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Posts posted by IpMan

  1. 3 minutes ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    I only used that as an example, but 3/24 is debatable considering he was out of tune for the entire show. But like I said, we can all say the versions with missed notes and sticky fingers are our favorites. Technicalities can't change opinions.

    What is one person's out of tune is another's avant garde statement :hysterical:

    Funny thing is, the few times the whole band completely botched a song are some of my favorite moments. Case in point, Tempe 77' ALS. The wheels fly off the bus early after Jimmy is almost blown up and instead of stopping, taking a break and starting again they just let that old bus careen into a china shop and break every dish until it all comes to a screeching halt. It is goddamned hilarious...Spinal Tap x10. 

    Now if I was at that Tempe show I probably would have had a much different, and more pissed off opinion at the time (WTF are they DOING???), but in retrospect. Priceless.

  2. 9 minutes ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    Alright, you folks have to let me know. Are enough people enjoying me doing these and see them as relevant, or am I ruining people's enjoyment of the shows by over-analyzing? If so I'll stop. I know I've certainly found things that I'd missed before and learned to appreciate other things by looking more closely, but I'll keep the nitpicks to myself if they're annoying too many people.

    I can dig it. 

    I am interested in your assessment of 5-18 & 5-23, in particular Page's use of the Strat on OTHAFA & NQ on both night's and his execution and approach due to the Strat. I bring this up because these are two of my favorite versions of NQ (the guitar work, not the song as a whole) due to his use of the Strat and his approach is very different. TBH I just feel he plays better and more creatively with the Strat vs. the LP, at least on NQ.


  3. 8 hours ago, chef free said:

    My next door neighbors are nice enough but... They are in some Christian survivalist cult and are prepping for the "End times".  They have a bunch of like minded folk living with them in trailers on their property, the kids are "homeschooled", they are "vaccine free",and raise cows and pigs in a suburban neighborhood.  Every once-in-a-while, they have a "Farm Day" when the guy comes and shoots a couple of their animals, skins and butchers them.  Yea!  Family fun!

    On the other hand, I'll bet they think we're the weirdo neighbors!  We've had some pretty wild parties with my oddball friends, there's constant BBQ smoking, an ouddoor ceramics studio and even a few Druid rituals.  Add in the constant blasting Led Zeppelin Devil Music and I could see their point of view...

    In the end of it all, we get along great!  When I first moved in 25 years ago, the neighbor's father, who was living there told me when we met "In this neighborhood we don't tell each other what to do."  I've been living by that philosophy ever since! B)

    But just remember Chef, if the shit gets real and the zombies rise, those christian survivalists might decide they need your shit and will justify their deeds in the warm blanket of righteousness. Especially if they saw one of those heathen Druid rituals.

    So, if Lil Kim launches a nuke, or another Carrington Event occurs, head for the hills my friend before Capt. Spaulding and his crew come for ya.

    Those survivalist types freak me out. It's one thing to prepare for a disaster, its another thing to want to survive an apocalypse. If the shit gets real I want that nuke, asteroid, wrath of god, whatever to land right on my ass and get it over with. The idea of surviving and living in some hellscape ala The Road is not my idea of surviving, its living death.

    Peace my friend

  4. 3 hours ago, jabe said:

    My neighbors who get credit for me starting this thread are still here and there.
    They purchased ten acres in central Florida a few years back and built two "geodesic domes" to live in, which are supposed to withstand hurricane force winds.
    They come to Birmingham once every two months or so for maybe a week.

    Since my backyard melds with theirs, I've always cut their grass to keep the backyard appeal to jabe standards.

    Recently my wife told me, "you're not cutting their fuckin' grass anymore."
    Not wanting to piss my wife off unless she needs it, I complied.

    So sitting on my deck yesterday afternoon, gazing at the knee high weeds and grass next door, I had one of those enlightening moments.

    I grabbed my weed eater and created my own "crop circle" pattern in their overgrown backyard! Fuck! It was great!
    Can't wait to see their faces!!!

