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Posts posted by JTM

  1. The Stones are playing a gig in a small venue in Paris for just 15 euro, not sure if it's been or not yet, the time difference from my part of the world gets pretty confusing at times!

    Tickets bought for 15 euros are now going for Hundreds. It makes me angry that people with no intention of going buy tickets then sell them for massive profit. Somehow there needs to be a system developed to stop touting/scalping, impossible I know. These days gig prices are high enough without profitering scumbags ripping people off. Trouble is most of the artists hands are tied with the high costs involved in touring. They have to see a return and that is their prority. It does not matter to them if huge blocks of tickets are bought by agencies that resell at over inflated prices. Making a loss is not a option.....Grrrr.

  2. The same thing was said about Eric Clapton - and he was absolutely mortified. I personally do not believe in god, but I do know that Led Zeppelin existed from 1968-1980. Also they are worshipped by many but they are by no means gods.

    Actually Joe EC was comfortable with being called God. He wrote a song about it..."Presence of the Lord"...all about himself, not the god some might tink he's singing about.
  3. I have just reset my Digital themometer to Fahrenheit. So outdoors it's 46f and indoors it's 65f. Iknow where I am now. The TV weather used to give both F and C, now it's just C. It has just started to rain again, light drizzle a half hour ago it was bucketing vertical rain as there is no breeze.

  4. You can't have PG era Mac compo without including "Need Your Love So Bad". Another thing also I would dump "Albatross" I had a school friend who's father had an album of Hawian music from the early 60s, on it was a tune that is virtually note for note and tempo of what Peter Green turned into Albatross. When this schoolfriend first mentioned that "Albatross" was'nt original nobody would believe him. But sure enough when he took you to his parents his father would take great delight in showing you the proof ie the date on the album cover and label and of course playing the track...and indeed nobody could deny what they saw and heard was almost exactly like "Albatross" only from about five years earlier. I have sometimes read that Santo and Johnny's "Sleepwalk" bears a resemblance to "Albatross" but it was'nt that.

  5. A few of us hippie types made a half arsed attempt at forming a punk band back in the mid 70s.

    We were going to call it the Clingon Pickers. We had a lyric that we put to a punked up version of Jethro Tull's Locomotive Breath.

    The first part of the lyric went ....

    I got shit on my fingers

    cos i pick my clingers

    People think it's a fuckin' disgrace

    But I don't want to join the human race......

    Then it just got a whole lot cruder, but that's all i can recall.

  6. Okay, enough of the silicone-inflated, botoxed, fake-tan, bikini waxed, airbrushed bimbos...time for a real beauty who crushes all these pretenders.
    Mmmmmm .... Delicious.

    Edit...Aww a....Where'd the pic go.

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