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Posts posted by TypeO

  1. For a made-for-TV movie, this is one of the best westerns I've ever seen, and I love watching it.

    The past few weeks I've been catching random episodes on Hallmark Channel, which not only means commercials, but it's edited.

    Then the other day I found the entire thing on Netflix.

    Watched the first 2 episodes last night, and finished the last 2 episodes this afternoon.

    For me, there is such a real and natural chemistry between Robert Duvall and Tommy Lee Jones.

    The characters are done really well, and it's a truly epic adventure.

    And yes, I always cry at a number of points throughout.


  2. I was at the June 3, 1977 rainout/riot in Tampa.

    I only wish I had Strider's incredible memory.

    Not only was it (obviously) a really long time ago, I was pretty heavily buzzed.

    I remember the ticket didn't have a specific time, only "the Presence of Led Zeppelin".

    Things that stick out in my mind are the background music at the stadium would periodically be increased quite noticeably, and each time the crowd would go crazy.

    And when one of the crew walked out with Jimmy's double-neck guitar and set it in a stand, the cheering became so deafening it was as if the show had actually begun.

    At that point the reality that I was actually about to see Led Zeppelin play really began to sink in.

    I remember thinking, "holy shit, he's really going to play that thing!"

    Around the time they were taking the stage, an impossibly hard line of bluish-black clouds was moving across the opening of the stadium in a kind of surreal eclipse.

    Living in Florida, I knew the prospects were dim, as these kind of super-intense thunderstorms were practically a daily event.

    The rain was becoming steady enough by the second song that sheets of plastic were appearing everywhere, and we were sharing a huge sheet with a number of others while we smoked a bowl of bud.

    As the strains of Nobody's Fault But Mine (the 3rd song) began, me and my friend immediately looked at each and exchanged a kind of "fuck this!" glance, and we threw our section of the plastic aside, rain be damned!

    After NFBM, they bolted offstage.

    I remember various loudspeaker announcements, but it was a while before I realized the seriousness of the crowd situation.

    I remember seeing a policeman on stage in riot gear taking a baseball-like swing at a bottle thrown towards him.

    At that point, I looked up and was actually surprised at the number of bottles and other things flying through the air.

    I remember water pouring down concrete stairs as we made our way out of the stadium.

    As I've said many times, it was disappointing that I only got to see 3 songs, but that's still 3 more than a lot of people ever got to see, and I'm grateful for that.

    It is a memory that - although not as clear and concise as Strider's enjoyable recollections - I will still never forget.

  3. Simple, but annoying.

    Buy a fountain soda, 74 cents including tax.

    I have an excess of pennies, but not exact change.

    So I fork over 3 quarters (75 cents) plus 4 pennies, so I'll get a nickel change (yes, I intentionally avoided saying "nickel back").

    Anyway, this idiot hands me 5 pennies back.

    Meaningless in the overall scheme of things, but infuriating in the moment.

  4. I've been wanting to do some of these extended exposure water shots.

    Kinda like you see on calendars, greeting cards, etc.

    ISO 100 - F11 - 10 seconds

    It was getting near dark when I shot this, 8:53 p.m.

    That's how I got the 10 second exposure.


    ISO 100 - F22 - 3.2 seconds


  5. Hey no offence meant I have a Sister in Law from Glasgow that is the only reason that I can understand it , I don't need to lighten up, Iam fine and I hope you are as well. I recognise what you said about regional accents and I wasn't having a go, just making a comment.


    I was just clarifying where I was coming from, as well.

  6. TypeO, #1692. not being rude but how do you expect a group of Scotsmen to talk? and it's such a brilliant film. I've never heard it crticised because of the Scottish accent.

    It's got nothing to do with expectations.

    I expect that's obviously EXACTLY how they talk.

    But being an American from the south, it was, as I mentioned, very difficult to follow the dialog.

    That's not a criticism, just an observation.

    Being from the UK, it probably wasn't near as hard for you to follow as you are probably exposed to those types of accents a lot more regularly than I am.

    It would probably be just as hard for you to follow some of the heavy regional accents in this country (southern urban blacks, cajuns, etc.).

    In fact, there's another film I saw a while back that I liked, but found very challenging to follow the dialog - Green Street Hooligans.

