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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. This is my problem with Sarah Palin. I'm sure she's not stupid. You don't get to be Governor by being an idiot, although as we can see, it can get you in the White House the last 8 years. At least there's precedence for intellectually-incurious Governors from oil-rich states to make it to the White House, so she's got that going for her. However, she's just..........a few crackers short of a Lunchable. I'm sure she's nice, when she's not shooting wolves from a helicopter or forcing her teen daughter into an arranged marriage, but the image she presents to people is so OTT hokey and folksy, it makes her look like she's trying too hard. And if she appeared to be able to be moderate in some of her opinions, maybe people other than the hardcore Fundies would give her the time of day. Also, when you accuse your opponent of basically being a terrorist sympathizer, you get no sympathy from me when the media starts climbing up your rectum. Barack Obama has had people calling him every name in the book and then some, and I don't recall him whining about it. If you want to get on the roller coaster, accept that you might get puked on somewhere along the way.
  2. They'll get married and be divorced within 2 years. They're kids being forced to get married because they were too stupid to use birth control. If they don't get married, that's going to look real bad for Mama and the rumor is that she might take over Ted Stevens' senate seat if he gets expelled. You can't have a Fundie senator with an unwed teen mother. It's all about looks with this one. Not just how she looks, but how her family looks to other people. I mean take the RNC for example. They kept passing that poor baby around like a damn relay baton. That infant should not have been there, but damn it....it helped her image.
  3. Getting some bad news from a friend.
  4. Well, something's not right there then. If you get bent out of shape over the President getting oral sex from a consenting adult, you're worrying about the wrong things.
  5. It's not hard to figure him out. He's the worst kind of troll; the kind who thinks it's funny to play the part of the bad guy, because he gets his rocks off over it. I'd bet that he's a peace-and-love hippie from Berkeley who is just pretending to be some mentally deranged neocon.
  6. I'm not a "so-called American". I'm an American. And because you need to be educated on our former Presidents, allow me to quote this from Theodore Roosevelt: "The President is merely the most important among a large number of public servants. He should be supported or opposed exactly to the degree which is warranted by his good conduct or bad conduct, his efficiency or inefficiency in rendering loyal, able, and disinterested service to the Nation as a whole. Therefore it is absolutely necessary that there should be full liberty to tell the truth about his acts, and this means that it is exactly necessary to blame him when he does wrong as to praise him when he does right. Any other attitude in an American citizen is both base and servile. To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." Since the Alien and Sedition Acts no longer exist, there is nothing un-American about bitching about the President. NONE. Now cry us a river, build us a bridge and get the eff over it.
  7. "sleazy, pandering dildos"? Holy shit that's fantastic.
  8. Please don't try to rationalize away your behavior.....that's sad.
  9. I didn't think you cared, you've never struck me as someone who got riled up over something like that. I was more responding to your point that there might have been something else people weren't happy with.
  10. Okay then, why do people care that he lied about a blowjob? Isn't his getting some nookie on the side a private matter that should have been dealt with between him and his wife? I can't see any man in Clinton's position admitting he was fucking around. Of course he lied about it.....he didn't want people to know, he probably didn't want to embarrass his family. They were embarrassed anyway, because really.....when your dad is the President and there's an intern under his desk, you don't just laugh that off. Now, if Clinton killed someone and lied about it on national TV and then it came out that he had indeed killed someone.....I can see people getting pissed off that he lied to them. A blowjob is not serious business. This whole overly puritanical country overreacted.
  11. Why do people continue to give a rat's ass about Bill Clinton getting a blowjob? The joke was the United States Senate thinking an impeachment trial was a good use of our time and tax dollars. When he left office, his approval ratings were as high as they'd ever been. Our economy was great and we had a $200 billion dollar surplus. I'd kill for that right about now, and anyone who says otherwise is lying. Bill Clinton may not ever be in the top 10 Presidents of all time, but he was damn good anyway. I think George Bush lying about a war and sending our troops to die trumps a god damn blowjob.
  12. Okay.....would the conquering of South Vietnam equal the Vietcong invading the United States or something? I'm not invalidating that the South Vietnamese needed help because they did......but why was it our responsibility to help them? We lost over 58,000 military personnel because of that war. We had no business being over there. We are not, nor should we be, the world's police department. When shit hits the fan in some remote corner of civilization, it is not our responsibility to go over and make it better. That puts too much of a strain our resources that could be better served helping people in the United States. Which should be our first priority anyway.
  13. It's news related to the Presidential election, right? And I posted it in a thread about the Presidential election, right? So how did that warrant your attitude?
  14. First person to pick Puff Daddy (or whatever he's calling himself today) and Jimmy Page gets bitchslapped. Most of you probably won't have heard of this, but that's fine: Nick Cave and Kylie Minogue.
  15. Obama picked up another electoral vote today, as he won a vote from Nebraska's Second Congressional District, which incorporates Omaha and some of its surrounding suburbs. That brings the official electoral vote tally to 365-173.
  16. I would like to see either Summers or Volcker as Sec of the Treasury. I think Obama needs to name that position before any other.
  17. Barack reminds me more of Bobby Kennedy than Jack Kennedy, although I can see where people would choose him instead. Hell, if Obama has an administration like Clinton did, I'd be happy. I wasn't thrilled with Clinton's foreign policy and I think if Obama surrounds himself with the right people in that sector, he'll be successful. It's the domestic policy that I'm most concerned with right now.
  18. I'm happy though, and that's what counts. I had a boyfriend in Georgia, he treated me like shit. I went on some dates before I left to come here, fully knowing that it would just be a date and not anything serious, and the guys were dicks. All the younger-looking guys I see around these parts are Bible-thumpers and I want nothing to do with those people. So I'm content. Eventually I'll find someone worth my time.
  19. Nope. I haven't had a decent date in years. Besides, I don't know a goddamned soul here, and I prefer it that way.
  20. So you think no matter what is actually going on, the media should always spin wars as though we're kicking ass, even if we're really getting our taints handed to us? No thanks. Once the good folks back home began to see that we were being lied to by the government, that things were far worse than we were being told, they reacted the way any other group of people would. With rage. They had every right to be pissed off. My dad lost 6 buddies from his high school graduating class because of that war. My mom's brother almost died. Thankfully my dad was 1-A or else he would have been over there too. I don't want to be lied to about the deaths of our soldiers. If we're sucking eggs, say so. If we're kicking ass and taking names, say so. Don't just assume we'd be better off if you went "there, there" and patted us on the heads and told us not to worry about it.
  21. We were never winning Vietnam because the politicians refused to let the military run the war. The same as we were never nor are we ever, going to win in Iraq. Furthermore, we had no fucking business getting involved in Vietnam to start with. It was a civil conflict between two warring factions in the same country.....sound familiar? However, once our military was committed to being there, we fucked it up ROYALLY. The hippies didn't do shit. They protested what was an egregious misuse of our troops, time and money and while some splinter groups got out of control, the majority of them didn't. To blame this colossal blunder on a bunch of stoned teenagers is ridiculous.
  22. Yeah about that................................................Eisenhower got us into Vietnam. He was the first President to send US troops over there. Kennedy increased our presence, although not by the exorbitant amount that Johnson did. And you're right, Jack wasn't the genius behind saving our ass re: the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was his brother.
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