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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. That's what happens when you ask a stupid question.
  2. You find her in a basket hanging from a willow tree. If she's carrying a red rose she's the one; a black rose, she's there to burn your house down. Be careful.
  3. You clearly know nothing about what Illinoisans (such as myself) think of this guy.
  4. BTW, Blago hasn't been impeached yet. The House voted to impeach him. He'll be tried in the Senate and if he's convicted THEN he'll be impeached.
  5. Good. There isn't a Democrat or Republican alike in my beautiful home state that can stand that walking turd.
  6. Churches should be taxed anyway, not because of anti-religious sentiments but because they take in too much money to NOT be taxed. Especially when a lot of these churches take on political bents either through sermons or through work they do to further/oppose bills and legislation. Take Prop 8 out in California for example. Once a church takes a political stance on ANYTHING, it's tax-exempt status should be removed. They should be treated like any other entity and taxed on the money it takes in and the property it owns. That money should go to education, unemployment, veteran's benefits, Social Security, Medicaid/Medicare, roads, and a host of other things. The budget/deficit would start to go down.
  7. In my mind it is the only way. In your mind it's not. That's the kind of the point here. At no point was I trying to impress upon people that I was a culinary genius. Chicagoans are very particular (and peculiar) when it comes to food. We have a specific way of making ribs, pizza, hot dogs and Italian beef sandwiches along with a host of other ethnically-centered foods. Just like New Yorkers, we think our way is the only way.
  8. Personally it's a disgusting habit, but if he's down to the end of the line and he wants to go out on his own terms, who am I to have an opinion about it. It's his life.
  9. I'm saying the Wings are hotter than thermite right now. The Sharks are a couple points ahead of us right now and I don't think THEY'D want to come into the Joe right now. We very well could get our nalgas handed to us and if that's the case so be it. If we play like shit we deserve to lose.
  10. I don't think Buffalo wants to play the Wings right now.
  11. You can be an honorary Chicagoan. Yeah, I think I'm buying some hot dogs and kraut this weekend and having me one. I miss not living there. Make sure you steam the bun, that's the trick. Edit: Hey, this is my 5,000th post!
  12. No, no I should not. I eat what I eat, I don't eat what I don't like and that's that. I've actually seen people booed from Vienna Beef hot dog stands in Chicago for requesting ketchup on their hot dog. I always say, if you're lucky you'll out-run the sauerkraut being thrown at you. Now THAT'S a hot dog. Mustard and sauerkraut. Probably because of the German influence in the city. Damn, now I want one.
  13. Easy. It's called my opinion.
  14. It's because of Scientology, I want the churches in this country to be taxed. With the amount of money Scientology, the Mormon Church and the Catholic Church take in a year, not just with donations but in property.....shit, we could balance the budget.
  15. The only thing ketchup is meant to go on is french fries. Not eggs, not steak, not hamburgers, not hot dogs. And egg/mayonnaise together? HORK. If I see people eating egg salad, I will become ill.
  16. Great win by the Wings last night. Empty net goat at the end by Hank, courtesy of Pasha's soccer move to get the puck to him after losing his stick. Conks had a great game in net.....we're rolling.
  17. God, that's disgusting. Ewww.
  18. Here's the answer. 80% of sports fans are dumbasses that couldn't tell their ass from their elbow even if you drew them a diagram. They vote for who is trendy at the moment, who has been on their TV the most or who all the stupid talking heads on TV say they should vote for. I don't watch the baseball ASG anymore because it's become a complete joke. Good players continually get overlooked for players with high name recognition and low stats. Same with the NHL. Not one member of the Red Wings is on the starting lineup. The defending champs, for cryin' out loud! They need to completely remove the fans from the voting process. They're mostly idiots and don't know what they're doing.
  19. Haven't listened to one, don't really care to.
  20. Wings have a home game tomorrow night, and thanks to the wonders of this amazing website someone clued me in on, I can watch the FSNDetroit feed of the game, live on my computer. I think I'll hunker down with either Quiznos or Subway and watch my boys kick ass.
  21. I had some mashed potatoes and veggies for dinner.
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