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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. You're intentionally being like this, aren't you? McCain picked a VP who is woefully inexperienced, not intellectually curious and a complete pander to the right-wing nutjobs that have taken his party hostage. Should he die and she's forced to become President, he made quite possibly, history's stupidest choice. He didn't pick someone to help him lead should he win. She can't lead a horse to drink, much less the United States of America and he knows that. Anyone else he would have chosen would have sunk the campaign immediately. Obama chose someone who ABOVE ALL ELSE will help him lead this country should he win. The difference between these two men is where their priorities were. Obama knew what his weaknesses were and chose someone who if he should win, will help him lead in that area, and others. While I agree that everyone has winning on their mind, someone who is truly intent on choosing well, doesn't think about it nearly as much as others. It's just another example of why McCain shouldn't be President. How the hell is he going to choose his Cabinet if that's how he chose his VP? Sakes alive. "Dick Cheney makes Dan Quayle look like Winston Churchill. Sarah Palin makes Dan Quayle look like Thomas Jefferson."
  2. No. I have never at any time, felt like doing myself harm or ending my life. If YOU have, perhaps you need to see someone about that. It's not healthy.
  3. Ah yes, blame everything on Bill Clinton. When are Republicans going to start blaming their own party for shit that goes wrong around here?
  4. And yet she doesn't know what branch of the government the VP is in. She thinks the Founding Fathers put "under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance. She doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is and she keeps lying and lying and lying about that damn bridge. Bush had executive experience, too. Look where it got us. Fucked up the ass.
  5. Of course not. It would be wrong to say that the hope of winning the election is completely removed from the thoughts of Presidential nominees when choosing their running mate. However, the bigger part of what you must decide is whether or not the person can help you lead, and lead for you should something happen and you are no longer able to. Look at this objectively. Say Obama wins and Biden is VP. Now say that 1 year into his term, Obama dies. Now Biden is President. Say McCain wins and Palin is VP. Now say that 1 year into his term, McCain dies. Now Palin is President. Who would you feel most comfortable with as leader of the free world, if those are your two choices?
  6. Apparently the VP debate has been adjusted.....for poor widdle Sarah. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/21/us/polit...amp;oref=slogin TOUGH SHIT. She wants to be VP, she plays by everyone's rules. She can't do the VP debate the way it's been done in the past, because then everyone who doesn't know already, will figure out this woman is in over her head. Can you imagine the Obama campaign requesting the Presidential debates be tinkered with because he hasn't been in politics as long as McCain? Why would you admit that your candidate can't hack it with everyone else, and thus needs help?
  7. Remember when you were in college (or high school) and you slacked off most of the semester and finals came around and you were completely ill-prepared for the tests? So you spend about 2 weeks cramming every single day in about 6 different classes, just so when you show up you at least pass? You show up to each test, sit down......and blank. You can't even remember your own name. Easy questions, hard questions......you can't answer a one of them. And this happens for all 6 tests. National Policy Energy Policy Foreign Policy Environment Health Care Economy What Sarah Palin is doing right now is trying to cram 30 years worth of knowledge and experience in those 6 subjects into her brain right now, and on October 2nd.....it's time to sit down and take the tests. I think the Republicans have lowered the bar for that debate so low, if she doesn't drool everywhere or shit herself on live TV, they'll think she won. The woman who doesn't know what the Bush Doctrine is, has lied (or the campaign has lied) 37 times since being named VP (Keith Olbermann just cut a check to the Alaska Special Olympics for $3700, one-hundred dollars for each lie so far), doesn't know what branch of the Federal government the Vice-Presidency is even in and thinks seeing Russia from an island in Alaska qualifies as foreign policy experience has the potential of looking not only woefully unprepared but downright out of place in a debate with the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. All Joe Biden needs to do is just address the moderator and treat it like he's doing a one-on-one interview. She'll end up hanging herself if she can figure out how to tie the knot in the noose.
  8. Do make-up and hair last. That way you don't have to worry about putting your dress on and messing up the face and the do. Having gone to enough formal functions in my lifetime, I've learned that the hard way.
