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Everything posted by zepscoda

  1. Artists to my mind are the real architects of change, and not the political legislators who implement change after the fact. William S. Burroughs
  2. Thanks Julies ! Its a great movie, one of the best of that time. Never thought of that, but now that you mention it , I see the similarly It was the first Giants / Cowboys game this season.
  3. Very cool page Julies ! I had no idea that comet was that large.
  4. I've watched all the episodes of that series last year. I was really into it, until they had a guest on that brought out the old MJ12 (majestic 12) documents, and the 4 investigators played it off as if they never seen or heard of them before, as if it was a smoking gun. That turned me off to that show.
  5. Very interesting... Here's what the info says along with that clip: "This video was filmed by RikkAngelus66 in May 1997 in Champagne, Illinois. This appearance occurred only two months after the famous Phoenix lights UFO appearance in Arizona." It's a classic triangle sighting. They were a lot of them back in the late 90's
  6. Very nice ! ....I'm going knock back a few teaspoons of Kratom extract and enjoy this mix tonight.
  7. If they are balloons like the late 90's Mexico City footage, they would be moving. But these seem to be stationary.
  8. This was going on up in Colorado this fall, I don't think its been discussed here yet. This is taken from a credible news cast:
  9. Great photo Chill Love that pic of you in '78 Jules, I was just 9 at the time, but would have gone out of my way to steal a kiss.
  10. Mickey Mouse Club House ....lol I tried talking my little one into Star Wars Rebels, but after serious consideration on her part, and much to my dismay, here we sit watching Micky.
  11. Alison Mossheart my minds definition of sexy ....
  12. Then She Did - Janes Addiction
  13. 28 degrees Fahrenheit, and cloudy....too cold !
  14. God is Dead ? - Black Sabbath
  15. Its just incredible how they were able to land on a comet, just unbelievable.
  16. Never saw that one before. Look at the ground below and to the object(s) left. It almost looks like there lights on the ground projecting up in the sky. Or it could be the lights reflection on the waters surface.....very interesting.
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