    (Jimmy, call me collect if you need a cover photo for a yet to be determined boxed set.)

    If the Lads should one day release a found pristine source for the fantastic Birmingham show in 77' this could be the cover art:

    Zeppelin & the Crimson Tide...one Ho & a Weed Eater 

  5. Syd-era Floyd I never really liked except for a few songs such as Set the Controls and Astronomie Dominie. The rest were snippets of good ideas but either a complete mess or did not really go anywhere. Then the early Gilmour period until Meddle was possibly the low point of Floyd. Meddle is ok but nothing great and AHM has a lot of great ideas which would be used on DSOTM but did noting on AHM. The only Floyd I listen to regularly is DSOTM - Animals with a wee few of the tunes from The Wall on occasion but I was never a big fan of the Wall. Good concept, mediocre execution IMO.

    Interested to see what Mason will do with this though

  6. 2 hours ago, paplbojo said:

    My personal stance...

    I am largely libertarian and that does extend to drugs. So, while I personally do not think dope is good, I think everyone should have the right to do whatever the heck they please in the privacy of their own homes. That should be a domain free from government to the extent you are not harming others and infringing on others' rights.

    Things do become more dodgey if people start roaming around in public high off their ass.

    From personal experience, I grew up in an upper middle class town, and I saw pot wreak havoc on about a dozen classmates' lives. A few went to rehab, one turned being a sugar baby to support the habit, one literally dropped out of college because he didn't want to give up smoking. So, I don't think it's so harmless, though these people likely had predispositions to addiction and poor parenting. EDIT: I'll add that many dozens more recreationally partook in pot and to the extent of my knowledge never had anything but a good time from partaking.

    This all said, I don't think it should be illegal to do in your home.

    Another interesting dilemma would be whether or not employers would be allowed to drug test if it became legal. I would think that truck drivers, for instance, or pilots or train conductors, should never have any weed in their system.

    Without doubt you make some excellent points. Weed, just like any other mind altering substance has the possibility of addiction and I have known pot addicts before. I never knew one who would whore herself out for a blunt...a fatty maybe (get it, see what I did there) however anything is possible. Most weed addicts are just bitchy little twats, miserable bastards when not high but weed being a drug will affect people differently.

    Regarding your last point I wholeheartedly agree, I don't want no damn high ass truck driver, pilot, etc. behind the controls. One of the problems regarding this is weed, unlike pretty much all other drugs, stays trapped in the fatty tissue of a body for up to 30+ days after use depending on frequency of use. A person could smoke a single J on a Monday, then get tested two weeks later with no other weed in-between and possibly test positive. There has been a more accurate test developed which can determine concentration and time in system to determine if the person is currently high vs. imbibed the day or week before yet not under the influence. However this test is rather expensive and as no laws are currently on the books regarding testing, yo ass could be in serious trouble if the (employer, cops) use the older, cheap test instead of the newer, expensive one.

    I agree though, you wanna get baked, do it at home or in a designated place like a "coffee house" in Amsterdam, don't drive on the stuff or smoke it in a public place as one is dangerous, the other, IMO, is rude unless it's a vape pen or an edible. Even then, know your limits and don't act the fool.

  7. 9 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    :wall::wall:.... and there it is, right there!! "on topic" and "crackhead". 

    At this point I am 100% convinced Kip is either a troll just having a bit of fun, or is the most dense individual on the planet. I am hoping it is the former because, though annoying, is at least not as soul crushing as to know such an idiot walks among us proving we are possibly living in the twilight of human-kind.

  8. 9 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    I always had a thing for his co-star, Markie Post. That lady put a rise in my Levis. Very underrated '80s gal.


    Markie Post replaced the original actress who was played by Ellen Foley (Public Defender Billy Young). Foley was also the response on Meat Loaf's Paradise by the Dashboard Light and did backing vocals on the album.

    Small World

  9. 5 hours ago, kipper said:

    Lee Ermey has passed --RIP






    Ermey was one hell of a good guy, a truly nice guy in life. I loved his portrayals in movies, whatever he played he always brought something special  to the role.


