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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. McCain tried defending Barack Obama today against his audience screaming "terrorist" and "kill him".......and got booed for it. WTG GOP, WTG. I guess the "G" stands for gutless.
  2. Just when I think it's safe to feel like the Republican Party hasn't completely descended into shit-flinging madness, I'm made to re-evaluate that thought. http://www.time-blog.com/swampland/2008/10...chforkwave.html If Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower were still alive, they'd bitchslap these idiots for calling themselves Republicans.
  3. Hmmm, less like 1930s Germany, more like 1960s Mississippi.
  4. Apparently Sarah Palin will be on SNL October 25th. She can't do a press conference or a tough interview with a real journalist, but damn it, she can be on a TV show that hasn't been funny in 30 years. Meanwhile, Obama is buying up 30-minute blocks of time for October 29th on all the major networks (NBC, ABC, CBS, Fox [not FOX News, just regular Fox]). I hope he spends that 30 minutes playing Al Green and sipping cognac next to a fireplace. Or, him and Bill Clinton can play cards, get drunk and talk about chicks.
  5. No one posted anything obscene here.
  6. I've lost a friend to suicide. Not assisted suicide, but regular old blow your brains out suicide. I was there after it happened, I had to see the end result......I still carry those scars many years later. It'll never go away. That being said, if my parents or my grandmother were in constant pain at the ends of their lives due to illness and there was no way that pain would ever be lessened, not even temporarily, I could not live with myself if I let them keep living just for me to say they're still alive. Seeing them like that every day would kill me.
  7. Uh-huh. It's only been debated around here how many times?
  8. You would know that song quite well, wouldn't you. Slick, you ain't. Anywhoozles, the subject of Led Zeppelin not giving proper credit to artists of songs they re-did, has been hashed and re-hashed to death.
  9. Making cookies. I just love baking, period. I must have inherited that trait from my mother's side of the family, because her and my grandmother are fantastic bakers. My grandma's chocolate cream pie, which she made from scratch, was to die for. Instead of a birthday cake, I'd ask her to make that for me.
  10. You missed the winking smilie that would have told you SHE WAS JOKING AND THEREFORE YOU'RE OVERREACTING.
  11. "Jumped the shark" basically means he reached his peak and then went past it.
  12. Oh, I know there's Klan in every state. I was talking about two different groups.
  13. For all you Righties out there who are so gosh-darned in love with Sarah Palin, dontchaknow *wink*.....did any of you defend Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton against lies, rumors, smears and innuendo during this election cycle? You know, since you think it unfair to pick on political candidates and mock them. Just wondering if much like your fabled network, you were truly "fair and balanced".
  14. I don't know which is sadder about that statement; the fact I agree, or the fact that you even had to say it. When Obama got the nomination I was overjoyed, just over the moon. I thought "wow.....some real change is coming, and this guy is the real deal. How long has it been since we've had someone like that within spitting distance of the White House." Then I thought, "The Klan won't be happy with this. There's still Southerners who think the War is on. Someone will shoot him before his first term ends, should he win." So to all the racists, bigots, assholes, douchebags and general twats out there.....thanks a lot. We can't enjoy the possibility of a black man being President without simultaneously worrying that you and Jim-Bob are going to get your hunting rifle and scope.
  15. No President since has ever rode in an open motorcade like that. So that we don't have to worry about. It's some idiot pulling a Hinckley and getting him when he's going between car and building .
  16. Shortly after he's inaugurated. They'll wait until it's "official" official before killing him or at least trying to. Expect him to be wearing inch-thick plated body armor at all times, even when taking a dump. That's why I get tired of all the comparisons between him and JFK. While they're both extremely intelligent, charismatic, witty men.....one didn't have a very long life-expectancy and I'd like Barack to see old age.
  17. Really? You're better than Barack Obama? Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Dude, whatever you're shooting up.....save some for everyone else.
  18. But you think the former alcoholic who has been running the country the last 8 years HAS made good decisions? You're cracked. I don't like smoking but what does that have to do with being capable to run the country? Do you know how many past Presidents smoked, drank in absurd quantities and even did drugs? John McCain smoked. Hell, he ran around on his crippled wife with someone half his age and twice his bank account and I don't see you being indignant about that.
  19. I'm not. Hell in my mind, isn't a religious construct.
  20. That it took 200 years for a black man to advance this far is sad enough, the fact that people not of his party find great delight in denigrating the man because of things that in no way affect his ability to lead......well, that's just criminal. When I saw that clip of the McCain rally when the audience screamed "terrorist!" in response to "who is Barack Obama" I wanted to fucking throw up. I thought I was watching a Klan rally. The fact McCain did N-O-T-H-I-N-G in response to that, was even worse. He just gave a sick smile and kept right on talking. The GOP is starting the race-baiting now because it's the only tactic they have left. Ayres and Wright are old news, having been dragged through everyone's TVs during the primaries. What do they have left, aside from what they're starting to pull out right now? "Obama's not like 'us'. He doesn't see America the way 'we' do. Obama is not like 'you and me'." In other words, Obama's not white. I swear to God, this country is on a slow march to hell.
  21. Why in the name of God would anyone want to see that piece of shit Oliver Stone is calling a movie? He jumped the shark after JFK.
  22. You wanna know why Barack Obama is getting smeared like this, especially by lunatic right-wingers here? He's black. If he was a white man named Tom Smith, but still had all the same associations and beliefs.......you'd see exponentially less of this. He's black with a foreign name, and that's enough to make people shit themselves. It's funny in that "I can't believe people this functionally demented exist outside of asylums" way, but it's also sad that in 21st Century America, it exists at all.
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