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John Lennon killer Chapman denied parole in NY


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So, anyone that appears to be of Arabic descent is someone you immediately assume is a "terrorist"?

After 911 I am very sceptical and untrusting. And I would be very suspicious yes. It changed the way many people think. You have your choices and I have mine. You want to trust them all, go ahead. Be my guest. But they are willing to do anything to decieve and sneak into the population with one thing in mind. Kill us.

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Sirhan Sirhan was a Christian from Palestine. He was not Muslim and even if he was, his religion had nothing to do with why he killed Bobby Kennedy. It was Kennedy's support for Israel that pissed him off. Had you read anything about what happened, you might know that.

Also as an aside, if when you think of terrorism you think of Muslims.....you're focusing on the wrong word. Do the world a favor and grow the hell up. All Muslims are not terrorists nor are they responsible for the ones that are. Just like not all Christians are responsible for Fred Phelps and his ilk.

Did anyone say Sirhan was Muslim? I certainly didn't.

When I think of terrorism, I think of the USA and Israel. One would have thought that both would have learned their lesson by now.

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I've only ever heard it used in reference to Muslims, I was not aware of its other usage. Either way, it's a stupid thing to say.

I wouldn't call it stupid, maybe just symptomatic of the tendency of Americans to generalise and be unintentionally provocative. When it comes to the world beyond your frontiers, you folks are not noted for your tact, diplomacy or cultural awareness. Whatever. It's probably my fault for throwing the Christian psycho into the mix. Apologies. Let's let it go, shall we all?

(Over here, the unenlightened call them rag-heads, BTW)

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Good for you, Rick. I'm glad you know how to post pictures on the internet. 9/11 was perpetrated by extremists. Extremists are by definition on the fringes of their group. Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church and this Pastor Terry Jones wackaloon in Florida are extremists too, only they're Christians. Should we start holding all Christians responsible for the dumb shit those numpties do? I bet you wouldn't like that too much. The majority of Muslims in this world (and there's over a billion of them) are the same as the majority of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and every other religious group on the planet -- peaceful, law-abiding people who just want to practice their faith. If you start holding the whole responsible for the actions of the part, you run the risk of someone doing the same to you.

If you want to be a bigot, be a bigot. You have the right. That's the lovely thing about the 1st amendment in this country. You're covered under freedom of speech AND expression. Just don't get pissed off when people take issue with said bigotry. It's called "understanding the consequences of your actions and words".

Edited by Electrophile
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Just as an aside, not all Americans are unenlightened, ignorant boobs. We have our fair share, but so does everywhere else.

This may be true. But you are perhaps unique in your predilection for regularly electing thugs and morons as your leaders. That's your prerogative, but it is hardly likely to earn you respect outside your borders.

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This may be true. But you are perhaps unique in your predilection for regularly electing thugs and morons as your leaders. That's your prerogative, but it is hardly likely to earn you respect outside your borders.

We don't regularly elect thugs and morons to the Presidency. Furthermore, out of 300 million people in the populace, less than half the people of voting age in this country actually vote. We're not all responsible for the leaders who get elected and then fuck up.

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Good for you, Rick. I'm glad you know how to post pictures on the internet. 9/11 was perpetrated by extremists. Extremists are by definition on the fringes of their group. Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church and this Pastor Terry Jones wackaloon in Florida are extremists too, only they're Christians. Should we start holding all Christians responsible for the dumb shit those numpties do? I bet you wouldn't like that too much. The majority of Muslims in this world (and there's over a billion of them) are the same as the majority of Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and every other religious group on the planet -- peaceful, law-abiding people who just want to practice their faith. If you start holding the whole responsible for the actions of the part, you run the risk of someone doing the same to you.

If you want to be a bigot, be a bigot. You have the right. That's the lovely thing about the 1st amendment in this country. You're covered under freedom of speech AND expression. Just don't get pissed off when people take issue with said bigotry. It's called "understanding the consequences of your actions and words".

You are calling me a bigot? That is not true. And what the hell is a numptie? Is that your new word for me? I am not a bigot. But I do question a religion that says its ok to kill. I do question their actions these Muslems and you should also. What about your president>? You think he is the great guy you thought he was when you were all praising him two years ago. That seems to have disappeared. I dont see the support now.

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Numpty is Scottish slang for moron. Next time, just use Urban Dictionary. Also, read the sentence I used the word in. Was I talking about you? No.

I don't question the actions of Muslims. I questions the actions of extremists, extremists from all religions. I don't care what invisible sky wizard they may or may not pray to, if you're an extremist or a fundamentalist, I question your actions and motives. That's because I don't paint everyone with the same brush -- I have better things to do.

As for Obama, I still support the President. That hasn't changed.

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After 911 I am very sceptical and untrusting. And I would be very suspicious yes. It changed the way many people think. You have your choices and I have mine. You want to trust them all, go ahead. Be my guest. But they are willing to do anything to decieve and sneak into the population with one thing in mind. Kill us.

This fella look familiar to you? Terrorists come in all shapes and sizes, not just Muslim or Arabic ones.


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This fella look familiar to you? Terrorists come in all shapes and sizes, not just Muslim or Arabic ones.


So if you were a betting man and heard about a "terrorist" attack anywhere in the world would you put your money in a face like that?

You'd lose your ass 99.9% of the time.

Can I be your bookie if that's your propensity?

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No, I wouldn't because all terrorists are either Muslim or of Arabic descent. It's a proven fact, just ask Rick Jethro.

Rick Jethro huh? ha. You just dont let anything go do you Jahfin?. What is your real name by the way? Im sure you wont say. McVeigh was against the government, not against a race or group of people. You know that. So that is a bad example.. And Jethro, who is on this board, may take exception to your name calling. Rick is Rick, me. And Jethro is Jethro. Are we going to bicker over this all day and night? You love it. I know you do.

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McVeigh's motivations may have been revenge against the government for the sieges at Ruby Ridge and Waco, but he also identified heavily with the Christian Identity Movement. Which is the Christian religion's version of Al-Qaeda. A lot of those Minutemen Militias setting up compounds in Montana and Wyoming are part of that movement. Hell, the KKK even absorbed part of that movement when they went away from the whole parading around in sheets and hoods. Now the fringe groups wear camo and live out in the sticks with Uzis and rocket launchers.

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McVeigh, eh? I thought that was Tom Cruise, in his recent starring role in 'Hey-Ho, Let's Go Bomb The Fuck Out Of Eye-Rack'.

Damn dude. I am going to have to give you a lesson on serial killers and mass murderers. You dont know who Siran Siran is? Or Timmy? Ha. Do you know who Bundy, Gacy, Dahmer, Oswald, Ramirez, or any of these guys are? :P oh, I think we have all been off topic for quite some time. This thread was to be Chapmans.

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