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I wanna know what they meant.


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One of my favorite rolling song is The Rover. But the words always seemed evasive before. Strangely, I came across lately on a story about a Canadian Privateering ship from Liverpool Nova Scotia that had a good account of adventures over the seas. Now on, when I listen to the song, it seems to make sense that they talk about a sailor's journey:

...Traversed the planet when heaven sent me. I saw the kings who rule them all

Still by the firelight and purple moonlight. I hear the rested rivers call

And the wind is crying, from a love that won't grow cold

My lover, she is lying, on the dark side of the globe ...

...If we could just join hands ...

...I've all this wonder of earthly plunder will it leave us anything to show ....

Anyone validates this, please.

Thanks<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">Best regards, zeppers!

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The guy who wrote those lyrics went from playing Stourbridge Town Hall to fronting the biggest rock band in the world in a span of about four years, but the problem with traveling the world is you must often times leave your loved one(s) behind to do so. "...earthly plunder..." shows along with "...all the fish that lay in dirty water dying..." (from That's The Way) his emerging awareness of ecological concerns. In any event, I don't think the lyrics are meant to be taken literally, rather like most good lyrics they are merely influeneced by the writer's own personal experiences.

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his emerging awareness of ecological concerns. In any event, I don't think the lyrics are meant to be taken literally, rather like most good lyrics they are merely influeneced by the writer's own personal experiences.

Eh! That's a good point of view. I know some song writters that have created tales from basics facts about a story or a context, but left only superficial lyrics that if you don't have the key, you only hear a strange story. But when you get the key, everything becomes so simple and straightforward. I had that experience before. Quite amazing!


Anybody else comments!

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