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Everything posted by Juliet

  1. Hello: David Bowie...one of my favourite artists...he was ill a few years ago...I assume he has recovered because he performed with Canadian band, Arcade Fire, at an event. My favourite album is Ziggy Stardust. I also like Pinups-a compilation of tunes he covered. Juliet
  2. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    A Canadian student was one of three females in North Dakota who died when their jeep went into a pond...they were star gazing...when I was a student I was either studying, working or at the pub!!! http://www.ctv.ca/
  3. Patrycya: I was reading Monday's Toronto Star. IMGL is still at The Carlton.. Juliet Hopefully it will Come to London, Ontario for the benefit of U2, JW and Jimmy fans...
  4. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi: I need to correct an error re. Prince Charles and Camilla's visit..they are here for an 11 day visit;therefore,not leaving on Nov 11...sorry
  5. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    NEWSFLASH Prince Charles and Camilla have arrrived in Canada at ST. Johns NFLD. They will visit until Nov 11 http://www.cbc.ca/
  6. Hi: I had no idea it was playing in anywhere in Canada..I thought it was only released in the US
  7. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    With great sadness, I report that, TAYLOR MITCHELL 19 of Toronto, was kllled by coyotes will hiking in the Cape Breton Highlands... Taylor was just starting out as a singer/songwriter. She was to perform in Halifax last eve.. Juliet PS Pagemeister..can you find an article about this tragedy and post it? Thank-you
  8. Hi: I just an e-mail from the JLC stating there are still tickets for the JAY-Z concert on Thursday..I may go...hopefully it will be more interesting than the Keith Urban concert a few weeks ago....I just didn't enjoy all the ballads but I did enjoy the upbeat tunes at the beginning..I was stopped on my way to my seat that night. I complained. It turns out the guy who stopped me was part of the show. He was not familiar with the Centre. Because my seat was so close to the stage, he must have thought I was trying to get back stage.. I can laugh about it now... I see Keith's new video is from a concert. Many young females are featured while he sings a love song...I wonder if that video was shot in London because Keith said there would be filming during his gig... Juliet PS I think I may go to see Jay-Z...I like the tunes hs sings that have a R&B vibe... PSS http://www.johnlabattcentre.com/
  9. Hi: I'm very happy today..my car went for its regular service. They change the oil, check the fluids etc so it's ready for the Canadian winter...it also needed the tires rotated. It was making a loud noise last Sunday morning. I have been scared that something was very wrong. The noise was caused by a belt that has been fixed. There were a couple of other things but nothing real serious or expensive so the bill was reasonable. I am very dependent on my car. I need it for work. There is no public transit in this rural town I live in either. I get very nervous whenever my car has to be checked. So I can breath a million sighs of relief that it's o.k and ready for the wonderful Canadian winter,eh? Juliet
  10. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi Roxie: Guess who or should I say what is visting my balcony? Nasty little critters..I found one in my bathroom as I was getting ready for work..just took it to the balcony and said, "Now fly away...fly away...fly away home.... Juliet
  11. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Pagemeister: Just had to let you know that there was an article in the London Free Press today about Axl and G&R. The last time they played in London, it was shorty after the JLC opened. Axl kept fans waiting until 11 p.m. before he showed up!!! J
  12. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi: The HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) appears to be a sure thing for July 2010. There are petitions to try and stop it but I doubt it will be stopped. http://www.daltonsalestax.com/ http://www.stophst.com/ Concerts etc may not be in my entertainment budget next year...and ya got noone to blame but our greedy politicians... Juliet
  13. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    I like that idea, Ally.. Here's another one for the album cover. Since One Night Stand can stand for all the one night gigs that bands have to play as they are paying their dues, I suggest a picture of an old hotel built circa 1900. Some are in the downtown and some are next to train stations. Many bands had to play in those kind of establishments in Ontario. I know 'cause that's where everyone (workies, students etc) hung out..those were the good 'ol days..If those places are still around in small town Ontario, many no longer have live entertainment. If so it's usually just on Friday and Saturday night. In the 70's and 80's there would usually be live music every night of the week. The musicians could hone their skills and work more or less full-time at their craft..until they moved on to bigger and better venues.. Juliet PS Hey we can't forget to add to our list...HELIX