  9. That guy was the brunt of a shit-load of Porky's jokes. I just know it.
  10. Electrophile, if you were born to Sarah Palin, your name would be: Package Wichita Palin
  11. Love, You Didn't Do Right By Me - Rosemary Clooney
  12. I'm still looking for a link to verify what I heard, but apparently John McCain has canceled Sarah's next 7 or 8 appearances. Can I ask why, if true, is she being hidden from the public? Have you ever seen this happen during any other election with any other candidate? I haven't and I've been following politics much longer than I've been eligible to vote. Same goes for my parents. This is baffling, truly. Is this a tacit admission by the McCain camp that this woman is in waaaaaay over her head and is just not able to do this job competently? She has a debate with Biden coming up on October 2nd; either they pulled her so she can mega-cram for it (or learn how to talk while wearing a wire) or something else is going on.
  13. I AM embarrassed, believe me. The problem is, too many people in this country are lazy and ill-educated and think the status quo is just fine for them as long as their pocketbooks aren't being affected. So they have either no impetus to vote for change or no impetus to vote at all. Damn near 60 million people voted for Georgie the Wonder Chimp four years ago, and fuck me if I can't figure out why. We have some of the lowest voter turnout in the Western World and the same people who don't get off their Laz-y Boys to vote are the same that bitch when their jobs are outsourced, they can't afford health care and their houses get foreclosed. Obama is the President we need. McCain is the President we deserve. We don't deserve someone who will change things, make people in the rest of the world see us as something more than incompetent buffoons and someone who will do his damndest to rescue our economy. Nope.....that's too good for us. Because we're Americans, damn it. We pride ourselves on saying we want something and then doing fuck all to get it. USA! USA! USA!
  14. Just to further clarify my statement, I don't believe that rural farmers are stupid. What I do think, is that if they had an option of listening to someone speak for about an hour about our economy and how they'd fix it and listening to someone say "Economy bad! Dems bad! Repubs good!" they'd go with the second option. And that's because about 1/3 of this country are fucking idiots. And here is part of the problem: If you make voting compulsory, it might induce more people to get off their asses and educate themselves about the issues before they vote. In the 1860 election, 81.8 percent of the electorate voted. We're lucky if we break 50% now, and today blacks and women can vote, as opposed to 1860. Also, we have a larger population and the voting age has been lowered. 1996 had the lowest voter turnout since 1924. It's friggin' pathetic.
  15. They are playing to the base. You think rural farmers in Appalachia want to hear someone that graduated magna cum laude from an Ivy League school talk at length about how fucked this country is and how they want to fix it? No, they want to hear trite soundbites that don't require them to think.
  16. I knew you'd come back. Can't stay away for too long, can you?
  17. This. Is. The. Best. One. Yet. Check this: http://thinkprogress.org/2008/09/19/palin-executive-branch/ Sarah doesn't know if the Vice President is part of the Executive branch or not. Now....she's not in Congress, so that nixes the Legislative branch. And she's not a judge, so there goes the Judicial branch. By process of elimination, what are we left with? And McCain thinks this woman is a competent choice for second-in-command.
  18. Don't forget, "under God" was put there by our Founding Fathers!
  19. Remember that story that came out, about how Barack Obama apparently tried to stall the Iraq withdrawl until after the elections? Yeah, it didn't happen. Funny how people are so quick to believe things that on their face, make no sense and would be political suicide if true.
  20. Found the question that went with this answer. She was basically asked how she would keep oil produced in the United States, in the United States. Again, this occurred at the pre-screened Town Hall, full of her supporters asking questions that were known in advance. And that was the answer. To a pre-screened question. What the HELL is she going to do during her debate with Biden if she's not wired up more than Bush was?
  21. I don't hate Sarah Palin. I hate what she stands for. There's a difference. You think dissidence = hate. Which would be wrong. Do some people hate McCain and show up to his rallies? I'm sure......it's a hostile political climate right now. Does that mean ALL Obama supporters who show up to protest hate McCain? No, it doesn't. People you pity, ideals you hate.
  22. War should always be the last resort. The country may have been built on blood, but that doesn't mean it should continue to exist on it either.
  23. Michael Savage is pure, unadulterated shit.
  24. I'm surprised McCain's convention bounce didn't last longer than it did. The way people were talking, you'd think he just announced his running mate was Zombie Reagan. BTW, I don't EVER want to hear another Republican talk about Obama having a "Cult of Personality" when they themselves revere Ronald Reagan to the point of creaming their jeans whenever he's mentioned. At the RNC whenever his picture came up, or he was discussed in any way, that giant moan you heard was tens of thousands of Republicans orgasming.
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