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Posts posted by tyedye

  1. Me three! (Oops, meant to include the picture as well - never mind, you know which one I meant!)

    He is, quite simply, one of the most beautiful men ever to grace this planet. Sigh ...

    Beautiful is a word I don't use to describe very many men, but that is the word I most associate with Jimmy.

    He is beautiful.

  2. From Tokyo today:


    It's not fair to regular guys that at 64, this man still makes me melt.

    There is just something about a sharp dressed man in Ray Bans...especially THIS particular man.

    He's so fucking cool.

    I about creamed my jeans when I seen these pics.

  3. 51207452.jpg



    His eyes definatly look green there.

    I think they might be hazel.

    Man, I could get lost in those eyes of his.

    Sharp, intellect, sensitive..a bit of the devil. hehe

    What I would give to meet him and know him on a personal level.

  4. I have a book by Ritchie Yorke; it's a great one. It's best to just ignore Robert Plant when he makes those remarks about other bands; it's just the way he is. It's a good thing I know how take my mind off him. :lol:

    All I was trying to say is that a man of Roberts caliber doesn't need to compare himself to other bands and put them down in the process. I didn't mean to start a war. :hippy:

    I realize that is the way he is. I just wish he would realize that it isn't necessary. We all know he is great and most everyone else is second at best.

  5. I don't know if what is said above is really true. Who knows. But I would agree, he does seem to voice his disapproval often. He could go a little easier on some people, like for example... Rod Stewart? (But then again, I don't know Rod personally, maybe he's an a$)

    Yes. Thank you. Well put.

    I just finished The Definitive Bio by Ritchie Yorke, and throughout the entire book, RP put's down other bands.

    Whenever I hear him speak, he usually has to put somebody (band) else down.

    I dont' see why he has to do this. It's just not necessary.

  6. Strangly enough, I hated REM back in their hayday.

    It had to do with the fact that every other song on the radio seemed to be an REM song.

    Since I no longer listen to radio, I have recently rediscoved this band and listen to them with a new set of ears.

    I love Drive and Bang and Blame. Crush with Eyeliner is good too.

  7. I love the Beatles. 4 very tallented people coming together to make magic...much like Led Zeppelin.

    They never made a bad album.

    I read and watch as much documentaries on the Beatles too.

    They rank among the top of my favorite bands of all time. Here is my top 3 in no particular order.

    The Beatles

    Led Zeppelin

    Pink Floyd

  8. Remember That Night

    David Gimour

    Live At The Royal Albert Hall

    I just finished watching Disc 1. It is AMAZING! Haven't watched Disc 2 yet.

    Anyone who has seen Gilmour or Pink Floyd live will understand. :)

    They just don't make bands like this anymore. :(

    (I wonder's if Zep's 02 DVD will be as amazing?)

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