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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I've done more papers on that subject than I can count. Bay of Pigs was a fiasco, blame him for that. He saved our asses in the Cuban Missile Crisis. If not for him, shit would have hit the fan. He favored diplomacy over military action and it worked.
  2. When we're constantly invading foreign countries and thereby involving foreign armies, our actions have a direct effect on other people. People whose foreign policy at times can hinge on what WE do, obviously have a stake in who our next President is. That doesn't mean they should be allowed to vote, but their opinions and feelings on the subject are no less valid. If people around the world want to be happy we elected someone who has more than just a narrow view of world policy, then so be it. They aren't hurting anyone.
  3. I've got an even better idea for a tour intro: They just walk on stage and start playing. Zep doesn't need all that theatrical shit. Their music speaks for itself.
  4. Don't forget North Carolina. It went for Obama as well.
  5. I like that song, actually. Wasn't too fond of it when Bill Gates used it for the launch of Windows95, but I haven't been bombarded with it on the radio, so the intermittent times I do hear it, it doesn't bother me.
  6. McCain didn't win my county. Or my state. I haven't lived in a Democratic county and state since I left Illinois. Huzzah!
  7. Tonight's The Night - Rod Stewart
  8. My favorite expression is "______ is a few crackers short of a Lunchable."
  9. Speaking only for myself, yes I really want this. I never thought it would happen and resisted getting excited over something I thought was nothing more than speculative musings and half-baked rumors. Now that we know it's true, that they are really are planning on touring and recording a new album......I frickin' want this! I hope they come near me (they can play Greensboro/Raleigh or Atlanta) so I can see them, but if they don't......I'll wait for the DVD. If the Who and the Stones can take their creaky asses on the road, then so can Led Zeppelin. I'd think the demand to see them would be much higher than the previous two bands by far, if only because Zeppelin hasn't toured in damn near 30 years.
  10. I don't think he'll rename the band. The only way I could see them re-naming it would be if Jimmy Page wasn't involved. Didn't he form the band anyway? It's his name to do with as he likes.
  11. For me, it's his ability to take the lyrics and craft them in a way that no one else can. I cannot imagine anyone else singing those lyrics the way he did. They might be sung differently, as we'll find out when/if this tour and album get underway, but they won't be sung the same. It's iconic. I think for some people the lyrics are secondary to the music with Led Zeppelin, but I don't think they'd have enjoyed the success that they did with some other lead singer.
  12. Says the person who thinks Barack Obama is equal to Osama bin Laden. You must be some kind of malformed bot.
  13. Make sure you vote tomorrow, or else the ZOMGSEKRETMOOSLIM might win in a landslide.
  14. Florida was 2000. Ohio was 2004. Thank God Obama won both this year without a problem.
  15. I'm waiting for the magazines to release their new issues so I can scoop 'em up.
  16. I didn't vote for that pile of shit either. Happy Trails, loser. Now fuck off.
  17. 76 days until Bush packs his shit and gets lost.
  18. My favorite slippery slope of all time. "Well, if we let the gays get married, then they'll want polygamy legalized. Then they'll want to marry their fathers and then mountain goats! ZOMGWTFBBQ!!!11!!1" Every time people pull that card, I laugh so hard I pee.
  19. It's rare someone admits to taking pride in being discriminatory against a group of people. I was raised better than that. Sucks to be you.
  20. Yeah, let's totally get all excited about base discrimination. What a stupid fucking thing to be happy about. "Yeah! We totally denied those gays rights! We're teh awesome!"
  21. I think there are some Republicans/Conservatives here who are very smart and they aren't assholes, so they aren't going to be problems. Then there are the others....................
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