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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Who cares? She's an adult, she made mistakes. If she's learned from them, that's the important thing.
  2. I grew up listening to a lot of the same music my parents listened to when they were my age. So basically oldies, classic rock, singers/standards.....that sort of thing. For my birthday one year, my dad took me to a real record store (not CDs....vinyl!) and said I could pick out an album for myself. I bought Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti because I liked the song Kashmir and it was on it. After that, I listened to as much of their music as I could and whenever I had the chance, I would buy either their CDs or their albums. I was probably 13 or 14 at the time, I think.
  3. None of those songs, honestly. Kashmir, Achilles Last Stand, Tea For One, When The Levee Breaks, Whole Lotta Love, Stairway To Heaven, Rock and Roll, Black Dog, No Quarter, In The Evening, Trampled Underfoot, Dazed and Confused......all those songs rank higher IMO than those on the list.
  4. Watching people at Free Republic go into meltdown mode over Colin Powell endorsing Barack Obama. There's no such thing as "thinly veiled" racism over there.....they're practically foaming at the mouth over this. And that happiez me.
  5. I know that Colin Powell said he wasn't looking for a cabinet position regardless of who wins, but if Obama wins, I'd like to see Powell as Secretary of Defense, if anything. I think a 4-star general would do well in that role, might help to cut out some of the cheese.
  6. To be frank, if they were completely honest in their public assessment of the choice, they'd be labeled misogynistic bullies and completely run out of town. I'd prefer they use diplomacy if anything, just to be respectful.
  7. What I loved most about that interview is his smackdown of the GOP over the whole "Barack Obama is a Muslim....ZOMGSEKRETTERRIST!" garbage.
  8. Joe the Plumber isn't a plumber, hasn't paid his taxes and is related to Charles Keating. Of the Keating 5. That McCain was a part of. Stop deifying this man, please.
  9. Wow. I seriously wasn't expecting that. That means the last 4 Republicans that had any respect for him.....just lost it.
  10. Did anyone catch Sarah Palin on SNL earlier? Yeesh. I clearly wasn't expecting much, just the usual they do when they have a politician walk-on the show, but still. She's horrible, even at pretending to watch people make fun of her. It's almost like the joke continued to go over her head and what's worse....it went over her head right to her face. Politicians do not belong on SNL, regardless of party. They just flat-out suck at it.
  11. That was in Kansas City, right? I heard 75,000 showed up there. I was fortunate to hear him speak when he came to North Carolina a few weeks ago and if he comes back, I'm going to see if my friend can come down from Richmond for that.
  12. Dude, this is an internet forum. Save the "whoopass" for people you'll actually meet in real life.
  13. I know the story of Dred Scott, when I took ConLaw in college I had to write an essay on it during one of the numerous exams the prof gave out. I just found the symbolism very inspiring.
  14. Actually, the fact 100,000 people are there is not the interesting thing to me. It's the story about the courthouse in the background.
  15. Have I ever heard of an iPhone? Quick, ask me if I know what VHS is too!! For God's sake.
  16. The Nazi salute? WTF is the matter with you. Apparently the words "camera" and "phone" don't exist in your world. Anyone who Godwin's a thread needs help.
  17. Tea For One. It's basically SIBLY pt 2, but it's still an amazing track.
  18. This is a picture of Obama's rally in St. Louis earlier today. 100,000 people showed up, but that's not the impressive thing. See that domed building way in the back? That's the Old Courthouse. 150 years ago, Dred Scott was denied his freedom in that building.
  19. From start to finish......Zep IV.
  20. I never underestimate the stupidity of people who really think Barack Obama = Osama bin Laden. These are the same people for whom warning labels telling people not to put toasters in the bathtub with them was written.
  21. And I thought this place would be boring.
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