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Everything posted by Juliet

  1. To those who have made recent posts to my thread....thanks This week I heard RAMBLE ON on fm 96 and FOOL IN THE RAIN on BOB FM ...both stations are in London Canada Juliet
  2. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Not the Mounties...but the taxmen in the form of the HST..formerly known as the GST and PST...now some goods and services that were never taxed are now taxed....I'd elaborate but it's my weekend off and going out to party... HAPPY BELATED CANADA DAY Juliet
  3. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hello: If it wasn't for the impending storm I would have gone away to enjoy my day off but no....I stayed in and watched the news...(I should get help for that bad habit)..anyhow...pay attention...no looking at JAG's AVI.. David Miller wants the Feds to help pay for damages in TO over the weekend....broken glass...lost business...wages...at first the FEDS said no but it sounds like they may send some money... Juliet PS Oh...the storm is over...the sun is out...I'm outta here for the eve....
  4. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Double Grrrrrrrr Rex Murphy of the CBC states (and I'm paraphrasing) that these goons are doing Harper a favor because they are justifying the need for all the $$$$$$ for security... Juliet PS I had to work all weekend....needless to say...well..out of respect to Sam and this site...I won't say what's on my mind...it won't be lady-like... PSS I can protest by not spending...hence..less tax revenue...however I doubt that would scare Harper...he'll still get his fat salary and gold plated pension...and if there's less revenue ..he'll just cut services and or jobs.. PSS Did you notice on CNN...they mentioned leaders but I don't believe I heard Harper's name!!!
  5. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hello: My thoughts are with all those affected by flooding in the Prairies especially Saskatchewan and Medicine Hat, Alberta... Juliet xo PS I'm watching the news and praying you will get lots of help...
  6. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    SM; I didn't know I was an old friend... Juliet PS I want to add to add to my list of what I would do if I was in charge at the G20...after dealing with the trouble makers I would ask the protestors to respect the property of small business owners. My father once had a store. Bashing in a store window only hurts the owner not an overpaid politician or those who voted for him/her and/or contributed to the campaign....thanks PSS In case you are wondering what my definition of trouble makers is.....ineffective selfish politicans of course!!!! Know anyone who mught fall in that category???
  7. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    SM: I'll think of you when I have my Molson's this weekend!!! Alinds: I'm glad to hear you are staying at home.... safe and consumin' Juliet PS If I was in charge at the G20 summmit ..I would send any trouble makers down south to help clean up the oil spill...then I would send them to Lemington to help the tornado victims...then to Chatham to help the workers who will soon lose their jobs at a truck plant that will close operations here in favor of their US factory...
  8. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hello Jag: Long time...no write....welcome back Now as far as the other thing...I don't think you or alinds or anyone should go anywhere near the G20 stuff (baracades, noise canons, protestors who swear...just stay at home...relax and SAVE YOUR MONEY Juliet ..this is supposed to say SAVE YOUR MONEY PS I got my HST bribe cheque...I mean refund or whatever we get from le government du Dalton to help us with the transition to the new tax...and vote Liberal...hahaha..What should I do with it? 1. Send it back 2. Spend it on..???? 3. SAVE MY MONEY
  9. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    "Outer security zone"....ohhh...sounds James Bond like.... After much consideration I decided that I don't want to see a police state in action...I'm busy that day cleaning and disinfecting my balcony (with environmentally friendly products of course)...I'll have to watch the tv report instead...as long as it doesn't interfere with my favourite show, TWO AND A HALF MEN If they give you the day of....remember to SAVE YOUR MONEY Juliet
  10. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hey alinds: Thanks for the info on Union Station..I obviously didn't get the correct and/or all the info..thanks again...but I'm still not goin'....gotta save my money..... Juliet
  11. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hey slagfarmer: Well I can't go either cause the Union station is going to be closed during the G20 Summit....that's how I get to Toronto...via rail!!!!!... Juliet PS For those who are wondering what we are writing about...the G20 Summit will be held in Toronto...they have constructed a set/scene at the facility for journalists..the scene/backdrop/set is a picture of a lake and it has been dubbed Fake Lake....many people are mad because the set is costing thousands of taxpayers' money...and I think that Canada is more than a lake....What's wrong with a picture of a barn...some animals...etc etc...??? PSS This afternoon our finance minister, Flaherty, said that Canadians should save more money....so sorry...I won't be spending much money this year...at Lake Fake or any other vacation spot...
  12. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Anyone going to FAKE LAKE for their vacation this year? Juliet
  13. KASHMIR.... Last eve on fm 96 (London) I heard it when I finished work...ahhhh...Robert's voice....and that tune....ahhhh..completely relaxes me after a rough long day...thanks
  14. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    What is going on with NICKLEBACK and their latest video, THIS AFTERNOON? Is the same director for Justin Bieber now directing NICKLEBACK videos? I have to turn it on mute....it's really not much different than Bieber's BABY..except the girls are older and in bikinis and the setting is at a poolside... J
  15. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    I hope he doesn't get confused with Bieber Fever....
  16. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi: I don't have the link to the story but there was a black male bear in London Canada this week..they think it walked from the Bruce Peninsula..The police had to kill it because it was very angry and close to homes and a school. The wildlife people could not get there in time to capture it ... Juliet
  17. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Anyone going or watching the JUNOS this Sunday? If I could go..the first thing I would do....is get Justin Bieber's autograph!!! http://www.junoawards.ca/ Juliet
  18. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi E: I like your posts....I should have called it a THINK FEST...it was hosted by Liberals so I'm assuming you had to have Liberal thoughts? Juliet PS I read that the Governor General's term will not be extended...they were considering Wayne Gretzky as a replacement but one has to be bilingual for that job!!!!
  19. Over the past week or so I have heard Heartbreaker/Livin' Lovin' Maid on fm 96 (London) and Communication Breakdown on ROCKET 101 (Erie)
  20. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Political Top 3 tunes of the day.. 1. I Can't Get Enough (of the Liberal Party unfortunately)... 2. What's Goin' On..(a Montreal) 3. Don't Rock the Boat (if you want to speak at our Fest) If the Provincial Liberal budget wasn't enough..I made the mistake of turning on the tv this afternoon only to see that the Federal Liberals are having a Liberal Fest in Montreal today. 50 speakers from across this land are speaking about their ideas. Hey I wasn't invited..ohh..I guess people who might rock the boat didn't get an invitation...I guess that's why Ann Coulter is gone...gone...gone now from mon pays... Juliet
  21. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Ontario Budget is out...the finance minister says soon all government employees' salaries..wages..contracts will be frozen....so be prepared....for no more money... How odd..I didn't hear him mention his own or fellow politicians' salaries will be frozen Juliet
  22. Good Times Bad Times ...yesterday...fm96...London Canada...
  23. Buenos Dies GnR fans; Did a Google search of Brazil...and it's 84 degrees (F) in Rio de Janiero today but feels like 95 with the humidity.. Juliet
  24. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    The Federal Budget was presented yesterday...M.P.'s are going to have a salary freeze. They need a salary rollback...don't patronize me Juliet
  25. Steve: Oh...those square melons are funny... I assume the red and white roses are in honour of his time on tour in Canada... Juliet PS sounds like the tour is a go.... PSS Re his house in Malibu...looks lonely...on a hill....must have been scary during that fire...glad Axl and his home are ok....
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