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Everything posted by anniemouse

  1. What bike is Robert on. I know they had a passion for motorbikes is there a thread with them.
  2. Ruined in a day is my favourite New Order Track. Love the new stuff Tutti Fruiti is wonderful Joy Divisions : Love will Tear Us Apart still breaks my heart. So sad about the court case.
  3. I received the special edition discs for my birthday / Christmas and played them back to back. I found it rather enlightening and was astonished at how much they were prepared to experiment and wonder why LZ III was considered such a misfire at the time. The two discs I have always struggled with and even on CD I am still having issues is Presence and Houses of the Holy. I think with Presence I think I feel that Roberts voice is still not at full strength after the crash. On a positive note I enjoyed ITTO and Coda and again I concur that the companion discs are amazing. How anyone can criticise Bonzo's drumming is beyond me and his later stuff holds up very well and they were still pushing their limits even at the end. From funk to Chicago style Go Go, to folk heavy rock they could really do anything. As a newish listener I found out so much.
  4. Most of my Christmas gifts have been Led Zeppelin CD's (Deluxe editions) so am getting to hear the rarities.
  5. Anybody know any details on the Robert pic of him shirtless next to the machines and the green shirt picture.
  6. Isn't that Graceland that Robert is standing outside. Also was that the home studio that was built at the beginning of his solo work. Thank you for posting.
  7. Love ELO and that is one of my favourite tracks of theirs.
  8. Didn't JB's close. I am shocked at the number of legendary venues that have disappeared. Love those images.
  9. I am offering apologies in advance because I have reposted images that were on Google images. If they belonged to you SozoZozo very sorry.
  10. Ahh from when I was young and daft. Cannot get over how young they were.
  11. Do you know I recall Elton saying he spent years touring just to fund Watford. I know their is a video of Robert somewhere in Canada in the 1980's stating he lost a lot of money on Wolves with the share offer that ended up not worth the paper it is written on. Wonder what will happen Wolves are I think 15th in the table after another 0 - 0 draw at home. I have seen still images of Robert from the early 1970's playing so that must have been during the early LZ years and I am positive I have seen Elton play on the TV. Found these image's.
  12. Wow they are amazing. Wonder when the dungarees image was taken. Loved the last image.
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