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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. Let's see, tonight I'll be cleaning my closet and doing laundry. Such fun! But really, it needs to get done and since I have this weekend off, I'm utilizing that free time the best I can. We're going out for dinner tomorrow night for my sister's birthday, so I don't want any chores still unfinished laying around.
  2. As the headline on Fark states: "Former running back to become former tight end." Hope you enjoy your time in prison, you despicable mass of flesh.
  3. My teddy bear. Whenever I need to talk to someone, I talk to it. And he never judges me. Just sits there smiling with his little red bow tie.
  4. Other than English, I speak French, can read/speak some Spanish, can understand a bit of the Scandinavian languages, except Finnish and Icelandic.
  5. Yeah I know, but I farking hate Claude Lemieux and I never liked Sean Avery. He's the NHL's version of Kevin Federline.
  6. I hope Lemieux wakes up one day and his dick has been bitten off by a rabid wolverine. I wish nothing but the worst for that waste of skin. Terminal cancer of the anus would be nice too. God, I hate that douche. Now about Sean Avery......he's been an asshole, even when he was a Red Wing. I don't care how pissed you are that your ex-girlfriend is bumpin' uglies with another player....you keep your shitty opinion to yourself. Whatever happened to conducting oneself with decorum? You'd think those years in Detroit would have taught him to take a page from Steve Yzerman, the absolute personification of class.
  7. Everyone that knows me knows that I can't stand her music, so I shun any and all programs that feature it. That said, I was rather intrigued by her "documentary" that was on MTV last night, so I watched 5 minutes of it. She's as vapid and dense as fog. There's just no depth there at all. She's like music's Sarah Palin.
  8. No, they shouldn't. If someone states they don't want to be an organ donor or they have objections to being one, then their will should stand regardless of what you personally may think. I see this as no different than the issue of living wills and DNR requests. If you don't want unnecessary life-saving equipment to keep you alive in the event of your ending up in a coma or a vegetative state, then it should be honored. This is no different to me.
  9. I went to an all-girl's Catholic high school. I made the mistake of wearing my Led Zeppelin t-shirt to school one day when we could dress out. Next thing I know, I'm in the principal's office and he's asking me how long I've been doing drugs and if I'm giving any to the other students. After my parents threatened a lawsuit, he apologized to me in front of the student body and faculty.
  10. Nothing, although at 9:39 pm (damn football ran late) I'm watching Cold Case. Should be a good episode tonight.
  11. Yes, how dare we find Zep songs we don't like. I'll go beat myself about the head with a dictionary now.
  12. Led Zeppelin could do bombast and spectacle, but they also could do tender as well, and I think this song is a great example of that.
  13. My favorites: Dark Side of the Moon - Pink Floyd all my Eagles albums all my Zeppelin albums Born in the USA - Bruce Springsteen Who's Next - The Who Bookends - Simon and Garfunkel
  14. My cousin David met his wife in a Mormon chat room, I think I've mentioned it before. They seem really happy, so I'm happy for them.....I hope they're married 50+ years.
  15. I just got done making cookies; peanut butter and chocolate chip. There really is nothing better than homemade cookies. YUM!
  16. I did! I just suck at bowling, but my sister bowled a 76, which is no better. I did manage a strike a couple times.
  17. Going bowling with my sister. I hadn't bowled in probably 18 years at that point, and I managed to bowl a 73. Which completely sucks I know, but I had fun which was the point.
  18. Personally I think it was drugs + massive egos colliding that did the band in. They were already on the way out by the time they did the White Album....I think internal band problems just hastened their demise, which sucks. They did some great music, imagine what they could have done if they lasted further into the 70s.
  19. I'd rather listen to Stairway 100 times in a row than listen to this song once. And I really don't care for Stairway that much to begin with.
  20. Album: IV/PG Song: Tea For One/In The Evening/WTLB Can't choose only one for those categories.
  21. I've been a fan of Alison Krauss for years. I have all her albums with Union Station.....she's a fellow Illinoisan like myself, so I like to support local talent. The idea that a bunch of dumbass LZ fans would rain insults down on her because she dares to work with Robert Plant is just asinine.
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