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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Stairway Most of ITTOD Thank You Candy Store Rock Royal Orleans Darlene Out On The Tiles Tangerine
  2. Gas prices are $1.99 for regular here! Never thought I'd see the day again where gas prices were under $2 for regular.
  3. Say that scenario is true (I don't think it will be), and it's Clinton vs. Palin in 4 years. I'd rather Hillary Clinton and all her shrillness than Sarah Palin and her vapid, empty head of cotton candy. Holy shit, no one will take this country seriously if we elect Sarah Palin as President of anything other than her local chapter of the PTA. I'm hoping Obama can somewhat convince the rest of the world that no, we're not all batshit insane.
  4. My dad was watching FOX News (per usual) and the talking heads they had on talking about this said that it was actually a really smart choice. You know what they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. He's not keeping Condi Rice and Colin Powell has said because of his wife's illness, he had no real desire to get back into government work. So if the choice is theoretically down to Kerry and Clinton, Clinton is by far the best choice. And I agree. One, it gets her out of the Senate. Two, it locks Obama up for re-nomination in 2012. Three, if she wants to run for President in 2016 provided Obama is re-elected in 4 years, if she's the sitting SoS all 8 years, it's a shoo-in for her. However, I'm more interested in if he chooses Volcker for Sec. of the Treasury and whether or not he keeps Gates in as Sec. of Defense. I think those two are his most pressing issues right now. She won't challenge the incumbent President in 4 years, unless in that span of time, we end up getting in another war and a Depression. Her best shot is 2016.
  5. You missed my point completely. Guns are to the Democrats what abortion is the GOP. That statement is not saying both issues are equal. That is saying they are that respective party's "big" thing. Dems want more gun control, Republicans want the outlawing of abortion. However, neither party has been able to do much concerning either because both are entrenched in this country and will not budge. So again, it doesn't matter what Biden personally feels or wants to do. As I said the first time, their hands are tied on the matter. Reid and Pelosi will cowtail to Obama if he, like Clinton, realizes he needs to govern as a Centrist.
  6. What he wants to do, and what he will do are two different things. I want a million dollars, doesn't mean it's going to happen. Regardless of his personal feelings, both his and Obama's hands are tied as far as guns go. The same as while Biden's religious beliefs speak against abortion, he is pro-choice as far as the law goes. We've had how many Republican Presidents and none of them have been able to reverse Roe v. Wade, and abortion is to the GOP what guns are to the Democrats. They both talk about wanting more restrictions and more legislation, but it just won't happen.....at least not for a long time.
  7. 54.5 °F / 12.5 °C Overcast Humidity: 97% Dew Point: 54 °F / 12 °C Wind: Calm Wind Gust: 0.0 mph / 0.0 km/h Pressure: 29.94 in / 1013.8 hPa (Falling) Visibility: 5.0 miles / 8.0 kilometers UV: 1 out of 16 Clouds: Overcast 200 ft / 60 m (Above Ground Level) Elevation: 935 ft / 284 m
  8. You're still perpetuating this myth? My God, let it go already. He was born here. Get over it.
  9. I don't even know what language that is supposed to be.
  10. I am always consumed by fears that someone will break into our home and do us serious harm. I can't sleep at night unless every door and window is locked, every set of blinds is down and drawn and if all curtains are covering every window. If I think a window somewhere is open, I will lay awake at night having panic attacks. The thing is, nothing like that has ever happened to us before, so it's not a fear of it happening again that drives it. I'm also terrified that our financial situation will never improve and I'll be unable to leave. I get so consumed with the minutiae of our finances. Every time we go out, I worry that the money we spent eating lunch could have gone somewhere else. I purposely avoid buying new clothes, or underwear or shoes or things like that so there is more money left in my parents' bank account. I will sometimes lay awake at night and cry that we'll lose our house. If we could afford it and I had insurance, I'd consider seeing a therapist or something, but for right now, I'm stuck.
  11. Bush when to Harvard as well, that's where he got his MBA.
  12. My father was fortunate to escape Vietnam; he was classified 1-A, so anything short of the Vietcong on our shores wasn't going to get him to see action. My uncle however, was not so lucky. He came home, but was psychologically scarred for life because of it. Both my grandfathers were in the Army during WWII, and my paternal grandmother's uncle was in the Navy during WWII as well. "Uncle Randolph" as I've only ever known him; his picture is on the fireplace mantle in our home. I don't know if I had family serve in any of the earlier conflicts, although I'm sure I did. I'm fortunate I'm a female and not required to sign up, because the men in my family have a hell of a lot more nerve than I'll ever have. Same goes for everyone who has served, both alive and dead.
  13. In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high. If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. — Lt.-Col. John McCrae
  14. I like that he's taking the red pen to Bush's executive orders. I also like that he's contemplating closing Gitmo.
  15. WHY DO YOU CARE? He lied, because I would imagine most men would lie if they got caught getting some on the side. And smoking pot? Jesus, you're just looking for shit to complain about now.
  16. I suppose you feel the same way about the Right's deification of St. Reagan?
  17. If I say "It doesn't look like I'll be going to the party tomorrow night", one might ask me what precipitated that thought, right? Perhaps they might ask if I'm not well or if something came up. Hence why I asked for some rationale. That's how you "back it up". Tres facile.
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