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Posts posted by TypeO

  1. That's pretty cool. I might even have heard it live, cos I saw him supporting Frampton at Landover in 1977, and was very impressed but never got around to buying his live album. However, I did DL it awhile back, so I must check it out. Cheers for the reminder!

    Yeah, that '77 Derringer Live is a fantastic live album.

    It's where I first heard what became his standard line for playing Rock 'N Roll Hootchie-Koo -

    I wish we could play all night long for you guys, but we only got time for ONE... MORE... SONG!!!

    I also love where he transitions into You Really Got Me in the middle of his solo.

  2. Now we're moving to interesting territory...obsessing over parts of songs. I have a couple of those myself...I'd be interested to hear your 30-sec thing TypeO, but unfortunately the link's not working for me. Can you give me a start-point and I'll go check it on YT.

    OK, I updated the link - the original in my post should work now.

    Here it is - updated.


    This is the full song I uploaded to YouTube a while back.

    The part in question begins at around 5:25 or so.

  3. I don't think I could list them all.

    I think it began when I was very young, maybe 6 or 7 and I had a portable stereo turntable.

    I would sit it on my bed and play a 45 of Bent Fabric's Alley Cat.

    I left the arm up so that ith would return to the start on its own.

    I would literally lay on my bed for hours listening to it over and over.

    So now, I obsess on single CDs and even single songs very easily.

    Ask my co-workers how much I liked Amy Winehouse a few years back when I "discovered" her (long after everyone else, to be sure).

    That's part of the reason I have to use headphone/earbuds in the office now, LOL.

    I think the craziest of all was when I used to work all-nighters to get the magazine finished in time for deadline, and I was the only one in the office all night.

    I would rock my computer speakers as loud as I wanted, as the building was almost deserted, and I have a fairly decent little setup, including a sub.

    Once, I was really stuck on Beyond The Universe from 1977's Derringer Live, which is about 7 minutes long.

    But it was a particular 30-second stretch of the solo that I've always loved, and had gone into my obsession mode on.

    So, naturally, I saved the 30-second section of the solo as a separate mp3, and let it play on my Windows Media player on repeat for the entire night, easily 12 hours straight.

    12 hours x 60 minutes = 720 minutes, which would be roughly 1,440 plays throughout the night.

    I was on adipex (phertermine) for weight-loss at the time, which only increases my focus and obssessive tendencies.

    If you're curious, here's the 30-second snippet I so adore.


  4. Guy goes out drinking after work with his mates one evening, still wearing his best work-suit. Armani. As the night unfolds, they all get progressively drunker, and just before they leave for the next pub, someone orders a round of slammers. The guy knocks his back, then starts to feel it all welling up inside...he can't hold it back, and vomits profusely down the front of his fine suit.

    "Fucking hell, the missus is gonna kill me for this", he says. "Don't worry," says one of his mates. "Here's what you do. Stick a £20 note in your outside pocket now, and when your wife goes mental, tell her it was someone else who puked, and he felt so bad that he gave you £20 to get it dry-cleaned." "That's brilliant!", he says, and he takes a £20 note, folds it up and sticks it in his pocket...and they move on to the next pub.

    Next thing he knows, it's morning, and the he's waking up on the sofa, with his wife standing over him, holding his puke-crusted jacket at arm's length with a face like thunder. "You disgusting animal", she says, "just look what you've done to your Armani suit". Guy looks at her, remembers the plan, and says "Oh no, no no no, it wasn't me, darling. It was some drunken stranger, and he felt so guilty that he gave me £20 to get it cleaned. There should be a £20 note in the pocket, take a look".

    "Actually, there was £40 in the pocket", she says, "so where did the other £20 come from?"

    "Oh", he says, "that's from the guy who shat in my pants".

    This reminds me of a YouTube comment on a video from Liberal radio talk show host Randi Rhodes claiming she was mugged after walking out of a bar, suggesting it was right-wingers who disliked her.

    She makes the comment about it being "Blackwater thugs".


    to this day, which still makes me laugh like crazy -


    blogagog 5 years ago

    One time I drank 14 beers, and Blackwater thugs peed in my pants and threw up all over me.

    True story.

    Reply · 24 pixel-vfl3z5WfW.gifpixel-vfl3z5WfW.gif

  5. I didn't see Taxi Driver or Saturday Night Fever until the 90's when I caught them on HBO. I liked them both and was pleasantly surprised by Saturday Night Fever since there was much more to it than I was expecting. In recent months I've continued to play catch up with several movies I missed the first time around such as Velvet Goldmine, Being John Malkovich, Kramer vs. Kramer, Ordinary People and Grand Canyon. Midnight Cowboy may be next.

    Being John Malkovich is awesome.

