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United States of America


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The good old USA. And what crime have we ever commited that really deserves any type of outrage like they have thrown towards us in the middle east. They are all freaks. I have always questioned the decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki, but outside of that our record is very solid.

You forgot about slavery and lynching.

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I love America for our right to keep and bear arms. The right to protect myself, my family and my home. To be allowed to help provide for our common defense against all enemies both domestic and from abroad.

Ahh, the Second Amendment to the US Constitution. I can't say that one is my personal favorite.

What is my favorite one? Easy.

The First Amendment with the right to free speech, right to assemble, freedom of religion, and freedom of the press was an out of the ballpark home run. :) missy

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Missy, Missy, Missy....

The 2nd is not your favorite? What the heck?

Let's not forget that the 2nd Amendment is the one that makes all the others possible, and keeps them that way.

But down in Florida you all need guns, and plenty of them. If not for those big nasty gators, but for those even bigger and nastier skeeters that eat your hide clean off.;)


'Oh Bradley Hamilton

Brad, Brad, Brad,

What you didn't pick up on is I said, I can't say the Second Amendment is my personal favorite.

I didn't say I didn't like it, did I? Creative wording my friend, lol.

The Florida Castle Doctrine (SB436) was passed on April 26,2005 in a signing ceremony by then Gov. Jeb Bush.

The bill unanimously passed the Senate and overwhelmingly passed the House, 94-20.

"The Castle Doctrine says that if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle or your place of business, you may presume he is there to do bodily harm and you may use any force (emphasis mine) against him. It also removes the "duty to retreat" if you are attacked in any place you have a right to be. You also can't be prosecuted, or sued or face civil litigation if you are protecting yourself under this law.*

Yes, we take the Second Amendment pretty serious down here in Florida. .......(I still like the First one the best!) .....:) missy.

*source NRA-ILA website. Info is free to reproduce for non commercial purposes.

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Oh that was a long time ago, a thing we sort of inherited from our European Uncles. But of course we took care of all that as you might of heard. It was this little thing called our civil war and lots of Americans died in it. Died ending slavery and saving the Union.

If you need any more updates, just ask. I'm a plethora of good information on all things American.


Mr. Hamilton

Thanks Brad. I was just really commenting on Ricks post about crimes committed and he mentioned the BOMB and such. We in Canada have done our share of fucking up our First Nation people so I wasn't trying to be holier than thou. I do love your country though. Good card players. Some nice food. You should treat your gays better but things are a changin'.....

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Thanks Brad. I was just really commenting on Ricks post about crimes committed and he mentioned the BOMB and such. We in Canada have done our share of fucking up our First Nation people so I wasn't trying to be holier than thou. I do love your country though. Good card players. Some nice food. You should treat your gays better but things are a changin'.....

But Babs, Burt marrying Ernie is going too damn far. I mean, Geez. You know who Bert and Ernie are right? I ask because some English dont know any of our football teams. Too busy wreaking havoc in the streets

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