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Posts posted by bigstickbonzo

  1. pic51.jpg

    Taken about two 1/2 weeks ago down the shore. What you can't see is we all had worn speedos to entice the cougar scene at happy hour..oh how they love them young blonde boys in speedos. B)

    Edited to Add:


    A quick headshot.

    I'll get some of me up in the recording studio and playing live in Philly soon.

  2. And if you haven't seen it on the big screen, in a theater on a beach city as I have as I was 13 :blink: , then you ain't seen it! :lol:

    True...moonlight surfing and swimming are still some of my favorite passtimes despite me growing up with that film at the beach, watching it over and over then running down to the ocean and pruning up for the next 7hrs..but we can't all be bronzed clamshells. B)

  3. Saw Get Smart the other night...it certainly has its moments of laughter but it was what I expected. ehh. Steve Carrol is stuck on playing the "awkward funnyman" in every movie now. For some actors, playing the same type of comic relief in every film works..like Bill Murray..who happens to have a hysterical cameo in this flick.

    "Nobody wants to talk to a guy in a tree."

  4. the swinging with monkeys,

    That's where I lost it in the theatre. I couldn't stop laughing because it was that bad.

    But the first half of the movie was classic Indy. But it does seem like Spielberg and Lucas just went with the "Close Encounters" thing and really dropped a turd on the franchise. The best part of the movie was seeing Ford do his thing, which he can still do at 65. But "Last Crusade" is still the superior closer to the series.

    And there's talks of another Indy movie...oye. :o

    Edited to Add: My personal belief is Spielberg has gone incredibly soft with creativity within the past decade. He still makes solid and sometimes spectacular films, but his overrall creative edge that once captivated movie goers and made you appreciate the filmmaker as someone more than just another movie director has been lost...somewhere between the gazillions of dollars he has and the Dreamworks gig. I think its just a comfort level thing, whereas when he was young with no money, there was no comfort level and he had to be very creative.

  5. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

    Great action, definitely worth seeing if you're a fan of the franchise.

    Last Crusade is the superior closer for the series however.

    Edited to Add: I didn't want to do a full review and give anything away so I'll leave that for a further time once people have had a chance to see it.

  6. It was recently posted on Tapecity I think. Might have been TTD though. I'd also bet it's floating around Dime somewhere.

    That's the 1971-09-29 Osaka show. I heard there was some tension between Plant and Bonzo at this time and Plant ended up hitting Bonham backstage. Can anyone (Mr. SteveAJones) expand on this?

    That was the show where Bonzo caught a case of the 'hershey squirts' during the show. Its a reason why he doesn't play on Tangerine and why Plant continually questions his whereabouts between songs. When he does come back onstage, you can hear Plant say, "Where the hell were ya?"

  7. I have a cousin who is building a house in nicaragua, so i'll have to look into the costa rica shark dive there. Actually, there are alot of environmental vacations in costa rica from what i've seen on the travel channel and heard from my cousin.

    Costa Rica is the spot. I might have to build a hut in the trees somewhere. Preferrably right on the beach, overlooking a nice 10ft point break.

  8. Well they have had much trouble getting their hands on let alone filming a giant squid which we know does exist. But With the sonar technology we have I tend to not really believe Plesiosaurs are still out there. And Bigfoot, even if he were very smart, would have a tough time escaping detection or not leaving a skull. So I am quite skeptical. But I am a true believer that alien life exists far away. Question is-is it intelligent life????

    Do I think there is life, possibly intelligent, besides us, in the known universe? Yes.

    At the same time, I doubt they would have any interest in us. We are too self-destructive.

    The Day The Earth Stood Still has always summed up my feelings towards other life in the galaxy and how they probably perceive us to be.

  9. I only fear people from what i've seen in life. I look forward to scuba diving and hiking in the mountains. Was just talking with my cousin who emailed me this picture of a great white shark right behind two scuba divers, we both agree that we'd love to cage dive with great whites one day. She is a great swimmer and our uncle told us about diving with great whites in australia, so hey who knows, maybe free diving in an area with sharks.

    I've looked into it as well. It runs about 400bucks for a full day's boat ride and about 20min in the cage. You can find White dives off Baja, Costa Rica or South Africa. It's definitely something I want to do within the next few years.

  10. But dont you think we would have found a dead Bigfoot or Loch Ness Monster if they actually existed? Cmon. I will accept your argument on some matters but not on the two I just mentioned.

    Not necessarily. Sea creatures that were long thought to be either extinct or just myths turned out to be true in existence. Remember, we know more about the known universe than we do about our own oceans. The possibilities of there being large, prehistoric creatures roaming the deep, dark waters are not only possible, but indisputably likely.

  11. 1 Half Onion

    3 Jalapeno Peppers

    2 Jars of Newman's Own Garlic/Sausage Sauce

    3lbs of Spicy Hot Italian Sausage

    About 2lbs of fresh tiger shrimp

    Alittle basil for seasoning

    Water down if too thick

    = best pasta sauce!

  12. Finally watched No Country For Old Men.


    What a solid, suspenseful film..

    too bad the ending tanked tremendously.

    While I can see why Javier Bardem got the Oscar (He derserves it), I cannot see this as a superior film to either There Will Be Blood or Into the Wild.

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