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Everything posted by Electrophile

  1. I'm aware of the quote. I have it printed on a t-shirt. However I'd rather stick behind science than anything else.
  2. No one knows when life begins and if they say they do for certain, they're wrong. In a battle between religion and science, I'd take science every day and twice on Sunday.
  3. What The World Needs Now (Is Love) - Jackie DeShannon
  4. Do You Know The Way To San Jose - Dionne Warwick
  5. http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2008/09/...alin/print.html Classy broad.
  6. Who threatened you? And why would they do it anyway?
  7. Wheat Thins. The Original kind, not the new-fangled flavored ones.
  8. Obama is leading by 3.4% in Virginia, a state that hasn't gone blue since 1964. Now that's interesting.
  9. The women or breasts? No, I understand what you mean. I think if men were as pro-active about breast cancer as most women are, maybe more women would get mammograms.
  10. Every single post on this page (save this one) is blocked. Interesting.
  11. Whenever I'm feeling down (which isn't that often, but it happens sometimes), I always listen to really super-poppy pop music. Shit that you can't help but listen to and smile or dance like an idiot and just generally be in a good mood. Never fails every time.
  12. At first I was like "what the hell......" and then I recognized the slogan. Breast cancer awareness should be something ALL women should arm themselves with.
  13. I share that belief. Obama/Clinton would have been TOO liberal I think, to pull in moderates, Independents, Libertarians, disaffected Republicans, etc,. That and what you see happening to Sarah Palin would be happening to Hillary x10. The amount of dirt the GOP has on Hillary Clinton would make Palin's adventures in the press seem tame in comparison.
  14. No, I haven't. I'll check that out. Thanks.
  15. http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/09/21/pal...xams/index.html It appears CNN is pushing the story about Palin forcing rape victims in Wasilla to pay for their own rape kits. I would like the MSM to pick this up, if only because it might start chipping away at that whole "women will vote for Sarah because she's just like them" facade the GOP has put up right now. No self-respecting woman will condone this garbage.
  16. So far, the two interviews that Palin has done have been with Charlie Gibson and Sean Hannity. Sean Hannity works for Fox News. Fox News is the propaganda department of the Republican Party. Anyone who thought that interview would be either "hard-hitting" or "in-depth" were on crack. Sarah Palin could have taken out a kitten and drowned it in the middle of the interview and all Hannity would have done was said was "So Sarah, why are you so awesome?". Get back to me when she sits down with Bob Schieffer and Tom Brokaw.
  17. This is from Nate Silver's site, http://www.fivethirtyeight.com . He uses a shit-ton of mathematical formulas, regression analysis and countless other tacks to come up with his numbers. And it's far from a left-leaning site; in fact I'd say it's more centrist to right-leaning. It also factors in things like weighted polls and margins of error, so it's far more accurate than many other sites out there. And on RCP, which takes the average of several different polls, including the notoriously right-leaning Rasmussen and Zogby, Obama is leading by 2.2%. Down only a slight .1% from earlier in the day.
  18. Yankees winning tonight. Sucks we're not making the playoffs, but them's the breaks. At least we closed out Yankee Stadium the way we opened it; with a win.
  19. BTW, babies are choices. You can choose to have them naturally, choose not to have them, choose to adopt, choose to use a surrogate, choose to use IVF......the list goes on. It's a clump of cells that has the potential to turn into a human being. Not all fertilized eggs become babies. Some are flushed out once a month, some are miscarried, some are aborted. You're not going to convince me that a bunch of rapidly mutating cells is a human being.
  20. The same people who whine about Obama being a "celebrity" and having a "Cult of Personality" are the same people who leave McCain/Palin events when she's finished speaking. Bet you didn't know that. When she's done.....so is half the crowd. What does that make her, if not a celebrity as well? What's worse, these are the same people that worship Ronald Reagan to the point of exulting him to God-like status. Yet we're the ones with the "celebrity" running for President. Right-o. Look, Mrs. Palin may be a very nice woman. Really, it's quite possible. Point is, I know people in the 6th grade who can tell you what branch of the government the VP is in. Or when the Pledge was amended to add "under God". Or worse, what a VP actually does. And none of those 6th graders are currently the GOP's nominee for vice-president. If Barack Obama said he didn't know what branch of the government the President was in, wouldn't that make you suspect of voting for him?
  21. Why do some of you insist on being bothered by this? Get over it.
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