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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Halle Berry is a skank? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.
  2. Of course it's silly to you, you don't have the rich tradition that we do. Next thing you're going to bitch about is the fact the Oval Office is in fact, oval-shaped. "Why should it be oval shaped? I mean, all offices are square or rectangular. That tradition is so stupid. Why do you like it?" If it's silly to you, or you don't understand it.......don't talk about it! That way you don't embarrass yourself.
  3. It wasn't. She's been in a very public family her whole life. She's done speaking engagements and other public appearances in her professional life. She's been used to the media saying lots of things about her and her family, both positive and negative, for a very long time. That wasn't why she pulled out. I don't know if I believe that her uncle's health wasn't the reason, because I believe it was.
  4. We made Canada pay for it. Fork over your cash, eh.
  5. No, the President and his wife cannot have ANY fun time at all. The minute he took the oath, he should have immediately left for the White House and began writing stuff. And yelling at staffers to bring him things. For this is the USA, the land of no joy.
  6. I WANT Obama to get made fun of. I don't want the media thinking that any one President is off-limits from satire. If he says something stupid, lampoon it. If he can't open a door (like Dubya), roundly mock him. This way the right-wing-off-the-cliffers don't cry that the media is biased.
  7. You don't get it. They are balls. You dance at balls. It is tradition and has been for many, many decades for the President, Vice-President and their wives to attend about 10 of them and dance for about 1 minute at the start. Obama said a few words and then off they went. It's frivolity, it's joy, it's a time for celebration. That's what a ball is. It's not serious. You're acting personally offended that the Obamas danced together and GASP! looked like they loved each other. How dare they.
  8. I think it's funny spats was complaining about people talking about things they don't know anything about, and then he proceeds to rattle off a shitload of posts in a row where he talks about things he doesn't know about.
  9. You're not an American, why do you care what our President and our First Lady do during their Inaugural balls? None of it effects you in any way. The only way I could see you bitching is if during their first dance, Obama calls for our military to drop nukes on Ottawa. Other than that, you don't know what you're talking about so stop talking about it.
  10. Tradition, you fool. The President and First Lady always dance for about a minute at each of the balls they attend that night. Same for the Vice-President and his wife. Why don't you research that instead of spouting off about stuff you don't know about.
  11. You're actually comparing Blagojevich and Obama? Why not compare a turd to a diamond while you're at it. Obama became President through hard work, determination and a sheer will to succeed. Nothing corrupt or untoward in that. Blagojevich is a scheming little piece of shit that no one in MY home state can stand, Democrat or Republican. He's going to be impeached. That's never happened before. That's how horrible he is. To deride someone for striving to the highest office in the country is just ridiculous, even for you.
  12. I agree with the use of the death penalty but only in the most severe of circumstances. Serial killers, serial child predators.....people who cannot under any conceivable set of circumstances be rehabilitated and put back into society. As it is, I think it's overused and I would love to see a complete overhaul of the system in my lifetime.
  13. I'm glad you feel so arrogant as to assume that your opinion on torture supercedes anyone elses. Really. There's a lot I don't know in this world and there are a lot of things I feel strongly about that others disagree with, but I would never be so presumptuous as to assume that my personal opinion matters more than theirs simply because it's MY opinion. What a buffoon.
  14. First of all, the tumor is inoperable. He's had chemo and radiation treatments, but that's all they can do. Secondly, if he still feels mentally and physically capable to carry out his duties and the people of Massachusetts haven't seen fit to question his ability to serve, why should he be derided for that? He, along with his brothers, gave their lives to public service. He'll die in that Senate seat and if that's what he wants, then so be it. We've had people in elected office longer than 40 years, go complain about them.
  15. I agree that Jack's presidency was overrated, more because of how he died than anything else. However I can understand to a point why people do it. He was young, there was a lot he wanted to accomplish (most of which Johnson got pushed through) and it was so sudden and random. I think that he was a good President, with the potential to be great. Bobby.....I think of both deaths, his was the one that hurt the most. The more I read of him and what he wanted to accomplish and how sorely needed it was.....the more I find his death a slap in the face. Ted is very liberal, I think a little more to the left than I am, but I don't know of anything politically he's done that I disagree with. It's his personal life that causes me to dislike him.
  16. Anyone who thinks waterboarding is just "squirting" them with water, severely understates what is happening to these people. Not to mention, I can provide links upon links of people who have said that it is in fact, torture.
  17. Recently when I've been in a funk, I've listened to In Rainbows by Radiohead. I don't know, but sometimes I have to stay in the mood to work myself out of it. Just listening to some fluffy pop song doesn't jolt me out of it. I need to jolt myself out of it.
  18. Howard Stern was funny for maybe 5 minutes. Then it got old. When you go to the "shock jock" well one time too many, it stops being interesting. It's like, okay Howard. You have a porn star sucking off a donkey while a midget rides her back singing Mexican folk songs wearing a dildo made of cat turds. You did that last week, it's not shocking anymore. What would be shocking would be if he was actually funny again.
  19. I always get a kick out of lists like this, for a couple reasons. One, it's interesting from a purely entertainment standpoint to see where they put what song. It doesn't make or break anything in any serious way, it's just fun. Two, watching some of you go apoplectic over Zeppelin being ranked below whomever, when you know damn well that the artists/songs you like aren't going to be ranked as high as you'd want them to be. You know before the show even starts that you aren't going to like it, yet you sit through it and then come here and talk about how awful it was. It tickles me.
  20. Obama wouldn't be in discussions about closing down Guantanamo Bay if he didn't have ideas about what to do with the people already being held there. My hope is that those who are innocent will be released and those who are in fact guilty of committing X crime will be placed in prison, where criminals belong. No more torture, no more indefinite detainments without counsel. We're better than this. I was discussing this on another board, and someone made a sad, but true point. It sucks that we needed the President to come forward and say he's putting an end to torture. It shouldn't have been done in the first place.
  21. Care to explain why? Not looking for an argument, just that I've read literally dozens of books on the various members who have pursued political office and personal lives aside, what have they done (or not done) politically that would warrant that type of comment? Looking over at my bookshelf I see 20 books on Jack and Bobby alone.
  22. God, how I love this thread. I can remember on the old board, this thread would be 700 or 800 pages long. Good times. I'll see what pics I still have and post some of them here.
  23. SIBLY and Tea For One are the obvious songs, at least to me. I mean, wasn't Tea For One called SIBLY pt. 2, anyway? Both have that deliciously slow blues guitar groove. I don't know which of the two I love more.
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