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Scarlet Page's "Resonators - The Photographic Book" Kickstarter Campaign


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I mean this sincerely, but you can ask Scarlet directly on the Kickstarter link. I assume she makes some profit if it's funded enough, and I don't have a problem with someone getting paid for their work -- this is her actual job, after all, so I don't see what the controversy with that is, but if you feel that strongly about it, there's a most direct way to find out.

The point is no one should have to research for this very basic information, it should have been part of the press release. However by your answer and the research I did the answer is thus: No money is likely going to a charity as there is no mention of where any profit may go, this was set up by Scarlet Page likely for the enrichment of Scarlet Page.

The point is, since she is asking for funding, she needs to explain exactly where any and all profits will be going.

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The point is no one should have to research for this very basic information, it should have been part of the press release. However by your answer and the research I did the answer is thus: No money is likely going to a charity as there is no mention of where any profit may go, this was set up by Scarlet Page likely for the enrichment of Scarlet Page.

The point is, since she is asking for funding, she needs to explain exactly where any and all profits will be going.

I assume that that is the case unless otherwise expressly stated. I never assumed that this Kickstarter venture is for a charity but that was never a sticking point for me. It's not unlike purchasing any other product, except it's more rare and quality control is in the hands of the artist.

May I ask why a profit for Scarlet is an issue? Is it because the original project was for charity or just that it is not explicitly stated that it likely goes to her? What if the same book were published and sold via her website with her or guitarist autograph options for different prices, or in bookstores/amazon for yet another price without autographs? I guess this is a way to determine the level of interest before taking on the time and effort of self - publishing.

I do get your point that for some the uniqueness of the project is not enough of a determining factor to contribute, that they would be more swayed with a charitable contribution. Anyway, thanks for being reasonable. Refreshing.

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I assume that that is the case unless otherwise expressly stated. I never assumed that this Kickstarter venture is for a charity but that was never a sticking point for me. It's not unlike purchasing any other product, except it's more rare and quality control is in the hands of the artist.

May I ask why a profit for Scarlet is an issue? Is it because the original project was for charity or just that it is not explicitly stated that it likely goes to her? What if the same book were published and sold via her website with her or guitarist autograph options for different prices, or in bookstores/amazon for yet another price without autographs? I guess this is a way to determine the level of interest before taking on the time and effort of self - publishing.

I do get your point that for some the uniqueness of the project is not enough of a determining factor to contribute, that they would be more swayed with a charitable contribution. Anyway, thanks for being reasonable. Refreshing.

The reason being is that if one is trying to make a profit and one is already wealthy, one should fund their own venture. In the real world when someone asks for investors, those investors expect a return on that investment should the product or service become successful, or the proceeds to go to a pre-determined charity if such is the case.

Kickstarter is supposed to be for people who do not have the means to get the funds through social media, it is not supposed to be used by people who already have money. It is akin to corporate welfare when used in this manner.

Edited by IpMan
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The reason being is that if one is trying to make a profit and one is already wealthy, one should fund their own venture. In the real world when someone asks for investors, those investors expect a return on that investment should the product or service become successful, or the proceeds to go to a pre-determined charity if such is the case.

Kickstarter is supposed to be for people who do not have the means to get the funds through social media, it is not supposed to be used by people who already have money. It is akin to corporate welfare when used in this manner.

You're a principled guy, and I respect that, but there are variables that you may not know about.

First, to address the charity funding question, Kickstarter actually does not allow campaigns to be used for this means (last point).

Next, you're assuming Scarlet is wealthy because you know Jimmy is. Sting, for example, has stated that his kids will not inherit any of his earnings lol, because they've got to learn to earn their own, or words to that effect. Now, whatever the case is with the Page family is conjecture on anybody's part here. But even if she's got boat loads, it turns out that Kickstarter is not, in fact, only for people who do not have the means to get funds otherwise; rather, its expressed goal is to "help bring creative projects to life" in exchange for "tangible rewards and one of a kind experiences" to those who pledge for projects they like (quotes are from Wiki, but see #7 in the link). It's a great way to foster a community of supporters in manifesting unique creations.

Now, while many people who need funding undoubtedly benefit from such a platform, it is not solely for those who simply need money - it's about the experience of supporting a one-of-a-kind project. Many other famous people have used Kickstarter to launch exclusive independent work; Colin Hanks (hey! He's got a famous, wealthy father, how dare he! jk) and Whoopi Goldberg, for instance, are but a couple. Kickstarter is also unique because artists have complete ownership of their work (#4 in the link).

This may be controversial to some because they may feel that the focus may turn towards the famous, but Kickstarter counters it with metrics which state that "big name projects tend to attract new visitors to the site who in turn pledge to other lesser known projects" (see 'notable projects and creators'). If that's still a problem for some people on principle, so be it. They are free to support (or not) whichever projects they feel are aligned with their values and interests.

The point being, rather than concentrating on what one has, the focus ought to simply be on what one does.

To that end, there are four more days left to contribute to Scarlet's Resonators campaign for those who want to help be a part of bringing a novel idea to life :D

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They say that everyone is a photographer these days, sometimes it’s hard to tell professional from amateur. There used to be a huge difference in quality between photographs taken with professional gear and something that everyday-joe could afford. But now people don’t even have to go to photographer to take picture for id or passport, there are tutorials and most printers can print photographs too. Friends can serve as photographers at weddings. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to push the button. The hardest part is the lightning but it’s not as people spend years learning how to set photographic umbrellas. Photoshop helps too.

