this as it applies to flying on an aircraft. If a person comes on the aircraft with animal (which could be many animals not just dogs), and YOU are allergic to, or simply have a phobia to an animal, and you ask the flight crew to have your needs met. The law says the flight crew is required to provide for you, the person who is unable to be near an animal,  a "reasonable accommodation". 

    Sound great, doesn't it?  Sounds like they will move you or the person with the animal to another seat, right?


    What is a "reasonable accommodation" is that YOU will be asked to de-plane and put on another flight, and someone on standby will take your seat. The person with animal will not be asked to adjust--- unless the flight crew determines the animal may be a security problem, which means you have to wait until the animal does something to create a problem.

    Meanwhile YOU get bumped for the flight, because YOU dared to voice your needs by not being subjected to an animal near you.



  10. On 3/10/2021 at 1:14 PM, JTM said:

    After refusing the invitation this morning to drive forty five mins for my vaccine shot, this afternoon I got a call from my local GP surgery offering me a shot only ten mins drive away this coming Friday at the same place my diabetic son had his, I accepted. It's bugging me they did not give me that option to begin with, I think it's a ruse, get people to travel stupid distances so they can "spread the load" so to speak. Yeah, driving stinks, fortunately most of my driving in these Covid times is only local, taking my wife to and from work, shopping trips,  no more than a few miles either way, that's it.

    Which vaccines are they currently giving in the UK? 

    Our three options are Moderna, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson.


  11. 21 hours ago, luvlz2 said:

    Lou Ottens, Inventor of the Audio Cassette, Dies at 94


    The Dutch engineer credited with inventing the audio cassette has died. Lou Ottens was 94.

    As head of product development for Philips in 1960, he led a team that developed the initial portable tape recorder; he then introduced the first cassette tape at a Berlin electronics fair three years later. The slogan back then: "Smaller than a pack of cigarettes!"

    This portable tape quickly overtook cumbersome reel-to-reel recording methods that had long been the standard. Home decks gave way to boomboxes and in-dash car models - bringing music to the masses.

    That was, in fact, the goal: Ottens decided early on that he wanted a tape that would fit into his jacket pocket, even making a wooden model to determine the exact size specifications. "I got annoyed with the clunky, user-unfriendly reel-to-reel system," Ottens later told the Dutch News. "It's that simple."

    "Compact Cassette" was trademarked a year later. Ottens' design eventually became the standard for cassettes worldwide after a deal was struck with Sony. More than 100 million have since been sold, many of them during an unlikely more recent boom.

    Sales in the U.S. were up more than 100 percent midway through 2020, as analysts called cassettes the "unlikely comeback kid of music formats." Meanwhile, the BBC reported that cassette sales doubled last year in the U.K., as consumers snapped up the highest number of tapes since 2003.

    And this is no one-off boomlet. Sales in the U.S. grew 23 percent in 2018, and by 35 percent in 2017, according to the Los Angeles Times.

    "There are a number of people who are still using it," Ottens marveled in 2016's Cassette: A Documentary Mixtape. "We expected that it would be a success, but not a revolution."

    Ottens also led a team that developed the compact disc in 1979 at Philips, selling billions more copies. He retired in 1986, giving full credit for this musical revolution to those around him. "We were little boys who had fun playing," he once said. "We didn't feel like we were doing anything big. It was a kind of sport."

    In the end, Ottens only admitted one big regret: Sony developed the first Walkman, "the ideal application for the cassette," instead of Philips. "It still hurts that we didn't have one."



    I remember when cassette finally hit the consumer market, and what a vast improvement it was over 8 track tape. Besides the fact you didn't have to deal with that "clunk-clunk" as the 8 track switched channels, there was so much better sound quality from a cassette tape; the actual tape generally not recorded inside the tape case as with 8 track. So, much less 'wow & flutter' during playback.    Better still was recording your own cassette mix tapes from vinyl off of a quality turntable and stylus on better tape stock..

    I kept one 8 track tape just for nostalgia...(Bad Company).   All the rest happily went to the landfill.


