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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Catch Me If You Can - Natalie Bassingthwaighte
  2. I didn't know they let the local pre-school kids post in threads. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with some of you people? Robert Plant, a person we're all supposed to love and respect, just won 5 Grammys for some very good work. Can't we be happy for him and Alison......or is that too much to ask? Shit.
  3. More than likely. A lot of live broadcasts aren't really "live" in that we're usually seeing them 5-10 seconds behind real time because of FCC delays. You know, just to make sure if someone says "fuck" or something, the weenies watching at home don't wet their pants.
  4. The West Coast ALWAYS has a tape delay because the show is broadcast live in LA.
  5. Another Sad Love Song - Toni Braxton
  6. When they won Record of the Year, he mentioned that he has written the song with Jimmy. It was a nice nod to his former bandmate.
  7. I was merely using those two cities as examples. The original 6 teams (Chicago, Detroit, Boston, New York, Montreal and Toronto) and then a select other group of cities have always had great turnout no matter what. Basically, any place north of the Mason-Dixon line and near water has a good hockey base. Dallas surprisingly, is an exception. I know a couple people who live there and they say that Stars games always sell well and they have a great presence there.
  8. Excellent. I don't buy a lot of CDs anymore because I find them overpriced and often times, I only want 2 or 3 songs off them.....but I made sure to buy Raising Sand.
  9. That's just so kick-ass. I hope they do a follow-up to Raising Sand, and I hope that one takes home 10 Grammys!
  10. And Alison is an Illinois girl just like me!
  11. HOLY FUCKING SHIT, THEY WON ALBUM OF THE YEAR!!!11!! *faints as promised*
  12. Before the lockout, hockey had a relatively good audience. They were on ESPN and quite a few games were televised on NBC. However said lockout really fucked the fans over, they lost the contract with ESPN and the ratings started to slide. I guess it depends where you are. I grew up in Chicago and am a huge Red Wings fan, and both Chicago and Detroit have great hockey histories. Other places that have teams that are relatively new, not so much. Now, football is a huge sport here.....just look at the Super Bowl! Companies pay top dollar for advertisements during the game and the Halftime performers are always the creme de la creme of the music world. If you were talking about soccer though......I don't think anything will make soccer here what it is in England the rest of Europe, and especially Latin/South America.
  13. I know I'll get slammed for this, because it's a Led Zeppelin board and we're all supposedly music purists, but I really like Justin Timberlake. I've seen him live several times, I have all his albums.....I just think he's great. It's fun music and it always puts me in a good mood.
  14. Well, you know something? It's very difficult to separate the sarcasm from an honest-to-God opinion when there are people here who actually think that way. I'm sure you know this already, but there's no dearth of posters here who think that Robert Plant and/or the other members of Led Zeppelin owe them a tour because way back in 1971, they bought an album. They're serious about believing that *fill in musician here* owes them a tour. OWES it to them. And those people are full of horsepuckey.
  15. 2/3 of the Grammys are given out before the televised portion of the show starts. Which is why sometimes artists will be on the red carpet being interviewed and they find out they've won X number of Grammys already. There's about 100+ categories to give out, and frankly that's too much. They need to whittle that down. We don't need an award given out for the Best Spoken Word Poetry Album Set to African Tribal Drums Played By Finnish Dwarves.
  16. Robert owes us nothing, dear. If Robert chooses to tour, with whatever group of musicians he so desires, it will be because he wants to, not because someone on the internet feels entitled to it.
  17. Can we get on with Album of the Year already? Kthnx.
  18. Electrophile


    I drink 'em all year long. The only thing I don't do is drink the hot stuff in the summer.
  19. Electrophile


    Well, duh. Why else buy one?
  20. I had to edit my post because someone started screaming they won "it", not saying which award it was they won. So, that made me think they announced Album of the Year already.
  21. Edit: Please avoid posting that so-and-so won an award without specifying which one it was.
  22. While we've been waiting for the big award to get announced, I've downloaded some new add-ons for Firefox. There's this one called FoxTab, which gives you 3-D look at all your tabs. Very cool.
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