  10. 2 hours ago, kipper said:

    isnt there a opiod crises which is basically heroin in a legal form?  Probably those addicts started out thinking the few pills they were taking was not a problem for the either.  In the 60s when so many rock stars got hooked on heroin the all started with pot and LSD first, or is that not true?

    There are a lot of people with mental ilness and other issues which is also another epidemic. Pot is a dangerous habit for many people and it leads to unhappy lives. If some people are lucky and it doesnt happen that way for them then great, but I just hope people are careful.

    By your logic just about everything should be illegal, kinda like a modern day Calvinist movement. Just like the Calvinists of old, they too believed EVERYTHING lead away from god and thus should be outlawed.

    People need to have personal responsibility. There is nothing wrong with weed as long as it is regulated like alcohol or tobacco. Of course there are people who are predisposed to addiction who will  move on to harder drugs but that would also happen if weed did not exist as alcohol and cigarette are the real gateway drugs.

    There is a great book called Touched with Fire about artists and creative people in general being predisposed to mental illness and addiction. I believe it will answer most of your questions regarding those 60's rock stars who went off the rails as pretty much most of them suffered from mental illness of some sort. Joplin, Morrison, Parsons, Barrett, Pastorius, Davis, and Piaf suffered from profound mood disorders and that is just a few which come to mind. The book is much more comprehensive and written by a clinical psychologist.

  11. 2 hours ago, kipper said:


    I think they should replace Carrie Fisher with somebody else because otherwise this story is at a dead end now. I think they should get Diane Lane to play the part.

    What about Stormy Daniels, I hear she is available 

  12. 57 minutes ago, kipper said:

    I find is sad that people think of drugs as recreation. We have lost so many great people to drugs who thought they had everything under control.  This is why I like Roger Daltry and Alice Cooper so much. They offer great examples of rock stars who saw the peril and then stayed away. They are great role models.

    Not everyone who takes drugs becomes an addict or abuses them. I look at weed the same way I look at a day at the beach. Will a day at the beach solve life problems? Hell no, but it does make a shitty day a whole lot better and a good day great. Also, like the beach, you cannot go there every day and use it as an escape because after awhile, the beach too will become the same old shit and the sand will burn your feet.

  13. Actually, the Earth is not a perfect sphere, it bows out at the equator and is kinda smooshed at the poles due to gravitational forces from the sun.

    As for the Millennial's, they are neither dumber or smarter than any other generation. The fact is, when people get older they tend to turn into the "get off my lawn...the good old days...you kids have no idea what work is" assholes. As cultural norms change and technology advances the aging generations always believe the succeeding generations to be shitheel dopes when in fact they are exactly the same, just in a different time. 

    I find it ironic that the teens of the 50's Blackboard Jungle, Rebel Without a Cause were being shit on by the Greatest Generation are now shitting on the Millennial's for the same reason.

    Pretty goddamned hilarious if you ask me. Everyone turns into their grandparents in the end if they are not careful.

  14. 2 hours ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    You're gonna need your "bootleg ears" for most of this one. Sounds like the tapers were standing outside the venue for a while. But while still in search of a solid Page performance from 75, I needed to give this one a nitpick. Thanks to user Pluribus for the suggestion.

    Rock And Roll- No flubs, fluid and powerful solo.

    Sick Again- Energetic start. First solo- Pretty much flawless. Fluid pull-offs and pitch perfect bends. Outro solo- The phrasing is a little frantic, but his fingers are still very nimble. Hell, he's playing this like it's the Dazed workout section. Bonham misses the ending.

    OTHAFA- Flawless intro. Plant is sounding decent now. Solo- Starts off very solid. Nothing spectacular, but still good. 3:24-3:32, what a run! It finishes up with excellent riffing. The tempo now seems to be a bit faster lol. Jimmy is feeling good so far tonight.

