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custard pie man

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Everything posted by custard pie man

  1. no, cowboys but redskins with this qb are battling, wouldn't surprise me if they won
  2. just got back so after 10 days here we go Panthers W Seahawks Vikings Bears Chiefs Dolphins Giants Steelers Titans Raiders Cowboys Cardinals 49ers Eagles(worried)
  3. congrats to jabe and strider Eagles Chargers Dolphins Bengals Packers Jags Pats Bills Vikes Cardinals Bucs Chiefs Saints Strider i'm taking off with wife for Myrtle beach on 4th and returning 12th hopefully so let me pick next thursday game and i'll get rest in by game day next thursday Panthers thanks
  4. sorry to hear that, celebrated 35 on june 27 this year and going strong, well actually didn't celebrate cuz my daughter got married july 3 and son 2 weeks ago so were a little tapped out at the moment lol but very happy and proud
  5. she can work 9-5 for the next 50 years and doesn't belong in the hall at least the rock hall lol and getting page and plant together.... well I have a better shot of hitting the 850 Million powerball jackpot tonight, the halls of fame in rock and most sporting halls have become very diluted, it ended for me when rap got a spot
  6. this maybe true, however in america the wife gets at least half even if shes caught cheating and holding a gun to your head lol, now Brady may have to play until he's 70 😂
  7. yes the timing of it all but i'll take this over the planned pandemic and the changing of voting regulations in all swing states any day, besides does Nancy give 2 shits about this guy? sacrifices must be made lol
  8. I always hated seat belts until now😃
  9. omg, won a thursday nite! wait does this mean now i'll have an 0 for 13 come sunday? side note, wonder how Brady feel now coming out of retirement and possibly getting taken to the cleaners by his model wife?
  10. isn't it ironic that the swamp is now trying to create law or passage that the V.P. can no longer stand and hear arguments from state electors who are sponsored by senators and wish to challenge their state votes. Ol crooked Mitch is leading the way on this, democrats have routinely questioned the vote but never have a senator to sponsor the challenge and in 2020 when a true screwing was happening, and senator Cruz stood up this is when a call was made from in the chambers to outside to start the insurrection so the swamp can stop the very real and legal challenge
  11. Ravens Jags Panthers Cowboys Lions Vikes Saints Pats Eagles Titans Colts 49ers Seahawks Bills Bengals
  12. color is Greg Olsen former tight end at Carolina
  13. so will see if major league baseball in combination with the umpires can find away to somehow keep the hitless yankees from being eliminated and not lose that huge market because believe many people feel the same as you lol
  14. 😃, yes worth checking out
  15. so all major sports I find have this modern day mentality that everyone is a winner and everyone gets to participate bullshit, baseball, football hockey, basketball stopped watching 20 years ago, better to watch a rap video if your into that shit and nascar was the one sport that held driver and team accountable for a 9 month season where the best win out and then they fucked it all up with playoffs, points , lucky dog and now divideding races into stages and resetting the field and result is racing sucks and fans don't go anymore, basically major sports are following society with all this inclusiveness and participation trophies, sport has become watered down in my opinion
  16. believe so but more than likely will be limited action
  17. when it wears off we get what we have Joe Biden or also known as Weekend at Bernies guy
  18. Steve I have been saying that for years, either income and or property taxes is the only way otherwise we have the mess we currently are in, illegalls voting, dead people voting, buses coming in at every major democratic city, people getting them registered and giving them gifts, food , drink etc....
  19. well have no use for any of them Kardashes but at least he wasn't banging Kanye 😂
  20. can't blame the defense for a pick in the endzone after 15 plays and 80 yards by dalton, then 2 straight pick 6's, basically they gave 22 points to cards in last 3 minutes of first half, only if they had a qb, saw Brees up in one of the boxes, come back Drew lol
  21. the real question is will a touchdown or two be scored tonite or will baseball have a higher score total?
  22. just brought in-laws to airport😇 now time to pick saints ravens Bucs Bengals cowboys giants titans packers jets raiders chargers 49ers dolphins pats
  23. thanks Strider, wish I had video of 100 people in a big circle to close wedding and my son does solo to stairway, remember telling my wife Zep might frown on seeing such a site lol but it was great seeing so many 25-30 year olds digging the mighty zepp, looks like Walter is a kickin some ass, will be hard to catch
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