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Everything posted by Knebby

  1. Do you know if she's still doing fashion/costume design? I know Glenn was wearing her designs when he briefly sang for Black Sabbath in the 80s.
  2. I thought he left in 1976? Oh well - no matter - I wasn't suggesting he had a relationship with Lori, just naming him as the other Deep Purple guitarist. He was married anyway to a part-Hawaiian girl named Karen, though I'm a fan of his music but don't know anything about the strength of his marriage ( other than that he asked Glenn Hughes to look after her and Glenn subsequently married her).
  3. I saw Lori with a baby in a buggy at a show in LA in about 1985 but I can't remember whether it was a Firm show or one of Robert's. I do remember being told (not by her) that the baby was Richie Blackmore's , but as I've never had a lot of interest in Lori I never followed up any enquiry into that and have absolutely no idea as to the possibilty of it being true.
  4. Ooh wish I was - I'd certainly come to see you. Hope it's fun!
  5. I'm going to have to derail this thread again by one post because there are some pretty serious accusations to answer. Let me make this very clear - I have NEVER PM'd anyone on this forum claiming to be a member of the band, and I only have ONE account here - in the name of Knebby. Ok - carry on.
  6. I agree I think Jo is great. I had a lot of time for Krissy though too. Beautiful, vivacious woman.
  7. Oh I think that's a bit harsh . Plus he's now dumped Jo so does that make HER a groupie?
  8. Good point TaraR - happy to move the thread along - so maybe someone can solve the mystery of the quotient?
  9. I CONCEDED I may well be wrong about Jimmy in New Orleans (still haven't seen any PROOF though, so you're wrong there). You cannot let that go. You won't admit to being wrong about anything - even when your major source appears to be Richard Cole, who has given at least two different versions of the story. Don't think your 'history' around here is untarnished. You have a history of always having to be right about everything around here - even when you aren't. Don't think that hasn't already been discussed around here. We all have people who like us and people who don't. I don't feel at all threatened or upset by anyone's "ignore list". It won't lose me any sleep. And I'll end by pointing out that in my post above I listed several points that YOU got wrong.
  10. Are you kidding? "Desist"? Who do you think you are? I think its pretty clear to anyone reading this - I've conceded when I might be wrong and backed up where YOU were wrong with evidence - you've done neither. There's nothing irrational or aggressive about my posts. You're the one saying "Desist" and trying to drag in previous issues I've had with other posters which had nothing to do with you or the fact that you got these things WRONG.
  11. So Peter was clearly in New Orleans - even though Rosen said he stayed in SF with Jimmy. Another reliable source there then.
  12. No he wasn't. Untrue. He knew all about Karac's death and wasn't in Egypt at the time. When he WAS in Egypt, he wasn't uncontactable. Wrong - as I stated last night, Dennis Sheehan was also with them. The people you name COULD have attended the funeral but CHOSE not to. I am happy to concede when there is evidence that I am wrong. However, you haven't provided any.Your entire argument suggested it was something you were absolutely certain about. I'm surprised to see you had no evidence to support this. When are you going to concede that YOU were wrong about the inital point that I tackled you on and several points since? The idea that Jimmy trotted off to Egypt during a 5 or 6 day break between shows and was still there during Karac's funeral despite being "uncontactable" and therefore apparently unaware that the rest of the tour had been cancelled - and so he should have been back in the US playing gigs - is ludicrous.
  13. Meg I have conceded I could be wrong despite all of the quotes I have describing the whole entourage checking in when Robert was given the message, and all of the personal conversations I have had regarding this. Could you please offer me what you have that makes YOU so certain you are right about this? Especially since Cole apparently contradicts himself - in his "Stairway To Heaven" book he claims "Bonham was the only member of the band who attended the services; Jimmy, John-Paul and Peter were still in the States." He also says in the same book - like SAJ- that Jimmy's trip to Egypt was taken during the earlier break in the tour. Jimmy WAS at the hotel when the news reached Robert - as was Jonesy, as were the entire entourage. Even according to Richard Cole. NB - off to bed now so don't feel I am ignoring any responses - will have to look at them tomorrow.
  14. They all COULD have been there - they chose not to be. I know perfectly well who flew home with Robert - and actually Denis Sheehan flew with them too.. That says NOTHING about who was there when the news was broken. I prefer my sources over Richard Cole as a source any day of the week. Jimmy's quote re Egypt "I didn't want to come home, it was so good. I didn't go for long enough and with every day I was there family ties in England were pulling more strongly". An odd quote under the circumstances.
  15. You know Meg - you could be right there - I have a ton of books and magazines but not the world's best memory. I don't think you ARE right, and Keith Shadwick doesn't either, but I'll certainly concede if you are. So now what about your claim that he wasn't at Karac's funeral because he was in Egypt "uncontactable"?
  16. Bollocks. He knew about Karac's death. He was only in Egypt for 4 days.
  17. Eh? No he wasn't - they'd just arrived at New Orleans after another show. They were all at the hotel when Robert got the news.
  18. You found Faces fans in this thread! Who woulda thunk it? I love it when someone admits their opinions are uninformed but sticks to them all the same. The world is truly a better place for that kind of attitude. Anyway -
  19. No that was by Big George - but it was a corker. The vocal version of his recording is on the Waysted album though. This is the history of the released versions of the song 1967 - Chris Farlowe. 1967 - Double Feature as a single for Deram Records. 1968 - Love Affair on the album Everlasting Love Affair. 1969 - Kate Taylor (Sister of James). 1969- The Rationals 1970 - Mike D'Abo. 1970 - Rod Stewart. 1971 - Chase on their eponymous album. Charted as a single that peaked at #84. 1971 - Brian Marshall on his eponymous album. 1971 - Gary Burton on the album Alone at Last. 1972 - Glyn Desmier aka Des James Arranged by M. J. Parker Produced by Tony Hatch 1973 - Jon English on the album Wine Dark Sea. 1975 - Chris Farlowe on the album Chris Farlowe Band Live. 1992 - Mary Coughlan on the album Sentimental Killers. 1993 - Rod Stewart on the album Unplugged... and Seated. 2001 - Stereophonics as a single that charted in the top 10. 2002 - Rod Stewart on the live album Party at the Palace. 2004 - The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra on the album Symphonic Rock 2005 - Chris Farlowe on the album Hungary For The Blues. 2007 - Engelbert Humperdinck on the album "The Winding Road" (Best of the Brits) 2007 - Waysted on the album The Harsh Reality and this is the Stereophonics version - I know some Faces fans hate it but I like it. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=4xkPJNgvWL8
  20. I suppose the crux of the matter is how you express your opinions.
  21. Well its actually a Mike D'Abo song first released by Chris Farlowe, but in the context of this thread - yeah a Stewart solo song rather than a Faces one. Bloody great song but then D'Abo is a great songwriter. Stereophonics recent(ish) version was pretty good too.
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