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Posts posted by SteveAJones

  1. 11 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    Steve, it simply was not stolen. Trump did not win. Now if you want to loosen the meaning of stolen, and proceed with Olympic gold winning gymnastics level semantics, then yeah, it is arguable. But, then so are another thousand for and against positions. He just didn't win.

    I will apologise as well Steve, I respect the agree to disagree comment, so this is a bit indulgent, but nothing near your dog and pony show indulgent. 😉

    I absolutely agree the outcome was not simply stolen, but it was indeed stolen. How? Primarily by the Deep State and media collusion to dismiss the Hunter Biden laptop (election interference) and, as custard pie man alluded to above, the state legislature's enacting of illegitimate voting procedures (election interference). Remove either of these two factors and the outcome is demonstrably different.  

  2. On 6/14/2024 at 2:17 PM, Josemanno said:

    You're a conspiracy NUT !

    Even The Supreme Court ruled against the lower courts cases of "stealing an election"....However the SC does have a few nutjobs themselves.

    They ruled against legal challenges that were filed in five states, which is not the same as ruling the election was not stolen. Voter polls have revealed the media and Deep State's coverup of the Biden laptop story alone changed the outcome of the election. An honest society would call that what it is: election interference.  

  3. On 6/14/2024 at 1:36 PM, Plant77 said:

    Plus, I will pull up, I’ll actually be about it, you and those other jackasses won’t. I know because I’ve been places and did time where people like them and you don’t ever talk like that in real life. Keyboard warriors. 

    I've been on this spinning rock long enough to know one thing for certain, and that is anyone who spews as much bullshit as you do is the textbook definition of a keyboard warrior. Cool guys don't walk around trying to convince others that they are cool, and tough guys don't bang out five paragraph dissertations attesting to how tough they are. Anyway, so now you hate me. Got it. Enjoy the show!


  4. 16 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    That's extremely optimistic mate. He's lost everything since 2016 except the "Electoral College" vote one time. From all accounts he sheds more and more votes without even trying to appeal to, or broaden his base.

    Why would a domestic terror attack infringe rights? I genuinely don't get what you're saying here. It would be a horrific CRIME. The criminals would be pursued, detained, and punished according to the rule of law if not neutralised as a threat. Every criminal ever infringes someone. That's why it's a crime.


    He didn't lose the 2020 election; it was stolen and on that we can agree to disagree.

    I'll give you a perfect example of how a domestic terror attack will be used to infringe citizen's rights. Remember 9/11? Instead of implementing Constitutional, rationale security measures Big Government implemented an obscenely expensive, bloated one size fits all solution called Department of Homeland Security, within which is the Transporation Security Administration. 


  5. 4 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    A large domestic terror attack is one thing that will significantly tip the scales to favour Trump winning comfortably. For right or wrong, better or worse.

    He's going to win regardless. The outcome of the inevitable domestic terror attacks will be to further infringe upon the rights of law-abiding American citizens.

  6. 5 hours ago, Josemanno said:

    Trump allies: Stop debasing our courts. He got a fair trial and could have testified.

    Robert Landry
    Letter to the editor

    What disturbs me the most about the Donald Trump phenomenon in this country is how educated representatives of United States citizens are so willing to jeopardize the very constitutional republic in which they function.

    It is absolutely despicable, some would say deplorable, that individuals like Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, as well as many other Republican congressional representatives and senators deride a fundamental tenet of our republic. 

    I’m speaking of our judicial system that includes the right of every American, including ex-presidents, to a fair trial by jury. Donald Trump was indicted on 34 counts in New York by a grand jury of his fellow citizens.

    Subsequently a trial was legally structured that allowed him freedom, in spite of being indicted, legal representation of his choice, and participation in the selection of a jury of his peers. The laws governing trial by jury were adhered to throughout the presentation of evidence to this jury, and Mr. Trump was given an opportunity to call any witnesses he wished to testify in his behalf.

    Not only that, Mr. Trump could have taken the stand himself to testify against any and all witnesses who were brought by the prosecution in its presentation of evidence. Following weeks of presentation of evidence the jury, not the judge, not President Biden, not Democrats in general, the jury found Mr. Trump guilty of 34 counts of indictment. 

    Now we have Republican leaders in our country attacking our legal system as a weaponized instrument of politics. I suppose I should not be surprised in that the same Republican leaders publicly undermined our electoral process, and our judicial system that protects our electoral process during and after the presidential election of 2020.  

    Our republic is not infallible. There are inherent weaknesses that our founders recognized, yet held faith in the ability and desire of their fellow citizens to be informed and fair minded; citizens not subjects.

    The founders also had faith that informed and fair-minded citizens would recognize and deny power to scoundrels and despots seeking personal enrichment and authoritarian power. I continue to hold this faith as well.

    I hope that I will not be proven a fool.

    Robert Landry, M.D., Chattanooga


    And let me add.....Joe Biden, on having his son could guilty on his charges, said.....the jury has spoken and that must be respected and accepted. Trump couldn't hold a candle to that. We're talking integrity here, some have it some don't if you're not blind and blockheaded you all will see this . 

    signed, Josemanno

    Your community college education is showing. Do you know what had the single greatest impact upon the outcome of the 2020 election? Deep State and media collusion regarding the authenticity of the Hunter Biden laptop. Poll after poll has shown that were it not for their calculated and deliberate public misinformation campaign more than 20% of Biden voters would not have voted for Biden. Tactics such as this are how the election was stolen in plain sight, and similar tactics are being used this time around because we didn't hang them the last time.

