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Led Zepagain on Good Morning America Now Dec 11

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Good Morning America Now will feature their "Tribute to the Tributes" show tomorrow, Dec 11, which included Led Zepagain, as well as Which One's Pink, Atomic Punks, ThundHerStruck and No Duh. Check out http://www.abcnewsnow.com and you can put in your info to see if it will be showing on your cable system. It looks like it will be available online, too, I hope so, since I don't get it otherwise! It's set to be on at the top of the show, at 9am and 2pm. I'm also told it is still being worked on for the regular GMA program on ABC TV.

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Good Morning America Now will feature their "Tribute to the Tributes" show tomorrow, Dec 11, which included Led Zepagain, as well as Which One's Pink, Atomic Punks, ThundHerStruck and No Duh. Check out http://www.abcnewsnow.com and you can put in your info to see if it will be showing on your cable system. It looks like it will be available online, too, I hope so, since I don't get it otherwise! It's set to be on at the top of the show, at 9am and 2pm. I'm also told it is still being worked on for the regular GMA program on ABC TV.

Thanks Steve. I'll check it out

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Thanks Ally!

It's now streaming online at http://abcnews.go.com/abcnewsnow/GMANow

Not a lot of footage of us (or any of the bands, really!), but kinda interesting...

It was a good report Steve. I think they gave a nice take on the tribute scene. The footage they did show of you guy's was great. I'm heading for Youtube :D

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