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I recently saw a video Robert Plant talking about the best part of his time in Zeppelin was early on when everything was just opening up and there was really no rules or structure. This made me think of what Jimmy's time in the Yardbirds would've been like. Late 60's traveling the United States while a culture wave was actively hitting. Can anyone provide any insight to what his touring time with the Yardbirds was like, and what kind of mayhem they were getting into while traveling America? I feel like those days when he was still super young and not as famous could've been even more wild than his Zeppelin days. 


I find it fascinating listening to Page-era Yardbirds. Many pieces of the 68-69 Zeppelin live set came directly from latter day Yardbirds. As for touring, Jimmy and Peter Grant certainly brought a great deal of savviness into Zeppelin seeing as the other 3 hadn't traveled much if at all. Cassandra Peterson aka Elvira Mistress of the Dark told a story of meeting Jimmy during a Yardbirds tour when she would have been high school age. It's near the current end of the Yardbirds thread which you may also find interesting.


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