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custard pie man

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Everything posted by custard pie man

  1. the 49ers season starter and backup at qb are now number 2 and 3, no way regardless of sundays game is he anything but a firm starting qb headed into next season, this kid has earned it, god wish we had someone like him in Dallas
  2. one more thought on cowboys as bad as Dak played, 2 picks, had receivers wide open deep including Gallup with 2 minutes to go and had a pick six dropped with 2:30 to go lets not forget the most overrated defensive back in football, Diggs! with Kittles great, game changing catch it was Diggs who could of popped him and easily had the triple bobble fall incomplete, instead Diggs what he does best, closed his eyes and whiffed, that was just as big as Daks miscues I believe , won't even include his blown interception right before 49ers touchdown, my last rant, rooting for niners but had to pick philly
  3. i can remember that a stadium in the snow always benefited the home team that is used to playing in bad weather like vikings in the 70's, steelers, Bills, etc... regardless both teams have to deal with it
  4. i've had 12 hours to reflect on cowboys loss and I think with their defense and core players on both side of the ball Jerry Jones should put this add in every general managers computer of every NFL team "free to a good home, Dak Prescott"
  5. fuck that line me up we'll go for 2
  6. a kicking problem a no tony pollard problem and a quaterback problem, other than that were good🤣
  7. so at halftime my cowboys have no Pollard, no kicker and no quarterback but they do have one hell of a defense, it will take a miracle, bengals kicked ass and noticed Diggs who caught a low ball from Allen in first half and was bitching at him well he really bitched him out for everyone to see near end of game, could be trouble moving forward for Bills, they may have had their shot and window has closed?possibly
  8. so just came back from new york city celebrating my daughters 32 bday and saw espn highlights of giants ass kickin and just got home to turn on bills game and see snow and cincy up 14-0, is this another rout in the making? geez hope Dallas/niners will at least be competitive
  9. records are meant to be broken and different eras mean records are meaningless and now lets throw in another game to the season, what Unitas did in his day and Tarkenton did in his is amazing when you consider defensive lineman could slap the helments of offensive lineman and dump qb on his head, defensive backs roughed up receivers and knocked the crap out of them, believe their passing records are much more impressive than what Brees or Brady ever did or Mahommes or Allen will do, just unfair to compare , the game has changed so much
  10. the "catch" game was brutal, I was at a bar where everyone seemed to hate Dallas and almost threw a punch lol, couple things about that game that most won't remember, Tony Dorsett early in first quarter got a finger in his eye and sat on sidelines with a bag of ice and missed rest of half but in 2nd half ran wild for almost 100 yards and had couple screens and after the catch and with about a minute left White hit 88 Pearson crossing mid field and only a yank on back of jersey and shoulder pads brought him down and saved a touch down, of course illegall today but not then, next play believe White fumbled in pocket and game over, 3 straight years after # 12 retired and we lost in championship game, damn wish Rodger didn't want to become a billionaire in real estate and played 3 more years lol
  11. not sure Brady would want to hang out in hot tub with the group I call the " 38 long club"😄
  12. so as a cowboy fan I picked them in sanfran and picked all other home teams, my thought both bills and bengals played like shit last game and could of both been out so go with home team, chiefs rested and although not playing great should win and eagles also rested and destroyed giants in giants stadium few weeks back so should win, however if Dallas pulls the upset wouldn't it be great to have giants upset eagles and championship game is in Dallas? c'mon it can happen🤔
  13. well we need dak to play like last game not like Dak since his return from injury, we need kicker to get his shit together and we need a strong, very strong run game from zeke and Pollard, 12 carries each and maybe 4-5 screens to Pollard and maybe he breaks 1 or 2, defense will have to knock qb around but who do they key on McCafferty or Samuel?
  14. the 5 days rest is a huge issue and 2 guys went down with injuries so thats a big negative but the flip side is Dak doesn't have time to dwell on his 1 great game and let it get to his head, no he's already reviewing scouts film on 49ers, at least nfl gave them the last game slot, how kind, game will need field goals to win so hopefully he gets his shit together
  15. Chiefs Eagles Bills Cowboys(get the kicker a good shrink please)
  16. and 1 more tidbit for us cowboy fans at the time he was the most accurate kicker in nfl history and congrats to junior, guess you got a ringer in the family
  17. Brady is laughing his ass off, by unretiring he got rid of his wife, now he is free to go to Raiders for 1 season and reunite with his Pats offensive coach and make about 50-60 million and get to see all the ufc fights in Vegas for free 😁
  18. walter do you remember think in 84or85 cowboys won east and were set to travel to LA for meeting with Rams in a showdown of Dickerson and Dorsett? midweek Septien had a incident involving a under age girl and Landry fired his ass and Cowboys went to LA with no kicker, remember several times inside 20 cowboys had no choice but to go for it and failed and lost believe around 20-6, a much diffrent time and coach and league for sure
  19. so many times yesterday i was going to switch my pick to Dallas but didn't because of Daks horrible play and turnovers well he came up big last nite, zero turnovers and actually threw ball out of bounds rather than force, i'm so glad he proved me wrong if he can continue not to turnover cowboys can beat 49ers but now we have to worry about the kicker ! Doomsday was back
  20. but as a life long cowboy fan he is a much better color commentator than a quarterback, trust me!
  21. question for everyone, during Bills/ dolphins game was that Tony Romo doing a Bill Murray caddyshack remake commercial for i think miller lite beer? thought he did another beer company but it sure as hell looked like him?
  22. nah, in cold weather one must account for shrinkage, maybe 2 vagrants
  23. had family over , slow cooked rib roast, baked potato with broccoli and beer all day, just found out my physical is day after super bowl🤔
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