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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. People don't watch TV to be enlightened or to learn anything. That's what books are for. People watch TV for entertainment, to not worry about shit going on in their lives. It's escapism. Quit overthinking it. Speaking of books, I notice you didn't submit your picks in the "5 books you must read before you die" thread that I started a couple weeks ago. I'm curious as to what someone like you would choose.
  2. Let people watch whatever they want. It's not your job to judge them based on their TV viewing habits. To them it's entertainment, to you it's crap. Your view isn't more right than theirs.
  3. You're taking it too seriously. Lighten up.
  4. I shit you not, I was waiting for someone to go Monty Python after that post. Thank you all for not letting me down.
  5. I've been wearing glasses since the 3rd grade. A few years ago, I tried contacts, and I could get them in......but not out. I was terrified of sticking my fingers on my eyeball. So I decided that glasses were just fine.
  6. Electrophile


    I'm not drinking anything since I've brushed my teeth for the night. I did have a Diet Coke before that, though. Caffeine-free of course, since I've eliminated it from my diet as much as I can. Every now and again I'll have a Starbucks or a Gloria Jeans.
  7. I'm over the song. If it comes on the radio, every now and again I'll leave it on. Mostly though, I turn it off. I've heard it too many times and as longdistancewinner put it, sick to the back teeth of it. It's not a bad song, in that the lyrics and music are not bad. It's a great song. I just don't care for it anymore. I used to listen to it all the time and play it over and over again, but after a while.......it got to be too much.
  8. I would suggest having your number changed. I mean, if it's that similar to the number for the HoB, making it less similar would ease up the dumbass phone calls.
  9. He's a dead ringer for Jeff Buckley.
  10. Rick Wright comes back to life. As a result of this miraculous turn of events, Roger Waters and David Gilmour are so inspired, all 4 guys get back together to do a proper studio album and tour. I miss Rick.
  11. This sounds horrible, but if on a first date we go out to eat and you have shitty table manners.......I won't eat in public with you again. At least not anywhere nice. That is just so embarrassing. I'm not saying I'll dump the guy, because for me to break up with you I need something more severe that bad table manners. But that's just one step closer to a deal-breaker.
  12. Most people have shit manners anymore. It's frustrating. I mean, I don't have to open a door for you, or hold the elevator as you're running toward it or step aside if you have small children so you can get on before me......I do that because I was raised right and it's just my human nature to do those things. I don't expect a "thank you", but it would go a long way to showing me you weren't raised by fucking wolves. Even worse than those kinds of manners are people who have horrible table manners. Food belongs on your plate and in your mouth, not all over the table, the floor and your clothes. Chew with your mouth closed, don't talk with food in your mouth and don't take huge gargantuan bites. How have so many people gone through life with no table manners?! It astounds me.
  13. It's supposed to be 77 on Saturday here in the Triad. Far cry from Monday when we had 6 inches of snow on the ground!
  14. Gary Sinise is amazing. He's only reason I watch CSI: NY. I wouldn't mind having him interrogate me.
  15. I had heard that she started a website in order to solicit donations from people for things like diapers and formula and God knows what else. I heard it in passing on the news a few weeks ago. Not to mention, you notice who she's had plastic surgery in order to look like? She's nuttier than a fruitcake.
  16. I just checked my copy and it's not on either Side 1 or Side 2. So it was probably put there by the original owner for some reason.
  17. There's a difference you're completely ignoring here. The Duggars, while they have 18 kids, live debt-free and not on government assistance. They can afford to care for all 18 kids and give them a quality of life that while I don't agree with (home-school, uber-religious), works for them and who they are. Have you watched their show on TLC? I find it fascinating. They have this huge lovely home, really care about each other and while I don't agree with their religious views, they're happy. And Jinger is a hoot. I watched the episode where she learned how to drive and she had me in hysterics. I only have one sibling, and I always wondered what it would be like to have more than 1 sister in my age group. I'm a little envious of the girls in that respect. And they have a deli and fountain soda machine in their kitchen. Come on, that's cool no matter who you are. Octomom has 14 kids she can't care for, is living at home with her mother and owes tens of thousands of dollars on her mortgage. How can you even compare the two situations? She's resorted to starting a website to ask for donations from complete strangers. She is mentally ill. Michelle Duggar is not. It is completely irresponsible to pop out kids left and right if you can't provide even the basic necessities for them. The doctor who implanted those embryos should lose his license.
  18. Finding out my sister is spending a week in Valdosta during Spring Break. Yay for being out of my hair!
  19. Pink Floyd - One Slip (Live at the Omni, Atlanta 1987) Part of the Calhoun Tapes, a bootleg of the shows they did there on the AMLOR tour. The footage was supposed to be used for a live release, but they didn't like it and instead used footage taped from their shows at the Nassau Coliseum in 1988. Really, REALLY 80s and if you can get over that, you might enjoy it.
  20. 32.2 °F / 0.1 °C Clear Windchill: 32 °F / 0 °C Humidity: 54% Dew Point: 16 °F / -9 °C Wind: 0.0 mph / 0 km/h Wind Gust: 0.0 mph / 0 km/h Pressure: 30.27 in / 1024.9 hPa (Steady) Visibility: 10.0 miles / 16.1 kilometers UV: 1 out of 16 Clouds: Clear - (Above Ground Level) Elevation: 935 ft / 284 m
  21. Thank you for your monetary donation to the Evil Empire. We value your contribution.
  22. News14 Carolina. They're talking about 3-7 inches of snow in this area. That's a lot of snow for over here, in fact I haven't had that much snow fall on my house since we left Chicago. Alpharetta never got that much snow.
  23. Slaughterhouse-Five, if you want my honest opinion. I liked both books, but I'd go with Vonnegut first.
  24. And seriously, the man has dimples. Dimples. My friend was laughing at me earlier, she was like "Dude, he's 36 years older than you" and I said "and?" Yeah. Although before I'd ask him on a date (provided he was single and all), I'd ask him to show me how he got the sound at the beginning of "Sorrow".
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