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Everything posted by SteveZ98

  1. No problem. I'm glad people are enjoying the remaster enough to leave comments about it.
  2. For what it's worth, gibsonfan159 didn't do the remaster, I did. Glad you enjoyed it.
  3. in addition to snowboards, apparently there are sneakers coming out, too: http://ultimateclassicrock.com/led-zeppelin-vans-sneakers/
  4. Agreed. I think there's some really good playing that was hidden before by the low quality of the audio. Hopefully improving the sound will improve the reputation of the show.
  5. The Bootledz site has a tons of info on the various DVD releases: http://www.bootledz.com/video/videography.htm
  6. Thanks to everyone who posted. I'm glad to hear people are enjoying this. To anyone who asked for the link, check you messages.
  7. Glad you enjoyed it. Check your messages for a link to the full version.
  8. I thought about that, but it seemed strange that Robert would publicly announce that Jimmy's a junkie (assuming "sleeping" and "being on the nod" are the same things.)
  9. I've spent a lot of time working on the '77 shows, and the thing I've consistently found is that the better the audio sounds, the better you realize the performance was. I know a lot of people just focus on how well Jimmy played, but there were three world class rock instrumentalists on the stage during those shows, not just one. The problem is that a lot of recordings don't do a good job of capturing what Bonzo and Jonsey were doing, particularly the interplay of the kick drum and bass, so you end up judging the show just on Jimmy and Robert because they're what was captured on the recording. And what happens with the soundboards in particular is that there's no reverb on them, so Jimmy's guitar comes across as very dry and uninteresting, when at the show it would have had reverb on it and also been enhanced by the natural echo within the auditorium. And regarding the Alembic, I think it's poor reputation comes from the fact that its low end is never captured on recordings. When you add the low end back in it sounds like a weapon of war, not the child's toy that it otherwise sounds like. The cool thing for me is that after the soundboards are remastered, it's much easier to hear just how good each player was individually and how well they worked as a team, which for me makes listening to those shows much more enjoyable.
  10. There's another thread on the site about this show. In it, a person speculates As you pointed out, Jimmy is on point at the beginning of the show, so I'm not sure a slow start is what Robert was talking about.
  11. Thanks. It definitely needed some help. I'd love to hear what the sound is like on a low gen version of the video tape. Hopefully we get to find out some day.
  12. I remastered the audio to the Seattle show and merged it with the video. Here's a sample. If anyone wants the full show, send me a message.
  13. My remaster of the soundtrack to the Seattle '77 video. I finally merged the sound with the video. Here's part 1. More to come.....
  14. The Byrds "Eight Miles High" at the Fillmore East. Basically an extended jam. Some good shots of the venue and the view from the crowd to the stage after the music ends. And just think, Zep killed it at the Garden not far from here a few days earlier. Some of the people in the crowd at this show were probably there too. Lucky bastards
  15. I remixed the Divinity version of the March 7, 1970 show with the goal of getting the guitar in the right channel and the vocals and other instruments in the center. Anyone who wants the rest, send me a message.
  16. If you're reading this, you need "Evenings With Led Zeppelin" by Mike Tremaglio and Dave Lewis. It's a stellar examination of each show the band played. It's like "The Concert File" on steroids. As a disclaimer, I've been friends with Mike for twenty years, but I'd still rave about it even if I didn't know him. It's a must have for everyone who loves Led Zeppelin.
  17. And it looks like the audio is brick-walled. Here's a screenshot of Sick Again from the new source. Given their recent releases, it seems like both EV and T2K have decided to turn their compressors up to 11
  18. I hope you're correct. However, his 75th birthday and the 50th anniversary of the first album are both coming up next month. If anything was coming out for either of those he'd be talking about it now, as the release would only be a few weeks away. And yet he said "who knows what may come further on down the line? I don't know." If anyone should know, it's him. But apparently he doesn't. Again, I hope I'm wrong, I just get the sinking feeling I'm not.
  19. Buzzcocks "Ever Fallen In Love?" RIP, Pete Shelley. Thanks for the great songs.
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