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Posts posted by JTM

  1. Starting now a Rolling Stones special on BBC 1s Live One Show..Keef is being interviewed NOW....... Charlie is up next followed by Ronnie then Mick. Good to see the four of them fit and healthy and raring to go for their five up coming pre xmas shows. I got the impression that there could be quite a few more gigs than the ones that have already been announced....Fingers crossed here for something open air next summer.

  2. Has anyone been watching "Crossfiire Hurricane"? I caught it about five minutes in and fell asleep about an hour into it (not because it was boring, because I was exhausted). I will definitely watch it in its entirety when I next have the chance. The first half is loaded with before unseen (by me) performance and interview footage.

    Part two is on BBC 2 Saturday night followed by The Rolling Stones at the BBC after that there is a repeat of the Keith Richards Culture Show Special. Sunday night sees the first TV showing of Charlie Is My Darling.
  3. My plan for today was to watch the Celebration Day Blu-Ray followed by a blast of The Who live at Hull(if the postman delivers it). But the good lady wife has suggested that we do some xmas shopping..F'ing great..it's something I hate doing wandering around shop after shop without a clue what to buy and how nuch to spend..not too much but not too little...Got to get ready now....Posties here with my Who...that's two days on the bounce Iv'e had discs delivered and had to go out....

  4. I am not, have you got the album?

    Dylan ; Released 1973 CBS S69049

    Side 1 Lily of the west

    Can't help falling in love

    Sarah Jane

    The ballad of Ira Hayes

    Side 2

    Mr Bojangles

    Mary Ann

    Big yellow taxi

    A fool such as I

    Spanish is the loving tongue

    Most of the tracks are way, way out of tune.

    I agree that "Dylan" is probably Bobs worst album, ( It's the album of rag tags CBS put out when Bob switched labels to Asylum) but I don't agree that he's out of tune. I no longer have it.
  5. My copy of 'Celebration Day' didn't arrive in the post. :( Royal Mail are beyond useless. There's always tomorrow...

    I hope everyone who got their's today is enjoying it. :)

    The postie brought min 15 mins ago the deluxe version. B-R, DVD, 2 CDs. Something has come up and I've got to go out...So It's just CDs in the Car for now.
  6. Don't get Dylan- Dylan he does covers of various songs it is absolute fucking crap, you should hear the mess he makes of I can't help falling in love with you. It's laughable, he is so out of tune. When I first bought it years and years ago I thought it was a spoof album but apparently not.

    Joe, you are talking through through your backside. There's nothing out of tune about Bob at all he has his own style and he's pitch perfect within his vocal range.
  7. So true Rock Action. Actually it's hard to pick just one "best album" from that entire run from 1968's "Beggars Banquet" to 1972's "Exile on Main St.". They are all killer.

    So true. But if it had to be one, a desert album disc choice for instance. It would be Let It Bleed.
  8. Roast crown of duck, with two pork & apple sausages, 7 very crumbly roast potatoes, sweetcorn (sliced from fresh cobs), carrots & mangetout. The gravy was some roast chicken gravy concentrate, with extra chicken stock cubes, a bay leaf and two squeezed clementines. Went down a treat!

    Did you prep the roast crown of duck yourself ? I ask because that was the task in the elimination round on tonights Masterchef the Professionals, it looked as though there is some skill in getting it right. ...btw Welcome aboard the forum, may you find it entertaining enlightening and..most of all fun.
  9. Only if you're a Cream acolyte/apologist. :rolleyes:

    It's not better than "Celebration Day". It's not even better than the two Rolling Stones concert documentaries I saw the other night: "Charlie Is My Darling" and "Some Girls Live In Texas".

    Ha Ha Good one. I would not go so far as to say Clapton Is God. What I should have said is the "Cream" set is my personal favourite ...I suppose that's an apology...... Rolling Stones "Some Girls LIve In Texas" love that as I'm sure I'll love "Charlie Is My Darling" when I get around to buying it. I'm a little worried about "Celebration Day" though, at the cinema I yawned a couple of times..Maybe I'll get into it watching in the comfort of my home....Not long now.

  10. The Postman has just delivered my copy of the latest MOJO magazine issue 229 December 2012 has ten pages devoted to the release of CelebrationDay. I have to go out now so I will read it later today.. I'm having a quick flick through, On the Ask Fred page there is a small piece about a Gutarist by the name of Rob Ashton who played in a Band called Yemen who claims to have auditioned as a second Gutarist for Zeppelin !!!!!..One for SAJ maybe..

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