  14. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Ladies and Gentlemen: HONEYMOON SUITE...PLATINUM BLONDE.....GODDO... j PS Page..I have re-evaluated my comments about the backdrop for Teaze's album..delete the idea about a Mountie...Teaze sounds too much like taser.. Perhaps a pic of a sleezy motel with an equally sleezy sign might be better PSS Myles Goodwyn of April Wine,eh?...he's kinda cute...
  15. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Good Morning: Hugh Dillon, singer for the HEADSTONES, is doing well as an actor http://www.hughdillon.com/ Juliet
  16. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Here's another one..TEENAGE HEAD Juliet R.I.P. FRANKIE "VENOM" KERR
  17. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hey Pager'ter No disrepect to ya..but I think the boys should have a different backdrop on their album...like a pic of the Rockies...or Niagara Falls..or a Mountie...or back bacon and a bottle of Canadian beer. I think that would be better than the New York skyline..for a Canadian rawk band,eh? Juliet....in borrowed shoes PS I want to add other bands to your list; Vehicle (from Hamilton) Edward Bear, Blue Peter, Loverboy, Streetheart...etc etc...
  18. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    To all Canadian Zep Fans: HAPPY THANKSGIVING WEEKEND Juliet
  19. Virginia: Glad you had a great time..Keith is in Toronto tonight at the ACC Juliet PS Sugarland was supposed to be in London this year but the show has been postponed to 2010...
  20. KEITH URBAN Lady Antebellum The John Labatt Centre October 1, 2009. I decided late in the day to go to the concert. I wanted a seat fairly close to the front which meant it was more expensive..little did I know I was given a side seating seat. They should call it rear seating as I saw more rears than sides Lady Antebellum opened the show. A trio with one female and two males plus a 3 pc back-up. I thought they were from Canada. In the foyer there were T-shirts with a red leaf and the words, "Lady,eh?" In any case they are not Canadian but hail from the US..mainly Nashville. Their set was interesting. What is an Antebellum anyhow? I did a Google search. It comes for the Latin words ante meaning before and bellum meaning war. The Antebellum age represents a time in US history between the time it was born up to the civil war.. Next on the bill was a young fellow by the name of Keith Urban. The whole stage was used for his show. He and his bandmates played the hits as well as tunes from the new cd, Defying Gravity. There was a person filming throughout the show. Big screens showed not only the band but people in the audience mostly glamourous young females...including blonde twins in tank tops..or perhaps I saw double..considering my seating..that's possible!!!! Keith did a rather unusual thing. He left the stage and went to the other end of the Centre to a ministage. He said, "Now who has the best seats? Keith..that wasn't a very nice thing to say to us overcharged side seated people at the other end...Shame on you!!!! I doubt John Mellancamp would ever make such a statement.. Well...I just couldn't sit through the whole show..his ballads and long guitar solos were putting me to sleep...and I did have an excellent sleep last night..the best I've had in....weeks, months...maybe even centuries Juliet PS In the review today it was rumoured Nicole Kidman,his wife, flew in to join him ...I did see a plane landing as I was driving into London. If she was there I didn't see her from my side seat which gave me not only a view of the stage, big screens, backs of the artists but also the crowd..very interesting vantage point. PSS Jahfin..thanks for the pic..Brad did turn and face us side sitters more than once...Keith did come over and walk up a platform so fans on that side of the Centre could see him better..
  21. HI Charlie: I just found this today...it's a great pic... Juliet
  22. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hey JAG: Welcome back.... Juliet
  23. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Hi Patrycha: I hope your favourite poet is feeling better...I saw on the news that he collapsed while performing in Spain...he's o.k. .. Juliet
  24. Hi; I'm pleased to report that the Marilyn Manson concert in London did not have any serious incidents.... I was in London on Sat..saw a tour bus and transport trucks behind the JLC...talked to a security guard..told him I couldn't see the show but I wished him well and hoped no harm would come to anyone..the JLC is a beautiful facility...no harm must come to it either....it as well as downtown London is very important to me... Juliet PS There were @ 2200 at his show...
  25. Juliet

    Oh CANADA!

    Welcome erings...enjoy lz.com Juliet
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