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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I thought Biden did a great job of attacking her positions without sounding smug or being overly harsh. That would get a "sexist" label, even though she should be treated like any other candidate and not handled with kid gloves because she's a chick. I was worried that Joe might be a little too OTT but he did a great job of reigning it in and being brash at right moments. Palin just sounded like a babbling fool. It sounded like she had a speech memorized in her head and she was trying to put the talking points in the right order and she kept going of on tangents and not answering the questions right......it was ridiculous. The GOP will naturally say she won because she didn't shit herself or pass out on the lectern. When you lower the expectations that far, anything short of a coma is what'll work.
  2. They need to show more Beau Biden.
  3. Biden's attacking the "Maverick" crap! YES.
  4. Loved that recent bit by Biden......great.
  5. Did she give a shout-out? Lady, you're not on MTV!
  6. Thanks for bringing up his dead wife, Sarah. That's always great and I'm sure he just loves hearing about it.
  7. What is with this fake cutesy, folksy, down-home shit she's peddling? She sounds like the mom from Bobby's World.
  8. STOP SAYING THE WORD "MAVERICK". You and McCain are not mavericks, okay? You're not even Goose.
  9. What war did McCain help win? We lost Vietnam, we're losing in Iraq. So........where's this "win"?
  10. It's annoying as hell. Shouldn't a grown adult know how to pronounce the word nuclear? I mean, just because Curious George can't doesn't mean it's okay for everyone else to fudge it up too.
  12. Sarah, it's pronounced new-clee-er. Not nu-cue-ler.
  13. Did she just say the Lord asked them to into Iraq? Please tell me I misheard that. Please. Dear God please.
  14. ANSWER THE QUESTION YOU'RE BEING ASKED. I hate when people do that, regardless of party. If someone asks you what your favorite flavor of Jell-O is, don't say you like pepperoni pizza.
  15. She's 0-7 in answering questions now.
  16. She's gone 0-5 in answering questions so far. She even told the moderator she may not answer the questions, but she'll say what she wants! She said that! In a debate! Is she fucking nuts?!
  17. She's getting her shit pushed in from the moderator because she won't answer any of the questions. She's reciting talking points and nothing more. I figured that's what she'd do, but damn it ANSWER THE QUESTIONS YOU'RE BEING ASKED.
  18. Thank you, that was very kind. I think the only news anchors who present international news (aside from the war) are on the cable news stations, not necessarily network. I honestly think the only international news coverage I've seen on any of the major networks are centered around the war. I think I heard CNN mention the Canadian elections, but it was very brief. Yet I know people in London who know more about our upcoming elections than some people here do. They actually stayed up to watch the 1st debate and are watching the VP debate tonight, even though it's a 5 hour time difference. That's amazing to me.
  19. As for the top question, I watch more than one for a majority. I usually watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC and CBS. If I had to choose only one......probably CNN. Second question: Anderson Cooper, Brian Williams, Jon Stewart, and other.
  20. I think people outside the US are at times, more aware of what goes on here politically than those who are actual citizens. I wish that I was more aware of the goings on politically in Europe or Britain or even Australia, because I'm a nerd and I like reading up on stuff like that.....so I probably should. I know the Canadian Federal elections are going right now, as a friend of mine who lives in Vancouver has been bitching about it. LOL.
  21. ^^Exactly. Executive experience is great, but the amount of work she's had to do isn't near a tenth of what Michael Bloomberg has to do, or what Arnold Schwarzenegger has to do or what any other big city or state leader has to do. She's the governor of a state that has a population less than metropolitan Omaha. The town she was mayor of is smaller than the town I'm living in now, and the subdivision I live in is surrounded by frickin' corn fields.
  22. So apparently Palin is wearing her hair down tonight, has a cast on and will be wearing a turtleneck. Boy, they must not want people to think she's wearing a wire. Look at all the ways they are trying to dispel those rumors.
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