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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Moving on....................................... It seems that North Carolina is going to be a very busy state this week; Palin was just here, McCain will be here tomorrow and both Barack and Michelle will be here on Wednesday. Oh yeah, Biden is in Greensboro this afternoon. It's good to see the Dems taking this state seriously, it has great potential to swing this way next Tuesday.
  2. I don't know whether to classify this as sad, pathetic, pitiable or just plain expected.....but if you to go Amazon and do a search for "terrorist costume".....it comes back with a Barack Obama mask. *sigh*
  3. Let's see.....what are all the things Obama has been called by the GOP, their staffers, campaign workers, supporters and surrogates: Terrorist Fascist Communist Hitler ZOMGSEKRETMOOSLIM Antichrist Socialist Racist Drug addict Stalinist Murderer/baby-killer Is that it? Am I missing any? I love how these dumb asses think he can be both Hitler and a Communist at the same time. Don't they realize fascism and communism are opposite ends of the scale? It would be easier if they stuck to one script, you know.
  4. Ah, more class just oozing from the pores of the GOP this election cycle: A Republican County Clerk distributes material calling Barack Obama a "young, black Adolf Hitler". But don't fret none, I hear she didn't mean to offend anyone. I also like how they had to mention the fact he's black, as though it's important or something. These are the kind of people that need to be beaten with bike chains. Not because they're not Democrats......because they're stupid racist fuckwits.
  5. Illinois, Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia and Washington D.C. That's all I can remember. When my sister and I were younger, we traveled a lot.
  6. Melodramatic, much? We have survived shit Presidents in the past, so whoever gets elected in 2 weeks will not cause the downfall of the Republic. And "normal, traditional values"? Exactly what would those be? No rights for gays? No rights for women? The slow march toward a Christian theocracy? Yeah, I'd like those people to leave the country, preferably as soon as possible. In fact, I'll help them pack. Jesus God, some of you think this election is bringing in the Rapture. Quit getting your talking points from Rush O'Hannity.
  7. I did a little shopping today: 2 pairs of jeans 1 microplush fleece blanket 1 small bag of Reese's miniature cups some hematite bracelets
  8. This is all such bullshit. Barack Obama is a natural-born US citizen just like John McCain. If either of them had anything that would disqualify them from running, don't you think it would have been made known in the primaries? Your tin foil hats are on too tight. Adjust them please. Edit: had to fix the image
  9. Perp walk! http://kdka.com/local/attack.McCain.Bloomfield.2.847628.html That's what you get for lying, Miss Ashley Todd.
  10. Now THIS is classy: http://kdka.com/local/attack.McCain.Bloomfield.2.847628.html Basically this McCain campaign worker said she was attacked at an ATM and when the mugger saw her McCain/Palin bumper sticker, carved a B into her face with a knife. Turns out, none of this happened. When Michelle Malkin, that complete piece of filth, thinks you're lying.....you probably are.
  11. I can't remember where I found this, but I thought some people here could appreciate it:
  12. MLB consists of the teams in the United States and then the Toronto Blue Jays. That's it. The World Series is for MLB, not for everyone else. That's what the Olympics are for. Go Tampa.
  13. How about people who are older than "young kids" who think our opinions should be invalidated because we haven't been around as long? That's pretty fucking annoying too. Just because you're older doesn't mean you are automatically right and everyone else is automatically wrong. It's so pathologically dismissive.
  14. Racists at the polling place. I meant to vote yesterday but left my voter registration card at home, so I went back and voted today. But while I was in line, there were campaign workers from McCain and Obama out there passing out cards and asking people to vote for certain judges and what not, and they were behind the marked line so they were fine. However this woman behind me (in a very poor attempt to hide her comment, might I add) said to the person she was in line with "if they think I'll vote for the n----r, they're crazy." So I picked up my cell phone and called a friend of mine to chat for a while and pass the time. She asked me if I was bored just standing there and I said "yeah, it's freezing and I'm stuck in front of some racist twit." We chatted a few more minutes and when I hung up, I turned around and gave her that "you fucked up" smile and she didn't say another word for the next two hours. What was even worse, the person who was standing immediately behind her was black. After I voted I noticed him standing outside, he was an elderly man and he thanked me for saying something about that woman. Apparently she had been making some off-color remarks around him before I had gotten there. What the fuck is wrong with these people? Sometimes I want to take a bike chain to them.
  15. Finding out I'm going out to dinner Friday night.
  16. Thank you. I just graduated cum laude, so it's really not a big deal.
  17. Sarah Palin needs to shut up with this God shit. The election is not in God's hands, you dingbat. It's in America's hands which frankly, is equally as terrifying. God is not going to be responsible for any candidate winning or losing, and since she has no idea what the hell the job of the Vice President even is, it doesn't surprise me she thinks God determines whether she gets that job or not.
  18. Do me a favor. Next time you turn on the TV, flip to a NASCAR race if it's on or if there is no race on, reflect on the type of people who get drunk in the infield at a NASCAR race. The majority of Americans want a President just like those people. They don't want someone who can't "relate" to them. Our President should reflect the best of America, not just the average. And frankly, the majority of this country is average. Look at our standing in the world when it comes to education. Our test scores are fucking atrocious compared to other countries. It's shameful. Now, to answer your question.....why is getting good grades in college a bad thing? I don't think it is, at least not with the people I associate with. I was raised by two people who didn't go to college because those options were not available to them. My mom had to go to work to help support her family after H.S. because her brother was in Vietnam. My father just didn't have the grades because he slacked off in school, even though he is really smart. He just got a case of Senioritis and it bit him in the ass. So for my sister and I, college wasn't an option. It was a requirement. I graduated with honors and I hope my sister does to. So it boggles my mind too.
  19. Of course Clinton is an asshole for getting some on the side. But I'd rather a President be an asshole for getting a knobshine than for doing whatever the fuck it is Bush has been doing the last 5 years.
  20. Thanks! I was just surfing around some icon communities and thought it was bright and cheerful.
  21. I'd like to see Tampa win. They lost 97 games last season, now they're in the World Series. It would be a great story.
  22. Why would you stupidly assume that someone is voting for Barack Obama because of an advertisement? Don't the advertisements just re-affirm the reasons why someone would be voting for him? If you're voting for him by now, it's certainly not because of a 15-second spot wedged between commercials for Viagra and Tampax. I find it hard to believe that with exactly 14 days to go, there are any real "undecideds" left in this country. Early voting has started in 43 states (I'm voting tomorrow morning), so all these ads are really doing is just hammering the point home, same with McCain's ads. They're not meant to sway new voters, they aren't long enough or detailed enough for that. You would have to go their respective websites to read up on their platforms if that's what you wanted to do.
  23. Moving on................. I made a huge pot of chicken and noodles for dinner and damn it if I didn't cook the noodles nearly long enough. Hmmph.
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