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Status Updates posted by chillumpuffer

  1.  No PM Man?

    1. JTM


      I'll try again later.

  2. Reswati Banned

    This is the last straw. That racist, sexist bigot Jones has got Ressie kicked off. One rule for one.... ?

    1. Strider


      WTF? I've been taking a break from the forum....and from politics. I'll have to catch up on what happened.

      Meanwhile, I missed Peter Hook's book signing last month. Have you got his book? Is it any good?

    2. chillumpuffer


      Sath PM'd me

      All in the random thoughts section I think. Ressie PM'd me saying he had reported Jones for a homophobic rant. Stryder1978 too. I also reported them for being racist but it fell on deaf ears. Quite how and why the Mods let these right wing racist bigots get away with it is beyond me? I have posted a couple of tunes on RT forum . One for Jones and one for Ressie

      No not read Hookies book but it will be an interesting read. Just ignore his inevitable slagging off of Zepp. He saw the Hard Rock Manchester show in 72 or 3 and stated that it was the worst gig he ever saw and it was inspiration for playing the kinda stuff Joy Division played.

      Hope all is well sean? Must get up !!

  3.  Interesting. I would have thought saving them is the easy bit? Does it not give you this option after you have scanned a neg? Say Documents/Pictures? Though i suppose it depends whether you use a Mac or a PC?

    Let me know how you get on?

    Best wishes


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. redrum


      Hey David,

      I have it pretty much figured out. Not too hard really. Here's one from town on a rainy night last year. I have binders full of negatives going back to the 70's. Lots of work ahead. ^_^


    3. chillumpuffer


      Thanks Randall

      Are you happy with the quality of the scanner? I only ask as I looked on Amazon for reviews and this was the biggest complaint - the pictures appear "soft" The picture does seem really clear and it reminds me of a typical evening here in England:D


    4. redrum


      So far I like it. I'm sure the image can be improved on as I only have the editing program that came with it and my computer editing program. I'm thinking about Adobe Elements 15. It can also do TIFF scans, but the files are huge and this site won't accept them. Here's another one in JPEG. 

      CHALET-BAD COMPANY (2).jpg

  4. Hi Sean

    I hope all is well? Just to let you know Phil from Hookey's crew was admitted to hospital over the weekend with Pneumonia. More then likely caught it whilst in Mexico with the band in an AC room. He went to Bali for a week on holiday and collapsed in Singapore. He said he had to crawl to get on the plane. He is not well at all and the doctors say he is very lucky as this type can kill the elderly and the young. It's early days and he is being well looked after but he didn't sound great when I spoke to him yesterday,

    I might make him a big bowl of veggie stew for comfort and hope he returns home soon.


    1. Strider


      Holy fuck! David, I am only now seeing this post of yours. The new upgrade messed with a lot of the functions on this site. Please give my best to Phil. I am pulling for him. Your message is a several weeks old so I hope you have good news and Phil is in the clear. Ta, Sean

    2. chillumpuffer


      Yes thanks Sean. He is recovering, albeit slowly. Of course he has missed big US tour which was penned for the whole of Nov and much of December so he is pissed about that. That's a big chunk of money he has lost. But he has been doing some studio work with his partner who writes songs for major artists so he is keeping busy.

      i will pass on your best?


  5. Thanks for the Postie card Sean. Anne said she thought it was a promo card and nearly binned it! I haven't seen a postcard for years and it was a joy to see that someone can still write. 

    Not much to say from over here. Can't get to do outside things as it has been dull and wet for nearly 2 months. No summer again this year and we looking forward to be re acquainted with the golden ball on our annual golf trip to Portugal next February. If you want to see how grim it really is here, tune into the "Open" from Thursday. I bet all the Americans will say "how can anyone live in such a miserable country as this"?

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