    In My Time Of Dying- The audio clears up a little. Solid guitar work. Solo 1- He seems to lose his flow a little at first, but still plays on point. Solo 2- Better phrasing on this one, but still a different approach for what he would play for other shows. Energetic outro with Bonzo beating the shit out of his drums. A soundboard for this would be amazing.

    TSRTS- Up tempo and exciting. Plant sounds excellent now. Solo- Audio drops a little, but sounds perfectly fluid. Something happens at 4:19, maybe a dropped pick as you can hear Page stop for just a second and then come back in fine.

    The Rain Song- A solid performance.

    Kashmir- Excellent phrasing with the arabic scales. A solid version.

    No Quarter- Nitpicking Jones, he doesn't really seem to go anywhere with the organ solo. Page comes in with nice funky chording. Solid phrasing and fluidity, he's stealing the show here. 8:54-9:02, this is the Page fluidity we should've heard for the whole tour. He had it in him, but couldn't access it for most of post 73 for some reason. 10:10-11:25, Page absolutely leaves the earth. Unfortunately, it sounds like Jones failed to transition to the appropriate rhythm, so the awesome solo sounds almost out of place. THE best No Quarter solo I've heard for 75 and one of the best period, in my opinion. Outro solo- Here he goes again. Jesus, those bends. He's playing like he's got something to prove again. This is undoubtedly some of the best playing I've heard from post 73.

    Trampled Underfoot- Another speedy take off. Solo- An off start, but he jumps on track quickly and starts shredding. Fingers get a little sticky at 3:40, but good lord listen to that pick hand. Sounds like "Eruption" for a second lol. He switches phrasing up and ends nicely, straining ever so slightly but not very noticeably. 6:10 and on, listen to those little accented notes. Page ate his Wheaties this morning.

    Moby Dick- An excellent version, I must say. Not much dragging at all. 

    Dazed And Confused- I'm expecting big things for this based on what I've heard so far. He's sticking to the basic formula throughout the first part. A solid first lead section, with Bonzo and Jones laying down a hectic groove. 5:32/San Francisco, other than a string slightly out of tune, this is absolutely stunning. Very beautiful and delicate. Imagine hearing this on a multitrack. 7:55, the transition to the bow section takes forever, roadie must've been playing with it backstage. A little mundane, but a good bow solo. 14:53 and on, a good solid workout section. Nothing amazing, but very fluid. 21:16/Mars, Bringer Of War- Nailed it. Even brings the bow back out for the outro. Overall, nothing spectacular, but a very solid version that could easily be an official release with very little editing.

    Stairway To Heaven- Tapers are still trying to figure out what happened to their buddy lol. Plant sounds fantastic for this and very inspired. Solo- He gets a good flow going but it seems to lack some emotion and is slightly erratic, but not really in a bad way. 8:18, excellent double note bends. 9:01, a slight flub. A great solo with good phrasing. A soundboard might really bring it alive.

    Whole Lotta Love (Partial)- The guitar drops in the mix and is barely audible. Sounds like the taper went out for a smoke.

    Black Dog- Plant is sounding very hoarse now, but there's still a lot of energy. 1:45, 1:51, Page is throwing some nice accents in there. The solo- That Van Halen right hand appears again at 3:51. Straining a little on the big bends, but still managing. His phrasing moves along nicely and never sounds forced (like so many other versions). A solid version and solo.

    Heartbreaker- Bonham's drums sound like a giant robot walking down a hallway. The solo- The taper says "We need to stand up for this" lol. You're damn right. Sounding good, but he sounds a little lost. 4:47, the speedy part- articulation is fairly good, a little sloppy, but his phrasing seems to have taken a dive. He sounds like he doesn't know what he wants to do. 5:47, his fingers aren't quite as nimble here, but he's moving along okay. 7:32, he flubs the chords. Not a bad version at all for 75.

    Final assessment- This is definitely the hottest Page I've heard so far in 75 and is easily comparable to previous years. It's a shame the audio is lackluster and Plant's voice isn't 100%, but let's hope for a soundboard anyway. After doing 2/6 (Good) and 2/8 (Great), I think I'll go straight to 2/10 to see if the momentum kept going in Maryland.