  6. Just watched a very disturbing German movie with subtitles on Netflix.
    The earth is burning up after solar flare activity has raised the temperature by 10 degrees Celsius.

    It's got the same dystopian hopelessness of The Road, but probably even more intense.

    It comes off as very realistic and plausible, filmed in a bright, HDR-style that really recreates an environment where the sun is literally lethal.

    Definitely worth a watch.


  7. $1.62? That is good blood for your buck ratio!

    This and "Killer Joe" were two of my favourite movies from last year. The only problem was that they were hard to recommend to other people because of the high violence/blood quotient. I'm well aware that my tolerance for violence and sex in movies is higher than most of my friends and the average person.

    TypeO, since you liked Sam Rockwell so much, I recommend you check out "Moon", another film he is great in.

    LOL, yeah, $1.50 + tax for Blu-Ray rentals at Redbox.

    I even watched it again last night with a friend of mine after a couple bongs of some good medicinal.

    It was even better the second time around.

    I'll definitely check out Moon when I can find it.

    The Green Mile is the first thing I remember seeing him in.

    I even enjoyed Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, but I was a huge Gong Show fan anyway.

    As for violence/gore and sex, I don't mind it as long as it isn't the only point of the movie.

    I can laugh at the dark humor of some of the head shots in Psychopaths, but I was very uncomfortable watching Hostel for the first time.

    I'm not a particular fan of horror/gore movies, yet graphic violence like Pulp Fiction isn't an issue for me.

  8. Got this from RedBox last night, because I had seen the trailer.

    Pretty hard to go wrong with Christopher Walken, Woody Harrelson and Colin Ferrell.
    Sam Rockwell is becoming one of my favorite actors, and he really makes this movie great.

    Best $1.62 I've spent lately.


  9. Breyer's used to be my absolute favorite ice cream.

    But a couple years ago they went the way of other brands and started adding some preservative that gives the ice cream a thicker, almost greasy texture.

    Since then, Blue Bell is my new preference, as they have that unadulterated taste that Breyer's used to have.

    However, just the other day I bought this new flavor for the kids since it was on sale - Breyer's S'mores.

    It is pretty amazing.

    That tan streak in the picture is this sweetened graham cracker strip layered throughout, and it is delicious!

    I'm enjoying a bowl now.


  10. Whatever you may sincerely hope for, ardently desire and enthusiastically act upon must inevitably come to pass.

    This is the quote my father had printed on a Dymo strip stuck to the dash of his car.

    He was a salesman.

    My mom and I used to practice memorizing it when we were in the car, which is how I managed to recall it out of nowhere just now 40 years later.


  11. I was standing in line at the grocer. This picture explains the North American diet, now we understand why so many small elephants are walking around passing for humans…Why am I paying for other people’s healthcare again? When I looked around, I noticed other lines with shopping carts filled the same way, with all sorts of garbage. It made me sad that in a time when it has never been easier to cook for yourself, people are living off this:


    Well, to be fair - it is Diet Coke! lulz

  12. Why do you continue to spam entire stories from publications without citing the source, as if it was your own?

    That's pretty funny, because the moment I saw another thread by this clown I was thinking pretty much the same thing.

    He doesn't really say, "Hey, I like tennis and check out this."

    He just copypasta's some article and voila! another wesgarlic thread.

    He seems to thrive on having his name all over the board.

    I mean he's been a member for 2 months and has 1400 posts.

    I've been here just over 5 years and only have about 900 more than he does.


  13. iron-sky-movie-poster-280x3992.jpg

    Watched this on Netflix last night at the insistence of a friend (not necessarily one who's movie opinion I value, but he was with me so I acquiesced, LOL).

    It was odd and quirky, and had a Starship Troopers quality about it.

    It was based on the premise that the Nazis had fled to a secret moon base on the dark side of the moon after losing the war.

    The US President is a Sarah Palin-type character who uses the campaign slogan "Yes, she can!" LOL

    Anyway, it's not too bad for some offbeat lulz.

    One of the oddest parts was where they parodied the Hitler bunker scene from Downfall (I had to Google for this information, as I had only seen the various memes based on the scene, and had no idea what the original movie was).

    What was interesting about the scene is they seemed to actually parody the meme itself.

    I had to think hard about it as I watched it - why the scene seemed so familiar.

    You may have seen the meme in various forms, one of the funniest I saw was this one, which is the iPhone 4S parody.

  14. Saw Flight with Denzell Washington yesterday with my wife at the $1.99 theater.

    As always, great story and great performance.

    Denzell rarely disappoints.

    Powerful message regarding substance abuse and alcoholism.

    John Goodman brings unexpected humor to an otherwise serious story.

    Good stuff.


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