  12. On 3/8/2021 at 1:55 PM, BobDobbs said:

    Why is there still a British Royal Family? The institution became irrelevant once Edward VIII abdicated as far as I am concerned. The whole Edward VIII scandal proved and exposed all the problems with a constitutional monarchy and how it serves no purpose any longer, but is actually a detriment to all involved.

    A sovereign with no political power makes as much sense as a bull with tits except the bull can at least be eaten (now there's a thought). I have no problem with the Royal Family per se, but the state paying for all their stuff when they (Royal Family) is unofficially the wealthiest family on the planet is Ludacris. They have evolved into a drama factory and nothing else. I feel sorry for them actually as a gilded cage is still a cage. If I were Harry & Meghan I would have done the same however they should not have done the interview. These people all know how this system works yet the ones who choose to marry in to it then get upset its not like being a Disney Prince or Princess. This is nothing new but since Eddie it has been front and center. One disgrace after another and typically for the same reason.

    Just let them keep their titles but completely remove them from the system, kick them out of Buckingham Palace, and let them live normal lives at their own expense.

    Such nonsense. I am trying to think of a single royal who is not a complete twat and I really cannot. History just keeps repeating itself with these people yet they never learn, just bitch about the system. One would think with Philip, Charles, Margaret, and Anne they would be somewhat sympathetic to Harry's situation but nope, another round of here we go again.

    I've said the same thing too for years.  The only reason I could figure why the British keep this inbred clown show is because they make tourist dollars from foreign visitors to come see the Tower of London and the Buckingham Palace.  Britain's version of our Disney world with castles and princesses.

    The French don't have a royal problem. They "fired" their monarchs a few centuries ago.


  13. On 2/2/2021 at 5:15 AM, Stryder1978 said:

    I finally had enough and cut the cord last month...funny thing was, Direct TV didn't even try to woo me back!  SCREW 'EM!  I had a friend jailbreak an Amazon Fire Cube for me - I have access to almost any TV show or movie out there - including movies currently in the (handful of) theaters.  I have a cheap over-the air antenna that pulls in 40 channels - including all the Denver local channels and METV (which DIrectTV didn't even supply).  So now, for the price of a VPN (about $3.00/month) I have MORE programming than I had with Direct TV and no problems with channels dropping, service being disrupted every time a cloud blew over and no more fee increases while taking away more channels.

    I should have done it years ago!


    I took me far too long to cut the cord too.  Used to have Time Warner and every year or so I would call and complain about the creeping price increases, and they would lower the price, and then maybe throw in HBO for something for free for 6 months, so I stayed with then. Then Time Warner sold to Spectrum and Spectrum would not play ball, wouldn't budge a nickle. So then I switched to Frontier (which is fiber optic) and they were about $40 less per month for basically the same thing I had at Spectrum, plus they threw in a $400 gift card to Amazon which they said the would send out after 6 months of service.

    Frontier was  a TOTAL DISASTER.  For one, they screwed up porting my old phone number to the new service, and then I ended up with TWO Frontier accounts being charged to me. Get that!  Two accounts being billed to TWO phone numbers. I only had one phone line, and one cable tv hook up, and one internet hook up.  And to make it worse, the 2nd account was being billed at the highest rate possible, so I would get one bill each month for $89 (the price of the original package deal), and another bill for $300 per month.

    I brought it to their attention right away; someone said they would correct it, and they never did. So, I would pay the on bill and ignore the other. And each month there were 10 phone calls to 10 people trying to clear it up, and nothing happened, and eventually I started getting collection notices on the 2nd account, and threats to screw with my credit rating.

    This took 8 month to clear up, until finally I got a sympathetic person who was able to fix it, and also send the $400 Amazon gift card.  As soon as I got that, I disconnected all of the Frontier CRAP and put it in a box on the front porch and called them to pick up their shit. Which they never did so I sent it to e-waste.

    After that I went to back to Spectrum but just for internet and now steam everything. I bought a Roku for my two TVs because I like the software and interface better than what comes with the smart TV, and also upgraded and bought my own router (mesh router) and everything works great.

    I opted to pay for YoutubeTV ($65 per month) because it provides everything I want, plus all of the local channels.  I don't like to use the antennae set up.  I also have Amazon Prime because I shop a lot from home, so I get that TV content as well.  And every 6 months I'll do a Netflix subscription to binge watch some stuff, and then cancel the subscription, switch to HBO or 6 months and what their content, and then back to Netflix.  My deal isn't dirt cheap, but much cheaper than cable tv.  Plus I like YoutubeTv free unlimited cloud DVR.