    Can we agree Biden showed ZERO integrity concerning that? I think we can, given he was all in on it. Of course he's at peace with Hunter's conviction this week, because he can always issue Hunter a Presidential pardon. 


  7. 8 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    If you wanted to say that you liked the look of them that would be one thing, but you have actually tried to make a case for that manufactured AI music. That’s when it ended, your credibility that is. 

    I don’t give a shit about Biden, I would rather have his corpse in office than the convicted sexual predator tRUmPf. Either way, K-Pop boy you can’t talk about anything anymore until you get real with everyone on the forum. I am also lucky to have grown up in the 70’s and 80’s and be able to look a person in the eye when I communicate with someone, these kids today, and the older people that hide behind their screens and talk trash about others without any real understanding, or personal experience I just can’t get behind. Just like I can’t get behind AI manufactured K-Pop groups or individuals. If that’s what you like, more power to you, however, you no longer have a seat at a table when it comes to music or the creative process of making it. 

    You are pitifully misinformed. Yes, I am on the record as expressing an appreciation for many of the 1st generation K-pop females that debuted from 2009-2014. I defy you to explore them and not report back with a rise in your Levis. That said, nearly all of those hits were written by Scandanavian songwriters. AI didn't exist!



  8. 15 hours ago, Plant77 said:

    The most transactional family around.

    It's a toss-up between The Clintons and the Bidens. Nah, who are we kidding? It's the corrupt Biden crime syndicate by a mile.

  9. On 1/14/2024 at 8:05 PM, SteveAJones said:

    If Hamas harms Noa Argamani I'll volunteer to go to Gaza to kill everything that moves.

    Noa Argamani is free and her Hamas captors dead.   😇


    Screenshot 2024-06-08 144453.jpg

    Screenshot 2024-06-08 144407.jpg

  10. 20 hours ago, chillumpuffer said:

    Biden may be the most corrupt politician in American history. 

    Really? Can you provide the charge sheet?

    I can't, because lawyers don't practice justice they practice law.

  11. 2 hours ago, Josemanno said:

    Members of jury's have to be approved by both the defense and prosecution last I heard. Please correct me if I'm wrong otherwise, if the jury was rigged Trump's defense lawyers were "in" on it. Case closed. Guilty on all 34 counts by those approved by Trump's legal henchmen. Utter FAiIL !!!!

    Both sides were allowed to reject up to 10 prospective jurors without reason. The attorneys were also able to argue why they believed a would-be juror could not be fair and impartial. Merchan had the final say

    2 hours ago, Josemanno said:

    The blood 'shrunk' the gloves. That's why they didn't fit. Leather does that when wet....blood or otherwise. Your explanation may be valid as well.

    Yes, it was likely a combination of all of these factors. 

  12. 8 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    You guys have massive problems to figure out, but you are ABSOLUTELY killing it as a country. You are the shining light on the hill to the world despite your many, deep flaws and that's just as well given the alternative.

    You need to be doing standup comedy. Seriously.

  13. 20 hours ago, rm2551 said:

    A jury of his peers found him guilty.

    Biden may well be a senile shit cunt that offers nothing but bad ideas, but he IS a lifelong public servant that has worked across the aisle for DECADES. He DOES work within the democratic system.

    You should be doing standup comedy. Either that or refrain from posting until you're fully informed on the composition of the jury that was selected, and the absurd guidance the corrupt judge provided them.

    Biden may be the most corrupt politician in American history. How you can call him a public servant is truly beyond me. 

  14. On 6/3/2024 at 4:12 PM, Josemanno said:

    Funny thing is....in Trump's trial....the glove did fit !

    They didn't fit well, but it was all by design. Simpson’s former agent, Mike Gilbert, said Simpson couldn’t get the gloves on because he stopped taking arthritis medicine two weeks prior and his hands were swollen as a result.

  15. On 6/3/2024 at 2:08 AM, John M said:

    I am pretty sure.  I know I read it somewhere.  It could have been the Valley Advocate (a weekly) or the Springfield Union-News (on Sundays it was called the Sunday Republican)

    'John Paul Jones Electrifies Audience of the Faithful' (above) was published in the Union-News on Thu, Oct, 1999 which seems to rule out it was the Union-News.

  16. On 5/25/2024 at 6:05 AM, Plant77 said:

    That may be the dumbest shit I’ve ever read. I am happy that these Southern Sister lovers conservatives are just blatantly calling for an Autocratic regime now. But regardless of where you fall politically, the above statement is just pure shit. I suppose just being a Republican prejudiced, racist, jackass gives those that are a free pass to scream about how white Christian’s are being persecuted, then say that they are not a racist, prejudiced, jackass.


    So Sad.jpg

  17. On 5/3/2024 at 9:15 PM, luvlz2 said:

    It's probably an authentic set list that was taped to the front of the stage but I can tell you for certain that is NOT Jimmy's handwriting. The seller would be lucky to get $100.00 for it.

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