    Good job Gibson, nice, honest assessment, much appreciated. It appears during most of the 75' shows that his right hand starts feeling the pain by the end of the show, they go off and Page drinks half a bottle of Jack, comes back for the encores and that is when you can start to notice his playing dropping off. He does this quite often on this tour, starts out strong, moving along well, showing some strain by the end, and then the encores show the booze. 

    In 75' I blame the Jack in the end of the show for most of Jimmy's issues.

  15. 11 hours ago, gibsonfan159 said:

    Zep, Rush, Pink Floyd, and Ozzy have always been my top four rock groups, although I can't listen to much beyond "Signals". I've never understood people's comparison of them to Zep. I just don't hear it. Nothing on their first album sounds remotely like Zep. Two totally different styles IMO.

    Except for Working man which IMO is a Zep tribute if there ever was one. The coda to that song is almost identical to the coda of HMMT and Lifeson's solo is pure Page.

  16. 1 hour ago, sixpense said:

    I recall Jimmy saying that he was not happy that no Black Crowes songs they performed live tracks were allowed to be released because of their record company.

    That was some bullshit right there, in fact, I always wished the Crowes / Page shows were more a 50 / 50 mix of Crowes & Zep tunes instead of mostly Zep tunes. If Jimmy had joined the Crowes as suggested above I believe it would have been a great partnership and some very interesting music would have been made.

  17. 6 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    I'd get him fucking sorted and fast, you can count on that. The first thing we do is send him clothes shopping with a stylist. All black and sunglasses is fine, but not for ten years in a row. The second thing we do is get momentum behind this 75th Birthday Celebration Concert. He'll find out who his real friends are when they accept an invitation to participate or perform in such as special occasion. Then the gigs are announced. Perhaps twenty over two months. 5,000 to 8,000 seat venues. UK/Europe/Asia/North America. These are complimented by a   half-dozen or so no notice club gigs. A guy walks out to the marquee and starts slapping the letters up: TONIGHT. 8PM. JIMMY PAGE. ON    SALE AT THE BOX OFFICE NOW. *Limit two per customer. See, I'm so efficient I don't even need a year. You give me six months and even  IpMan will sing my praises.        

    If you can pull that off I will not be the only one signing your praises, a choir of angels will be leading the chorus.

  18. 2 hours ago, SteveAJones said:

    Actually, The Black Crowes were dropped by their record label shortly after Ross Halfin had helped to coordinate for them to perform with Jimmy at a charity gig in London in June 1999. So their manager, Peter Angelus, contacted Jimmy's manager, Bill Curbishley, to inquire if Jimmy might be interested in doing some shows together. This lead to the October 1999 US dates followed by the summer tour and live cd the following year. Basically, it was a marriage of convenience that coincided with Robert leaving Page/Plant and TBC trying to get picked up by another label.  

    Jesus, Half-Man really is the kiss of death. Damn succubus!

  19. I believe Robert is approaching the idea of a reunion all wrong. As Jimmy wants to relive 1973 again, Robert should just say yes to a reunion under the following conditions:

    Jason needs to wear a wig and beat the shit outta anyone who smiles at him in a bar

    Jimmy needs to hang out with a girl half his age....well, forget that, his current bird is 1/3 his age. Anyway, Jimmy needs to fit into, and wear the Black Dragon suit from 75' and play his guitar at knee level while duckwalking.

    JPJ must wear the onion jacket and a Prince Valiant wig and have a non-working phone on his piano at all times

    They need to hire The Rock as their new Peter Grant stand in who will also be ready for a bit of the old ultra-violence while being surrounded by mountains of coke and underage girls.

    Robert of course gets to wear the tight jeans and an open blouse while Carmine Appice must have a mud shark ready at all times.


    Yes, bring back the good old days, even if it results in a broken hip or two and / or jail time in the process.

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