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"Spins and Needles" Concert Review & Short Interview


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Spins And Needles

Winnipeg, Manitoba Free Press


By Ann Stark

Led Zeppelin: tough group with a

whole lotta love. Last week, Spins and

Needles went to the International Inn for

our long awaited date with the world's

most popular group, Led Zeppelin. It was

3 a.m., the show had run very late, however

the group didn't appear to be dragging;

they were full of fun, life and love.

Unlike the impression their music

may give, Zeppelin are not tough characters;

they are not star struck. They

are the every-day-people types; just four

regular down-to-earth chaps that have a lot of fun running

the world playing their music.

The first thing Jimmy Page did was to call for some

tea. "Please send tea for 25" he told the voice on the other

end of the phone, there were five of us in the room, and

John Bonham said "Well you never know when friends

might drop in" in a slightly too posh English accent which

sent the rest of the group into guffaws of laughter.

High flying, blonde and beautiful lead vocalist, Robert

Plant commented on the night's performance; "We're not

exactly happy about what went down tonight, it was hard

to really get into it because of the sound. Our music

demands a great deal of equipment for one thing and the

building we were in wasn't too hot on the old acoustics

was it?" I had to agree with him.

John Paul Jones said, "It was just an unfortunate set

of circumstances, we don't blame anybody for it, I think

you lot did a pretty good job, what with all the groups

pitching in with their equipment and your local sound people,

with such short notice. I feel sorry for the cats that

lost all their sound system out there in the rain. Their insurance

company is going to have a fit when they find out

what happened!"

The group tells me that their third and latest album wlil

be released under the title of Led Zeppelin II, in about

three weeks. Well, Winnipeg has had their super-stars, but

I wonder if they really appreciated them.

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  • 4 years later...

The group tells me that their third and latest album wlil

be released under the title of Led Zeppelin II, in about

three weeks.

Just for the record, minor typo, last paragraph presented above. Title would be Led Zeppelin III.

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