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Everything posted by Dancin'Days

  1. Hello, remember me? I think it is still your turn?

  2. You have a lot to look forward to Ronnie. He looks like a great kid. My son is 21 and the memories of him growing up are wonderful!
  3. A very nice person on this site sent me something and I received it today and am listening to it right now! You made my day even more spacial than it already was! Thanks La ZoSo! I owe you one!
  4. My son is back and I am sooooooo happy! I know it is part of life to let them go.....but it is soooooo nice when they really want to come back!
  5. I think the first line is so profound! That's all you need!
  6. I love that song! Jefferson Airplane were fuckin great and I love today!
  7. Thanks Virginia! He is also a BIG Zep fan!
  8. My son will be home in three hours! He has been working in the States for the last 22 months. I can't wait to see him!
  9. I loved the Ozzy years! After Ozzy "left"........ I left....didn't want......didn't care.......Ozzy was Black Sabbath to me!
  10. That's sick and not the good slck.
  11. Sorry.......that one flew right over my head?
  12. I give up......why does the unknown comic wear a bag over his head?
  13. Great pic Lizzy! You look like you are enjoying yourself.
  14. There are two gay guys living in the neighborhood and the ironic thing is..... one of their names is William Fitzpatrick and the other ones name is Patrick Fitzwilliam!
  15. It took for ever to get back so I could post the answer but I did and it is.....A tap on the head!
  16. How do you cure water on the brain?
  17. Medhb, Here is a great place to get Zepp T's and Zepp stuff. http://liquidblue.com/index.cfm/fuseaction...d_zeppelin.html
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