If people had a choice 95% would like to be a photographer. You get to go to exotic locations or interesting events, meet famous people. You can document history. If you are any good people compliment you constantly. But hardly ever you become rich or/and famous.

Lots and lots of celebrities offsprings become photographers or models or fashion-bloggers...
Are they all super-duper talented? Hell no. That’s why people are skeptical.

Scarlet sells prints for 50£-300£ but are people buying them? Big names make a big money but what about the rest? I don’t think that Scarlet is really well-known outside rock photographers realm.
I’m not sure how she compares to other:


I don’t photograph but I studied cameras from technical point of view.
These gentleman below (Brandel) constructed hot air balloon and his own camera to photograph city panorama in 1865.


Terry Richardson is a famous star photographer but I fail to see these exceptional qualities that these stars apparently see :


Nobody knows for sure what Scarlet’s material situation is except for her. Nobody is obliged to donate money. She is not giving an impression that this is for charity. I guess some people want their names to be in this book and like Scarlet previous works enough to donate 20 000£. My first thought when I saw this was ‘really?’ and I understand people who feel disappointed because it’s not logical to give money to someone who has enough already (maybe donate to sb who needs them more). It is on Scarlet and her conscience. I’m not getting hurt in any way so I won’t judge.

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Jesus. It's NOT for charity. Again, Kickstarter does not allow it. Also, Scarlet actually studied photography in uni. You may not like this project. Okay. But I think everyone is really a critic first, maybe then a photographer, and perhaps a reporter (anyone remember that ordinary Joe or whoever that was such a big hit? I'm sure Christiane Amanpour is not worried one bit lol).

There is a trend of wanting something 'now' without putting the work in to learn one's craft in whichever area, so people think they can just pick up a camera and suddenly they're as good as the pros, as if it's mostly about the equipment, right?; or a pen and they're a pro writer - hey, it's only about the right word in the right order, how hard is it really?; or use one pic as if it can capture a twenty year career, pro insight.

There's also a weird trend towards criticizing positive things that I just don't understand; legitimate, constructive criticism is important - sword sharpens sword - but the variety of opinions offered without actually looking into the facts first is mystifying.

P.S. Three days left! :)

Edited by Patrycja
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Guitarists' gallery: Portraits of music legends

26 November 2015 Last updated at 00:48 GMT

Scarlet Page has photographed some of the biggest names in rock music.

Her latest collection of portraits - entitled Resonators - focuses on the guitarists whose sounds have resonated through the last few decades.

Paul McCartney, Slash, Liam Gallagher and Jimmy Page are just some of faces who feature in the photo book and exhibition.

BBC News met up with Page at the Proud Gallery in Camden.


Edited by Sathington Willoughby
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^ Awesome, thanks for posting, Sath! :thumbsup: Great interview with Scarlet on the BBC. I enjoyed hearing about how the photos came together, what her focus was and how she went about realizing it.

Yesterday there was a book launch party for Resonators: The Photographic Book at Proud Galleries. 







(Instagram/psytensai) via @LedZepNews

All photos except for the last one above are from Proud Galleries Facebook page. Check out the rest of them here (there are some great ones yet!): https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=ms.c.eJxlj0sOgFAMAm9koB9p738xX0zc4HbSAUqwM2ahvSVuXfzIIDuMIJ1UuyUjJ3nMIsNvBCdnkFvlXdBvjxPS~%3B2K~%3ByQ~%3BunTKs.bps.a.10153289079322194.1073741868.28714927193&type=3


Here's the Proud Galleries link to info on Scarlet's exhibition which runs from November 26 - December 6, 2015https://www.proudonline.co.uk/exhibitions

Exhibition poster:





Edited by Patrycja
Tried fixing link weirdness. It didn't work.
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^ Awesome, thanks for posting, Sath! :thumbsup: Great interview with Scarlet on the BBC. I enjoyed hearing about how the photos came together, what her focus was and how she went about realizing it.

Yesterday there was a book launch party for Resonators: The Photographic Book at Proud Galleries. 








(Instagram/psytensai) via @LedZepNews

All photos except for the last one above are from Proud Galleries Facebook page. Check out the rest of them here (there are some great ones yet!): https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=ms.c.eJxlj0sOgFAMAm9koB9p738xX0zc4HbSAUqwM2ahvSVuXfzIIDuMIJ1UuyUjJ3nMIsNvBCdnkFvlXdBvjxPS~%3B2K~%3ByQ~%3BunTKs.bps.a.10153289079322194.1073741868.28714927193&type=3


Here's the Proud Galleries link to info on Scarlet's exhibition which runs from November 26 - December 6, 2015: https://www.proudonline.co.uk/exhibitions

Exhibition poster:





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Scarlet has an update about her book on her Kickstarter page:

Stock update

Hello to you all and Happy New Year, we are now well into January and I just wanted to give you a little update on all things Resonators.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to send me such amazing messages with photos of the book and how much you like it from all over the world, it has really meant a lot to me.

The good news is that we sold out of the additional copies we had of the book so we decided to do a 2nd edition run, this edition has all the same specs but doesn't have the yellow material cover (we wanted to keep the Kickstarter ones a bit special!) but in all other aspects is printed in duotone to the highest quality level.

We have had a few stockist issues but if anyone is after additional copies you can get now find them at The Book Depository if you are in the UK and they also offer FREE worldwide delivery which has got to be a good thing, right?! 

Any further news which may include future showings and news will be posted here, and i promise to keep you up to date.


All the best!




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