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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Some parts of this country have been more Mexican/Spanish than "American". I mean, the Southwest, Texas, California, Florida....all Spanish/Mexican possessions before we annexed them. We definitely need to do something about illegal immigration, but some of these are knee-jerk reactions.
  2. We can't let the auto industry go under. We just can't. That is in no way, shape or form going to help this economy or help the American worker. We gave the fucking banks $700 billion dollars but we can't give a fraction of that to the auto industry? Both groups of people caused their own problems, but bailing out one but not the other would be phenomenally stupid. And I'm tired of this country looking phenomenally stupid.
  3. Blah-goy-uhh-vitch. My friends just call him Rod Blowdryavitch because his hair looks like a bad wig.
  4. Rahm Emanuel is rumored to be the person who blew the whistle on Blago in the first place because Obama DIDN'T want to play ball with them. Sucks to be Rod right about now.
  5. I liked the part where he called Obama a "motherfucker" and then told him to go fuck himself. Hope you're not expecting him to be your character witness, asswad.
  6. Our Christmas shopping is either done or 90% done by the time Thanksgiving rolls around. There's a few things here and there left to pick up, but for the most part, everyone has been taken care of. I'm getting the new iPod nano for Christmas, and I've been socking away the money for that, so I think of our immediate family, I'm all that's left. For Thanksgiving we always eat turkey, for Christmas it's ham. And rather than meat dressing, my mom will make bread dressing along with the green bean casserole and biscuits. No drinking though, even though we're all legal now (my sister turned 21 last Wednesday), my dad has a strict rule about alcohol in the house. Back when we lived in Chicago, we'd always go downtown to see Daley Plaza and the big tree, then we'd see the Marshall Field's windows and wrap it up by having dinner at Berghoff's. Sadly, that restaurant doesn't exist anymore. We did that every single Christmas and we did even when we moved to Georgia. I don't know if we'll be able to get up there this year. Nowadays on Christmas Eve, we watch the movies White Christmas and Scrooge, watch the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing and then have hot chocolate and s'mores. With it being just the 4 of us here, it doesn't take much to entertain us. LOL
  7. You insulted a friend of mine, I took exception to it. If you don't like that, don't insult my friends. Makes sense.
  8. If my suspicions are correct, you're the person involved in that low blow you threw at tangerine. And you clearly knew what I was talking about, otherwise you wouldn't have edited the comment out of your post.
  9. Britain? Try the former Soviet Union. And this matters to me because............? ...............because I like Led Zeppelin. I wouldn't join a cheese-loving forum if I didn't like cheese. Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment. I'm sorry, you think I give a shit? Here's a quarter, go tell someone who cares.
  10. Yeah, I've never had a problem with wanna be......at least not that I'm aware of. He's one of the few people on this board I like discussing politics with because unlike practically everyone else, he knows his shit. So please don't say that he shits on me or that I shit on him or anything else like that. It's just not true.
  11. Jesus dude, quit threadjacking. Take it to the random thread if you must release that thought.
  12. Why do I have a feeling all these random threads are somehow the signs of an incoming nervous breakdown?
  13. Most college students CAN'T afford expensive concert tickets, so I don't know where that assumption stemmed from. When I was in college, every single dime I had went toward paying back school loans, making sure I had groceries and laundry soap and any school necessities. You're assuming that wanna be (and other college students) are simply rolling in dough and while some might be, I would venture that the majority aren't.
  14. Another thread with great potential flushed right down the shitter. From now on, no one start any threads dealing with dating, sex, relationships, marriage or anything else connected to those topics. Too much good conversation gets lost in one person's pathetic whines for attention.
  15. I actually buy my friends gifts unless they specifically ask for a gift card to iTunes or a specific store they like.
  16. Supply and demand, people. People can charge whatever they want and you have every right not to give them your hard-earned money if you don't want to. I'll spend hundreds of dollars to see Springsteen and I know plenty of people who wouldn't spend a penny to see him. To each their own. I've been waiting to see the Eagles for about 5 years, but it's hard to get tickets because they don't always play where I'm at. Same goes for a lot of other artists I want to see who either blow off my location or schedule but then cancel. It's the nature of the beast. It sucks, but it is what it is. I am sorry that the bands you want to see don't come near you or they're supposed to but they don't. At the end of the day though, they have every right to make money however they want as long as it's not illegal or infringing on anyone's rights. Just suck it up.
  17. If #1 happens, then the last 2 are sure to follow.
  18. In other words, you hope they reflect OJ's true nature. No disagreement with you there.
  19. Of course we're doing laid-back things. Some of us have things that need to get done and the weekends are the best times to do them. Just because you have no life and no responsibilities doesn't mean the rest of us don't.
  20. He could get paroled, though. He used the threat of violence to commit the crime, he wasn't actually violent. If he conducts himself as a model prisoner and doesn't get into it with the guards or other prisoners, the parole board could see fit to let him go. Of course, they could also be complete bastards and make him serve the whole sentence. Here's to hoping they become complete bastards!
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