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Pitting on the horn of Jimmy's '59 Les Paul...

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Y'all know the scene from It Might Get Loud...

Pagey's playing Ramble On excerpts on his iconic, Zeppelin workhorse guitar - the 59 Les Paul he received from Joe Walsh...

Pock Marks on Pagey's Les Paul...

So why those pitted areas on the horn of his Les Paul, adjacenet to the cutaway (you can see them well at 0:42)???

I'm assuming they're marks from his bow from all those years of performing Dazed and Confused!!!

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Y'all know the scene from It Might Get Loud...

Pagey's playing Ramble On excerpts on his iconic, Zeppelin workhorse guitar - the 59 Les Paul he received from Joe Walsh...

Pock Marks on Pagey's Les Paul...

So why those pitted areas on the horn of his Les Paul, adjacenet to the cutaway (you can see them well at 0:42)???

I'm assuming they're marks from his bow from all those years of performing Dazed and Confused!!!

They don't look like marks from the bow... they just look like normal wear and tear on a guitar that has been on the road countless times... {Zep/Firm/Outrider/Coverdale-Page/Page-Plant/Black Crowes}

A lot of times those battle scars just make the guitar more endearing to the one who owns it. Do those marks detract from the quality of sound that comes out of it? Not at all. Just look at all the relic models Fender makes... a lot of people like those road-worn guitars.

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they look like wear and tear marks for a guitar thats been played for 50 years. there's also the pock mark above the rear pick up / bridge which is one identifying mark for spotting the #1 from the #2 les paul

i think i'm right to say that usually he would swap guitars for dazed and confused as all the bow resin can clog up strings and pick ups, not what you want on your main guitar

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Y'all know the scene from It Might Get Loud...

Pagey's playing Ramble On excerpts on his iconic, Zeppelin workhorse guitar - the 59 Les Paul he received from Joe Walsh...

Pock Marks on Pagey's Les Paul...

So why those pitted areas on the horn of his Les Paul, adjacenet to the cutaway (you can see them well at 0:42)???

I'm assuming they're marks from his bow from all those years of performing Dazed and Confused!!!

Here is the interview with Jimmy about that Les Paul from Joe Walsh:

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there was a couple of pits on the guitar horn already by 73, visible in the film. and on close up knebworth footage the pitting is very clear in some shots. no doubt it may have acquired some more minor damage since, but it's been there a while

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IIRC there was a suggestion doing the rounds a while back that Jimmy had a habit - call it a nervous tic, or whatever - of tapping his guitar pick against the guitar top & that that was the cause of the marks in that particular area of the guitar...

This will have been back in the days of the old forum board, so I don't think it'll turn up by searching, but I remember it clearly. It struck me as so odd that it has stuck in my memory ever since.

Now I can't say that I've ever noticed this myself in any of the videos I've seen so I'm not claiming this is true, I'm just recalling what was said.

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IIRC there was a suggestion doing the rounds a while back that Jimmy had a habit - call it a nervous tic, or whatever - of tapping his guitar pick against the guitar top & that that was the cause of the marks in that particular area of the guitar...

This will have been back in the days of the old forum board, so I don't think it'll turn up by searching, but I remember it clearly. It struck me as so odd that it has stuck in my memory ever since.

Now I can't say that I've ever noticed this myself in any of the videos I've seen so I'm not claiming this is true, I'm just recalling what was said.

Thanks for the post. They look way to deep to be caused by a guitar pick, IMO.

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