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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. That's the part that intrigues me the most. They call Obama a Socialist, they say he wants to institute socialist systems if elected.....and yet they say nothing when the Republican administration socializes our banking and finance industries. Are these government-funded takeovers only acceptable when the GOP is behind it?
  2. Well, that's rather considerate of you. And they said chivalry was dead.
  3. Nah, don't do that. That's what they want, so just let the animus die out. Let's completely change the topic of this thread. What are you doing for Halloween? I have to buy some candy for the trick or treaters pretty soon.....want to get the good stuff before everyone buys it all.
  4. I think it's funny that he thinks this thread sucks complete donkey balls (or at least ruins the site) but he keeps posting in it. Maybe he secretly enjoys it?
  5. Let's get this thread back on topic. Champagne toasts for everyone!
  6. Ha, you changed all references to I have got a horsey to reflect how you think he's a woman......but then you forgot to change one of the pronouns in the post of mine you quoted. Ooh, I bet you just think you're so clever.
  7. I didn't PM anyone. I think it's kind of pathetic you think there is an underground Bat signal of some kind where we PM people and tell them to hurry into threads and post. I don't need to nor want to do that, so I don't. Really.....could you be acting more silly right about now? Could it have been.....oh I don't know.....possible that he came over here on his own volition?
  8. What about her post made her look like a bitch? Or were you referring to the eloquence of the post? Probably that, now that I think about it. I'm sure she's happy you noticed how well she speaks.
  9. No, I didn't get promoted. I wouldn't want to be a moderator on this site. There would be only 10 people left. I would in no way be fair or judicious in the application of the rules. It's better that I just remain a plain old member. However, I do appreciate you inquiring into any status changes. It's so nice when people care. This site is not just strictly for LZ discussion, because if it was, this whole part of the board would cease to exist. How difficult is it to just ignore threads that you have no interest in? I've finally done that and it makes surfing this board a hell of a lot better.
  10. If these threads were posted in the LZ sections of the board, you'd have a point. Since they weren't, you don't. The admin allows for a General Discussion section where people post threads of all non-LZ variety. If you don't like that, find another site to post on where there is no non-LZ discussion. That way you don't have to get a case of the vapors opening threads that bother you. And to the other post of mine you responded to.......you clearly didn't get it, but that's okay.
  11. Where to start on all that WHARRGARBL. First of all, learn to form coherent sentences that don't look like they're missing words. It's easier to debunk your crap when it's at least all in English. 1. If you called Obama any of the things I called Sarah Palin, no I wouldn't call you a racist. None of those words are racist or have racist connotations that I know of. Lie #1. 2. I never said my parents called, will call or currently call Sarah Palin a cunt. Where on Earth did you pull that nugget of shit from? Your ass. Wait.....probably. Lie #2. Also, Barack Obama is not a Muslim. That being said, even if he was......that's not a bad thing. There's nothing that says a Muslim can't be President. However, the mouth-breathers that call him a Muslim, call him one as a slur. They see being Muslim as a bad thing (which it's not), so they don't engage their brains and think they're being clever. Lie #3. 3. My parents didn't "toss all their beliefs" because of a "few" people. They left the party because the party ideology no longer matched their own. You think there are only 2 parties that you can subscribe to? My parents became registered Independents, not Democrats. They're voting for Obama this year because they can't stand what John McCain has become. Hell, both my parents voted for McGovern in 1972! Lie #4. 4. I don't despise Clinton supporters who are now voting for McCain/Palin. I despise the women who supported Clinton and her Liberal ideals and are now voting Republican because McCain chose a VP with a vagina. Sarah Palin is anti-woman and why any woman who identifies herself as a Democrat would vote for her is beyond me. She is completely antithetical to everything a Democrat (especially a female) stands for. Lie #5. 5. Hermit was a smart guy. Sounding like him is not an insult. He could be verbose yes, but it's better to be wordy and say something than be wordy and say nothing. Five lies......that's impressive. Wanna try for six next go-around?
  12. Really? Oh wow, I'm so honored. Thank you! *clears throat* I'd like to thank firstly, my mom and dad for giving the snark and bitch genes that I so proudly use. I'd also like to thank my sister and my best friends Marie, Cara and Alex for forwarding me e-mails and funny pictures. And lastly, I'd like to thank YOU 3hoursoflunacy, for singling me out for this amazing honor. You're the greatest and I owe this to you. *cries clutching award*
  13. I've seen taped footage of that incident. I understand that there are many different uses of the word, but it has racist connotations when used against a specific group of people. Where do you think the slur "macaca" came from?
  14. "Monkey" is a racial slur against African-Americans. I've heard it enough living down here to figure out what it means. I've also heard "porch monkey" quite a bit as well. Remember when Howard Cosell said this about an African-American football player? "Look at the little monkey go."
  15. Why haven't you been banned for this yet?
  16. Hey, Bush still has time to make Congress look good, which I think he will.
  17. So I take it blatant racism is allowed on these boards now?
  18. My parents didn't leave the Republican Party because of YouTube videos. The type of people in those videos is what made them leave. You couldn't do a little reading between the lines? Furthermore, I don't hate the GOP because of what I see on YouTube videos. Either you're really this dumb or you're being obtuse to be funny. Which is worse, come to think of it. And what makes you think I would condone shirts calling Sarah Palin a cunt? She's a vile, hateful, ignorant, stupid, vapid, clueless ditz......but she's not a cunt. Like I said, people who put up shit like this: are why people like my parents don't want anything to do with the GOP anymore.
  19. Those are the same 23% of the population that would vote for a bag of dirt if the dirt had an R next to its name. Ignore them.
  20. http://abcnews.go.com/PollingUnit/Politics...7487&page=1 Here you go, Mr. President......a congratulatory glass of champagne from Richard Nixon. You sure have taken a load off his back now!
  21. You make a great point. However when you look at that list of things that are at the forefront of the government's To Do list, it baffles the mind when some of the issues Republicans want to bitch about is gay marriage and abortion. Let's deal with the economy and the war, not whether Jim and Dave get married or whether Sue terminates a pregnancy. Those things are not pressing matters, nor should they ever be.
  22. I..........don't have words for this. This right here is a prime reason for why my parents left the Republican Party.
  23. Not to mention, aside from the 19th Amendment......where does the Constitution mention women? They didn't intend for someone like Sarah Palin to run for VP because women were still considered chattel and nothing more. As an addendum, I was looking on Wikipedia at the 19th Amendment, and these are the following states that DIDN'T ratify it until much, much later: Virginia (February 21, 1952, after being rejected on February 12, 1920) Alabama (September 8, 1953, after being rejected on September 22, 1919) Florida (May 13, 1969)[5] South Carolina (July 1, 1969, after being rejected on January 28, 1920; not certified until August 22, 1973) Georgia (February 20, 1970, after being rejected on July 24, 1919) Louisiana (June 11, 1970, after being rejected on July 1, 1920) North Carolina (May 6, 1971) Mississippi (March 22, 1984, after being rejected on March 29, 1920) Gee, I wonder what those states all have in common.
  24. I'm sorry, putting Palin in the same sentence as those two men is an insult to those two men. Hell, comparing her to a tree is an insult to the tree.
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