  14. On 3/7/2021 at 1:53 AM, redrum said:

    Sunset Blvd.

    What a great name for a street. 

    A great street  just East of Los Angeles in Glendale (Montrose area) near the San Gabriel mountains is blvd called Oceanview, because on a clear day can see all the way to the coast, with the sun glimmering on the Pacific.

    Another great spot is in Encino up near Mullholland where Mullholland is just a dirt road in the Santa Monica mountains. There is an old cold war Nike missile tracking station preserved as a park, and you can go up on the former radar tower (radar is removed) and you can see all the way down to the Santa Monica coast.

    One of my favorite places to watch the sunset in the area.







  15. On 3/7/2021 at 1:53 AM, redrum said:

    Sunset Blvd.

    What a great name for a street. 

    The blvd has an interesting history. Ironically, it was a much shorter street when it was first named over 100 years ago, and was not yet even connected to Pacific Coast Highway at it's western terminus... or where you might see the "sunset" best from.  Originally it was a street closer to downtown Los Angeles, and it kept being added to---and then eventually it connected to the coast.   Some decades back the eastern part of it was near downtown was renamed to Cesar Chavez blvd... a real shame.  Live long enough and I'm sure some politicians may vote to rename it after some other asshole who may come into vogue.

    Best part of Sunset isn't in Hollywood or West Hollywood (the strip).  Best part is in Pacific Palisades, where the "high rent" people live.



  16. 12 hours ago, redrum said:

    Yesterday (Sunday).............

    There's a car repair shop by me and one of the cars horn alarms kept going off. Couldn't do shit about it. Most aggravating thing in the universe behind thumping car stereos. 

    Old bastard in the grocery store today cuts in front of 4 of us waiting for the self serve check out. I guess he was special. Fuckin' jackass. When will evolution weed these types out??? 

    Remember those car alarms with a motion sensor that would sound a recorded warning about getting away from the car before they would start blaring an alarm.  People had those and then park in a parking lot right near the front of a store where other people have to walk by and then the thing would just keep going off.  Eventually they stopped selling them because anyone who had one of those never got their cars stolen, just keyed and vandalized because they were so annoying.

    Also, ever notice how the most annoying car alarms are on the biggest chunk of shit worthless vehicles?  Usually some teenager with a piece of crap $1000 car, with $3000 bucks worth of crap Pep Boys custom bumpers, spoilers, and other Chinese made aftermarket slop.  Like who is going to steal that pile of shit?



  17. On 3/7/2021 at 4:26 PM, Christopher Lees said:


    I can't stand the dog worship that has taken over American society! What is wrong with people? I'm walking down the sidewalk and coming right at me is some chick with like three dogs. They're pulling her off balance, all around, she's struggling with them, raising her voice to them, pulling them along, yanking on their chains, and they're all over the sidewalk. They take up the whole thing.

    I agree.  I was in the market a little over a year ago, and a woman had three dog in her shopping cart. THREE dogs! With their dirty poop butts in a cart where people put their food. So, when I said to the woman: "Really lady-- THREE DOGS???"  She got very defensive and claimed her dogs were "emotional support animals".

    I then said, you must be really emotionally unstable to need three support animals--- so I basically called BULLSHIT on her.

  18. Good lordy!  The news on this dysfunctional family seems to get worse and worse each day now.  This Meghan woman appears to be a certified insane attention whore, doesn't she?  The more crap she talks, it almost makes me feel sorry for the "royal family".  Almost, not entirely--- they are a institution which has always been an embarrassment to watch.






  19. Damn barking dogs, and their owners.

    Dog barks are nothing but noise pollution. Horrible animals these things are. They belong out in the wild with wolves and coyotes, not every damn place you go now; market, parks, hotels, restaurants, shops----and all barking, barking, barking all the time.  Shut these damn dogs up!

    They can breed and genetically engineer dogs to be all sizes and colors. Why can't they breed one to be barkless-- the way a navel orange is created to have no seeds?



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