    Going out on a limb, I'm guessing if you have seen it, you probably didn't even notice the accents at all.

    I don't think I should have to adjust my comments to take into account all the variety of nationalities that frequent this board.

    There are a significant amount of people here from the US, as am I, so I speak on those terms.

    If what I say doesn't really apply to someone from another country, I don't see where I should have to specify conditions of my comments.

    I don't take exception to comments that are more oriented to other countries.

    I simply recognize where the commenter is from and move on.

    Lighten up, bruh.

  7. Watched some old-school that was on my must-eventually-check-out list:

    Some surprisingly funny scenes, although the dialog was a challenge to follow with the overly-heavy accents.

    Has some pretty heavy-handed messages, but then, I guess you can't tiptoe around heroin abuse.


  8. Long but well worth the read.


    David Thorne is hilarious.

    His emails are epic.

    Here's 2 of my favorites.

    Again, long but well worth the read.

    Logo and Pie Charts is particularly funny to me, as a graphic artist.


  9. So, what did you say to your son about it?

    I kept it pretty simple.

    Mostly the idea to not be misled by the glamorization in the movie.

    That X is a pretty serious drug and that the awesomeness portrayed isn't necessarily guaranteed, nor is it lasting.

    I referenced Pulp Fiction (a movie he's seen with me), and how that made shooting heroin look insanely cool, even though the reality is far from it.

    I imagine he's had alcohol a few times, although it's entirely possible he's passed on it.

    Not sure that he's even tried weed.

    He's pretty secure with himself, and he's always displayed a reluctance to take risks.

    I'm more than certain he's never come home high.

    Regardless, he's orders of magnitude better behaved than I was at his age.

    By his age (18 in 2 months), I had been getting high for over 3 years, and I was nearing the peak of my self-destructive behavior.

    There's very little at that age that I hadn't at least tried or did regularly, especially hallucinogens (PCP, LSD, mushrooms).

    At almost his exact age now, I got arrested outside a concert on a really intense acid trip with an ounce of weed in my pocket.

    Story here, not too long and somewhat humorous.

    So yeah, overall, he's a pretty good kid.

  10. Saw The Avengers in regular 3D, not the iMax 3D ($10.50 vs. $17 each = ouch).

    Awesome movie, great entertainment, funny.

    But, for all the records it's breaking, it didn't seem THAT great.

    It wasn't as impressive to me as, say, Avatar.

    But it's a great movie.

    There's a scene towards the end with The Hulk that made me laugh pretty hard.

    Good stuff.

  11. Bo Bice (runner-up to Carrie Underwood on American Idol Season 4) played at our base tonight during our annual Spring Fest event.

    Got to meet him and get an autographed CD.

    Definitely a genuinely nice guy.

    Here's a few shots from the show.









  12. OK, I wanted to see this from the first preview I saw, since it was from the guy who did The Hangover.

    And I enjoyed the premise that you're watching "the documentation" of the event.

    And it was a really wild, and at times, hilarious movie.

    But, as a parent, I was pretty concerned.

    I know my 17 year-old son had already seen it, and now I feel it's my job to discuss the movie with him, because I had no idea the movie was such an endorsement of drug use, specifically ecstasy.

    I had no idea the name of the movie was almost literally a reference to the subject matter.

    It REALLY glamorized ecstasy, a lot.

    So yeah, funny, outrageous movie, but as a parent, a little disturbing.


  13. ...and here is the pic from the poster above her sofa. Classic Bardot foot pose. Mmmm.


    Yeah, I love how she assumes the same pose on the couch and grabs the bong.

    My kinda girl.

    That and those really long legs.

  14. 41N-C2n%2BLgL._SX500_.jpg

    I'm not much of a sports fan (when it comes to traditional sports anyway) but I've never been opposed to watching a sports oriented movie. Thing is, they tend to fall into the same cliched plot developments. I thought this one was headed in that direction at first, albeit with a much needed twist but before I knew it, I became emotionally invested in the movie and couldn't stop watching. The statistical angle, plus the lack of a "rah-rah" ending made Moneyball stand apart from most every other sports movie I've seen so I feel like all the hype behind it is definitely warranted.

    Just watched it yesterday.


    Brad Pitt continues to surprise.

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