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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I think Barack Obama is a great role model for young black men. They see a family still together, both parents educated and still in love with each other.....it shows them there's more to life than what they see at home or on the news. That they too can be like the President, there's nothing holding them back but themselves. Frankly, Obama is a role model to everyone, regardless of race or gender.
  2. If Gitmo could be closed in such a short period of time, as you somehow think......why didn't Bush ever close it down? Oh that's right, because it CAN'T be done in one day, and he wouldn't have done it anyway. I think a year is a rather generous assessment of how long it'll take. I was thinking it would take much longer, but apparently Obama and his people have ideas in place for getting it done that quickly.
  3. I haven't heard one. Maybe they exist, maybe they don't but I'd much rather listen to their version.
  4. I don't support anyone being held illegally without trial or counsel. Why do you assume that I DO support it, in cases that are not Gitmo? Have I at anytime led anyone here to believe that I DO support such behavior. Oh that's right, I haven't. You're trying to move the goal posts and create fake arguments. Again, go fuck yourself.
  5. I have three Wings jerseys. Yzerman, Lidstrom and Datsyuk. I call it "Past Captain, Current Captain, Future Captain."
  6. Dearborn, Michigan. He's talking about Dearborn, Michigan. It's a city....in the state where he lives. One, it's called Google. Two, he WAS speaking English, unless you suddenly can't recognizing your own language anymore.
  7. Oh, I'm nuts because I believe innocent people are being held illegally in an American gulag. I'm nuts because I want the torturing of detainees to stop. I'm nuts because I want the guilty people being held there punished to the fullest extent of the law. Go fuck yourself, you're a traitor to every ideal this country was founded on. No American should be proud their country is behaving in such an obscene fashion.
  8. I collect certain artists' music so for them, I will buy a physical copy. But sometimes I don't want a whole album, I only want one song. Or two songs. To me, it's a waste of money to spend $20 on a CD when it costs substantially less to make it or buy it on iTunes. I've got close to 500 CDs myself, so it's not like I've eschewed the product. However I find the convenience of downloading to be a great selling point. And when you buy albums on iTunes, you get the liner notes and all that jazz. It's just on your computer, rather than in your hand.
  9. So in other words, we should still be holding EVERYONE there, regardless of whether they've actually done anything. I'm sorry, that argument doesn't hold water with me. I want the guilty punished and I want the innocent released. I want this country to APOLOGIZE for what they've done to the innocent people chained up there like animals. I don't doubt there are guilty people being held at Gitmo. But I'd be willing to bet that a supermajority aren't guilty.
  10. Floppa is on his way back? Great, he can teach Cindy Crysby how to dive to the ice like a champ.
  11. Really, that's the greatest description of Gandhi I think I've ever read in my life. "Smart old dead dude". Yeah well, you're right on all 4 counts.
  12. I don't get peoples' hang-ups with downloading. I download all the time, mostly from iTunes. I can preview tracks to determine if it's something I want to buy, and iTunes has this section called "Essentials", where they group songs by year or genre, sometimes even by theme. They have one theme called "Nighttime Driving" or "Late Night Driving" and it's lots of chill ambient/electronica music. I would never have even heard of a lot of this music if not for it. I don't see anything wrong with evolving to new media formats. Vinyl became cassettes became CDs became mp3s and then who knows what's next. It doesn't mean any of those previous formats are no longer worthy, just that we've moved on sonically.
  13. I agree also to an extent, but there should be nothing racist or shameful in calling a white person a white person and a black person a black person. It's an identifier, no different than saying you're a man and I'm a woman. Would it be great if we could all evolve past seeing color and the language would just evolve with it? Yeah, but to me that's more utopian than pragmatic. Just because I want it to happen doesn't mean I think it will. There's too many people out there for whom race is a dealbreaker and no matter how much society evolves past a lot it, it will never leave.
  14. Chicken breasts in cream of mushroom gravy with stuffing. Tres delish.
  15. Someone just got told. SNAP. Great post, wanna be. Really. Right on point.
  16. Shouldn't it be up to the individual how they choose to identify themselves? Tiger Woods is African-American and Asian, but I've only ever heard him referred to as a black man. That's his personal preference, so why would or should anyone get bothered by that? If Barack Obama wants to identify himself as a black man, he's well within his rights to do so and that's how the media identifies him. I don't see where the issue is.
  17. She's on Headline News or at least she was yesterday.
  18. I do wish he'd cut his hair. He can leave it gray/white if he wants, but the long hair doesn't suit him anymore.
  19. Guantanamo is a US military base/installation, right? So for legal purposes, it's considered US territory.....am I correct in that? If so, then anyone held there is subject to US laws and procedure. If you believe that people held at Gitmo are being denied basic rights, then you believe they are being denied the basic rights afforded anyone on US soil. Including the right to a speedy trial and counsel. Lincoln may have suspended habeus corpus during the Civil War, but to my knowledge Bush did no such thing during this "war" on terror. Gitmo is worse than a stain on this country, it's an absolute abomination. Benjamin Franklin had a very precise quote about those who'd sacrifice liberty for safety. He said if you do, you deserve neither.
  20. "Stephen Colbert" the character is Conservative. Stephen Colbert the person is Liberal. That's what makes the show so funny. He basically skewers shows like O'Reilly and Hannity and they either don't realize it or just go along with it for the laughs.
  21. Golden Globes are different than the Academy Awards. Both awards are given out by two different organizations.
  22. Stephen Harper is the current PM. Their elections were a couple weeks before ours, I think.
  23. I believe that's right. The movie had to be released before a cut-off date to be eligible for the Academy Awards this year. It should be eligible for the awards in 2010. I think the cut-off date is early December. I'd have to look it up.
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